Gooseberries: health benefits and harms. To whom and in what quantities can gooseberries be used, how is it used and applied


Gooseberries - a high-yielding culture, endowed with incomparable taste, and a lot of properties that bring a person both benefit and harm.

This perennial shrub of the genus Currant belongs to the gooseberry family. The taste of berries in this prickly garden shrub is sweet and sour, and therefore, even in antiquity, Europe produced gooseberries with excellent wine, called "emerald."

Today, around the world, there are about 1,500 thousand species of this plant. And any kind of this "northern grape", as it is sometimes called, is useful, saturated with vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements so useful to the human body.

Gooseberries: calories, as used

Gooseberries are consumed both in ripe form, collecting berries at the end of summer, and in unripe, greenish.

There are 43 calories per 100 grams of gooseberry berries and contains:

• Protein - 0.7 g.

• Fat - 0.2 gr.

• Carbohydrates - 12 gr.

Gooseberries, whose calorie content is low, is saturated with a whole complex of vitamins that are of great benefit to the human body.

Gooseberry fruits include:

- "AT 2"; "AT 9"; "IN 1"; "AT 6"; "BUT"; "PP"; "WITH"; "E".

Gooseberry, due to its low calorie content, is not only a necessary and tasty ingredient in any diet, but also an indispensable source of the following trace elements:

- iron, chromium, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine and manganese.

As well as macrocells important for humans:

- Sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Gooseberries also include sucrose, glucose, fructose. Acids of organic origin (malic, citric, tartaric), various nitrogenous compounds, tannins, tannins. Despite the low calorie content, the fruits of this shrub are rich in pectin, anthocyanins, which remove heavy metal salts and harmful substances from the human body.

Gooseberry Diet

Gooseberries, whose calorie content is low, is an indispensable component of diet food and a tool in the fight against extra pounds.

Gooseberries are saturated with fiber - dietary fibers that help to naturally cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The “Vitamin” gooseberry, introduced into the diet, helps to prevent physiological stress with insufficient intake of nutrients from food. And the taste characteristics of the fruits of this shrub make it possible to consume this berry in unlimited quantities, which helps during the diet to very successfully cope with stress.

Gooseberry fruits retain their beneficial qualities, both freshly picked and dried. From dried fruits make decoctions, infusions and stewed fruit tonic effect.

To make gooseberry infusion, you need to pour 200 grams of berries with 0.5 liter of boiling water and insist for a day. It is more advisable to consume such an infusion on an empty stomach or at bedtime, during the diet period or as a prophylaxis to cleanse and replenish the body with the necessary elements that increase its protective functions.

And since there are few calories in gooseberry fruits, these berries can be used for cooking and eating desserts, as a snack between meals.

Gooseberry: what are the benefits for the body

Gooseberries, whose benefits are due to the multifaceted qualities and properties of this berry are used:

• In inflammatory processes of the throat, upper respiratory tract, manifestations of any colds in humans. Gooseberries help restore the strength of a sick body, giving the person a certain immunity from such ailments for the future.

• To increase and normalize hemoglobin.

• In the form of fresh fruits - as a choleretic, laxative, diuretic.

• In the fight against kidney and liver diseases.

• As another component in the form of vitamin "E", preventing cancer, as well as early aging of cells.

• To normalize acidity, especially for those with low acidity.

• To improve the hormonal functioning of the body.

• As a vitamin complex, preventing heart attacks and stroke conditions in humans.

• To normalize blood sugar, strengthen immunity, as well as saturating a person with vitamins.

Gooseberry-berry benefits in cosmetology

Gooseberries, whose benefits are obvious, are used in cosmetology as a component for the manufacture of masks of various kinds.

For example, gooseberry berries (preferably immature) are used as a face whitening from freckles and pigmentation. To do this, it is recommended several times a day to wipe the face with the juice of green gooseberries.

You can also use grated berries of green gooseberries to nourish and moisturize the skin. The prepared gruel is applied in a small layer and left for half an hour until the gooseberry juice is completely absorbed into the skin. After which the remaining gruel is washed off with cool water.

Gooseberries are also effective in fighting blue circles under the eyes. Slightly thawed berries are placed under the eyes, then removed after a few minutes. And they are replaced by mugs of fresh cucumber soaked in milk in advance. This procedure is done several times, and as a result of the blue marks on the face there is no trace left.

Gooseberry leaves and their benefits

Gooseberry leaves can be prepared - tea tonic properties, tinctures, decoctions, used against the appearance of kidney stones, various negative neoplasms and even tuberculosis.

But here it is important to remember and know that the constant use and use of such infusions, decoctions and tea made from crushed leaves of gooseberries can lead to disruption of the digestive process and further illness in this area.

Therefore, people with digestive tract problems before using such infusions, you must first consult a doctor.

Gooseberries Against Anemia During Pregnancy

Pregnant women must include gooseberries in their diet, as it is an unrivaled assistant in the fight against anemia. The constant consumption of this berry reduces the risk of anemia and nourishes the female body with other useful substances, vitamins, which are so necessary for a pregnant woman and an unborn baby.

By consuming gooseberries, an expectant mother can get rid of many kidney diseases. Since during pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases.

This also applies to swelling of the legs during pregnancy, it is the gooseberry and its use in food that helps the expectant mother to remove all unnecessary fluid from her body.

Gooseberry: what is the harm to health?

Gooseberries can cause harm to health if its consumption occurs in unlimited quantities. As a result, hypervitaminosis may develop, and in this case it will not be possible without the help of doctors and specialists.

Also, gooseberries, the harm from which in this case is obvious, are not allowed for those who have an increased acidity in the body, as well as inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.

This product must be excluded from the diet for colitis, diarrhea of ​​various etiologies. And, of course, gooseberries can harm the human body due to allergic reactions to these fruits and individual intolerance when eating them.

Gooseberries for children: useful or harmful

Ripen gooseberries are very useful for the child's body, as these juicy and mouth-watering fruits are saturated with nutrients and a whole vitamin complex. Gooseberries can be consumed fresh, but only the berries should be ripe, and as jam, jam or compote.

If the child has metabolic disorders in the body or is overweight, then these berries simply need to be included in the baby’s diet. Well, in the presence of dyspepsia, enterocolitis or stomach diseases, you should completely abandon the consumption of gooseberries.

To strengthen their own health, with proper use and consumption of such an amazing berry as a gooseberry, you can forever forget about many diseases, get a fresh and rested look, for joy, to yourself and your loved ones.


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