What are my relatives dreaming about?


What are the relatives dreaming about - according to Miller’s dream book

To see relatives in a dream - to the news; to avoid meeting with them - to receive an inheritance. A dream in which you see many relatives at once portends you participating in family strife and a serious deterioration in relations within your family.

What are the relatives dreaming about - according to the modern French dream book

If you see a dream about your relatives - that means they want to meet with you. The death of one of the relatives dreams of family contention. If you dream that strangers turn to you as a relative, then you will meet a person with whom you have a good friendship. If an unmarried young man sees such a dream, it means that he will soon meet his future wife.

What are the relatives dreaming about - according to the wanderer’s dream book

Relatives dream of quarrels and lack of understanding. Another meaning of sleep, the opposite - to support native people. The interpretation of sleep depends on the accompanying images that the dreamer observed. Distant relatives dream of oblivion and indifference. They can express the feelings that a relative who appeared in a dream causes you.

What are my relatives dreaming about - in the English dream book

Avoid meeting with relatives in a dream - to receive an inheritance. Hugging with relatives in a dream - to quarrels and poor health. Grieving in a dream about the loss of relatives means in real life doing something that will bring joy and pleasure to your loved ones. Visiting a sick relative in a dream is a serious expense.

What are the relatives dreaming about - according to Loff's dream book

Relatives are an important part of our lives, so the dreams in which they appear are of great importance. As a rule, dreams about relatives reflect the desire of the sleeper to understand his relationship with family people. When interpreting such dreams, it is important to consider whether the living or deceased relatives dream, since the dead relatives who come in a dream speak of unclear relationships with them or remind of the ritual aspects of the relationship. Dreams about relatives that are repeated may have prophetic meaning. For example, if someone from your family is sick, then such dreams can prophesy their death.

What are my relatives dreaming about - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Relatives in a dream are the personification of remoteness of events.

What are the relatives dreaming about - according to Hasse’s dream book

Seeing relatives in a dream is an unpleasant incident. Dreamed sick relatives - so you will witness an extraordinary incident; dying to inheritance; dead - to fortunate circumstances. Talking with relatives in a dream is good luck in business; lose relatives - to receive unexpected help. To see smart relatives in a dream - to wealth; to visit relatives - to spend.

What are my relatives dreaming about - according to Ukrainian dream book

Seeing in a dream that relatives are sick - to troubles or a significant family event.

What relatives dream about - according to the modern dream book

If in a dream you see relatives gathered at the table, this means that in reality you will receive pleasant news from a distant relative (about the birth of a child, wedding, etc.). If one of your relatives is sick, then such a dream promises him deliverance from the disease.

A quarrel between relatives in a dream speaks of the torment of conscience that you experience because you once let down your relatives. This dream can also warn you of an imminent meeting that will change the course of your life. If in a dream you see your relatives who are seated at a table by seniority, this means that you pay little attention to your children.

If in a dream you received a large sum of money from your relatives, it means that you are dissatisfied with your life and therefore began to neglect your domestic duties. Such a dream is a warning about the need to reverse the current situation so that it does not lead to unpleasant events. If you dreamed of a fight between relatives, then you need to prepare for unrest.


Ivan 12/28/2016
I have the same dream! my mother (she died rather killed 15 years ago) she tells me in a dream "change this path. choose another one. " what is it for?


Watch the video: What does dead family members and relatives dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (July 2024).