Feel the positive of the day - a milkshake with strawberries! Milkshake recipes with strawberries and chocolate, banana, raspberries


Milkshakes are one of the most modern and delicious ways to freshen up.

Vanilla, tropical, with and without ice, alcoholic ...

Cocktails cheer us up, charge us with a positive and give a burst of energy.

The recipes for making a milkshake are countless. Especially loved by children and adults, a milkshake with strawberries. Strawberry, perhaps, is the berry that sings faster than everyone else in our personal plots. Therefore, you can enjoy milkshakes with strawberries in mid-June, provided that the weather is ripe for berries to ripen.

In addition to its incomparable taste, a milkshake with strawberries also has many useful properties. It is a source of vitamins and minerals, in addition, strawberries have a diuretic, diaphoretic property, and have a good and beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. Even a child knows about the benefits of milk. If you want to combine business with pleasure, and besides, surprisingly tasty, try the most proven and easy recipes for a milkshake with strawberries.

The basic principles of preparing a milkshake with strawberries

For the preparation of a milkshake, use fresh strawberries if possible, as thawed loses some of its beneficial properties, and its taste is slightly different.

Be sure to rinse and dry the strawberries before cooking, and then remove the tails and stalks.

If you follow the figure, then use 2.5% milk for a cocktail. But a tastier and richer cocktail with added milk of higher fat content.

For a milkshake with strawberries, it is best to use granulated sugar rather than icing. Although some housewives prefer to specify powdered sugar in their recipes.

When preparing a milkshake, you should definitely have a blender at hand. Neither the mixer nor the whisk will work.

Make sure you have all the necessary products in advance. For example, ice cream in the freezer.

A milkshake with strawberries will become even tastier if you add a banana, apple, currant, cherry or other berries to it. Such mixes will give the cocktail a unique taste and color.

Make as much cocktail as you can drink at a time. Since milk is a perishable product, a milkshake with strawberries is not a drink that is prepared for the future. If you cook it for several people, then use the products in proportion to the planned number of servings.

Milkshake with strawberries and banana: a mix of summer and the tropics

This cocktail recipe is quite simple and quick. It can be whipped up for breakfast by children, and it will not be out of place to treat yourself. It differs from others only in the presence of berry syrup, and even then, it can be replaced with sugar.


a glass of milk

ice cream "cup"

1 banana

a small plate of strawberries

berry syrup or sugar


The first thing to do is peel a banana. Cut it into small half rings and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Wash strawberries, dry, cut into halves.

Put a slightly frozen banana and strawberries in a blender.

Add a glass of ice cream there, a serving of ordinary ice cream will do.

Pour all the milk and add the syrup.

Grind all this mass with a blender, pour the cocktail into glasses and decorate each with a leaf of mint.

Strawberry milkshake with a touch of honey

Honey and vanilla will give the cocktail an exquisite taste, their quantity in one portion is insignificant, but it is felt sharply in the total mass of the drink. All ingredients have useful properties, and therefore you can safely attribute this type of cocktail to a nutritious product.


a glass of milk

1 banana

5 medium strawberries

a spoon of vanilla-flavored yogurt

half a spoon of honey


Rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the green ponytails. Put in a blender.

Add peeled and chopped banana.

Pour vanilla-flavored milk and yogurt into a blender.

Last add honey, not more than a teaspoon.

Mix everything well. Pour into glasses.

Raspberry-strawberry mix: milkshake with juicy berries

This recipe is especially appreciated by those who love everything berry. Thanks to the addition of raspberries, a milkshake with strawberries acquires a more delicate color and a more juicy taste. But don't go too far with the berry!


a glass of milk

a small cup of strawberries

a small cup of raspberries

a couple of spoons of sugar


Rinse the strawberries, dry them on paper towels, remove the ponytails.

Raspberries also get rid of the stalks.

Pour the finished berries into a blender. Pour in milk and add sugar.

Mix everything well, pour into glasses and add the overthrow leaf of lemon balm.

Milkshake with strawberries and chocolate: a refreshing passion

Most people associate the combination of strawberries and chocolate with sexuality and passion, which is why you can surely make this type of cocktail for your soulmate. Do not hesitate, she will appreciate it!


a glass of milk

a small cup of fresh strawberries

ice cream "cup"

half a bar of dark chocolate


Grate dark chocolate on a medium-sized grater.

Glass - remove the ice cream from the waffle, put in a blender.

Rinse and dry the strawberries.

Put strawberries and lightly grated chocolate to the ice cream in a blender.

Pour in milk and beat well. Pour the cocktail into glasses, garnish with halves of ripe strawberries and a small amount of cocoa powder.

Strawberry milkshake: vanilla kingdom and berry galore

Vanilla is added to many drinks and pastries. She gives a touch of sugaryness to a milkshake, but this does not make it any less tasty, on the contrary, it acquires a sweetish aroma and unforgettable taste.


a glass of milk

a small cup of medium strawberries

2 servings of vanilla flavored “cup” ice cream

1 sachet of vanillin


Rinse and dry the strawberries, cut into halves.

To get ice cream from waffle cups. Put in a blender, pour a bag of vanillin to it.

Add chopped strawberries and milk.

Mix thoroughly and pour into glasses.

The easiest and fastest recipe for a milkshake with strawberries

For this recipe, we need a minimum of products, a minimum of time and effort. Probably the most difficult thing is to break away from the cocktail.


one and a half glasses of milk, preferably fatter

a small cup of strawberries

2 tablespoons of sugar

2 servings of cup ice cream


Rinse and dry strawberries, remove ponytails and "marriage". Cut into halves and put in a blender.

Pull the ice cream out of the waffle, add to the strawberries.

Beat a little with a blender. Add sugar to the mixture, add milk to everything. Mix well and pour into glasses.

Grind wafer cups to a crumb state. She can decorate a milkshake.

Milkshake with strawberries and cherry juice

This cocktail will enjoy its simplicity and affordability. Cherry juice is best taken concentrated, so the taste of the cocktail will become more saturated.


a small cup of medium strawberries

half a glass of milk

half a glass of cherry juice

glass of ice cream


Rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the green ponytails and stalks.

Pour the melted ice cream and cherry juice into a blender, mix.

Add milk and strawberries, chop the mass well.

Pour into glasses and garnish with a mint leaf.

Cocoa Strawberry: Next Generation Milkshake

Your kids will especially appreciate the cocktail with strawberries and cocoa, it can be served for breakfast, or you can offer the kids before bedtime. The benefits are undeniable, the taste is excellent, the children are satisfied and well-fed.


a glass of milk

half a glass of cocoa

a small cup of strawberries

glass of ice cream

2 tablespoons of sugar


Rinse and dry the strawberries. Put it in a blender.

Add milk and sugar there, mix well.

Pour cocoa gently into the mass, mix with a spoon first. Add ice cream and beat everything with a blender. Pour into glasses and insert multi-colored tubes.

Milkshake with strawberries and currant jam

Currant jam has an amazing taste and color, which in combination with strawberries and dairy products will give just a flavoring firework.


a glass of milk

half a glass of currant jam

waffle cup ice cream

a small cup of strawberries


At the bottom of the blender, lay the washed and dried strawberries and ice cream, mix.

Gradually pour the jam mixed with milk.

Mix thoroughly and pour into glasses.

Strawberry in our opinion: milkshake with orange, banana and kiwi

Tropical fruits in combination with strawberries give the milkshake a bright taste and a delicious aroma. The cocktail turns out to be a bit costly, as it is necessary to purchase fruits in addition to the main ingredients, but it's worth it.


1 orange

2 kiwi

a small cup of strawberries

a glass of milk

cup of ice cream

2 tablespoons of sugar


Peel the orange, divide it into slices, put in a blender.

Add to it peeled kiwi peeled off, shred.

Rinse and dry the strawberries, put in a blender to a mass of orange and kiwi.

Add a cup of ice cream.

Pour in milk and cover with sugar.

Stir thoroughly until airy foam.

Pour into glasses and decorate in accordance with your imagination.

Tricks and secrets of making a milkshake with strawberries

  • Strawberries are best dried on paper towels, then excess moisture is absorbed into the paper, and the latter, in turn, does not stick to the berry.
  • Keep the temperature of the milk. Do not use either hot or cold. Milk should be a little warm.
  • For a milkshake, it is best to use a regular ice cream in a waffle cup. Both cheap and taste perfect.
  • When adding syrups, juices, additives, make sure that they are natural, otherwise the cocktail will not work out airy.
  • Grind the berries first, and then add the rest of the ingredients to them.
  • The composition of a milkshake should include no more than five ingredients, otherwise a mishmash of products will kill the whole taste.
  • If you are a lover of a cold cocktail, you can add ice to the glass, but you need to lay it out to the very bottom.
  • Ice cream is added to the blender after syrup and milk are poured there.
  • If you use sweet syrup, you do not need to add sugar to the cocktail.
  • Juices, alcohol must be poured in a thin stream into a whipped cocktail.
  • Before serving, it is best to decorate the finished cocktail with either a mint leaf or grated chocolate.


Watch the video: Strawberry Milkshake Smoothie - Protein Treats by Nutracelle (July 2024).