Strawberries in their own juice for the winter: how to preserve the aroma and taste of the berry. Preserves of strawberries in their own juice for the winter


The strawberry season is very short, and I want to keep this tasty and fragrant berry as much as possible for the winter. Strawberries are moody enough, and you need to try very hard to pamper yourself with a delicious berry in winter. You can, of course, freeze the berry, but, alas, it loses its appearance after thawing. Such a berry can only be used for preparing toppings for pies or boiling compote and jelly.

Strawberries in their own juice for the winter - the basic principles of preparation

Strawberries can be prepared for the winter in many ways. Compotes, jams and jams are made from it. But at the same time, the berry wrinkles, and the preparation itself requires a large amount of sugar.

The most successful way is to prepare strawberries in your own juice. Yes, this method requires more time and effort, but the result is worth it.

To harvest strawberries in their own juice for the winter they use half-liter jars, since sterilization in them requires a little time, which means that the berries will retain more benefits and taste. Cans are washed with soda and rinsed thoroughly. Then they are sterilized over hot steam or in the oven and dried. Lids are also sterilized.

Strawberries are sorted, damaged and rotten are removed, and then thoroughly washed. Then the berries are laid out on a towel and slightly dried.

Strawberries are transferred to an enameled basin and covered with sugar, the amount of which is indicated in the recipe, and left overnight for the berry to separate juice.

Then the strawberries are laid out in sterile jars and sterilized in a wide pan, laying a towel on the bottom or laying a wire rack.

Recipe 1. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter (1 way)


five kilograms of strawberries;

1000 g of sugar.

Cooking method

1. We pick strawberries, leave only whole, without signs of damage and decay. Remove the stalks and rinse.

2. Jars, a volume of half a liter of mine with soda, and thoroughly rinse them. Then sterilize them over steam or in the oven.

3. We lay the berries in clean, dry cans, stuffing them to the top. You should get about 15 jars. Pour 100 g of granulated sugar into each and send it overnight in the refrigerator so that the berry begins to dispense juice.

4. Strawberries let juice and settle. Now we distribute the strawberries with juice from one jar into the other two, filling them to the "shoulders", and cover with a lid. We do the same with the rest of the banks.

5. We put the cans in a wide pan and fill it with warm water so that its level reaches the "shoulders" of the cans. We put the pan on a strong fire and bring the water to a boil. We sterilize the jars for about five minutes. Then we take out the cans, quickly cork tightly with lids. If sugar crystals remain at the bottom, gently turn the jar until they dissolve. We store the workpiece in the basement.

Recipe 2. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter (2 way)


three quarters of a glass of sugar;

300 g of strawberries.

Cooking method

1. Thoroughly sort through strawberries, remove mashed and spoiled berries. Separate the stalks. Pour cold water over the strawberries and leave for five minutes. Then remove the strawberries from the water and transfer it to a colander.

2. Prepare lids and cans. Wash cans with soda. Boil the lids for three minutes. Rinse the jars and sterilize them for a couple or in the oven for five minutes. Dry sterile jars. Pour sugar into each two tablespoons.

3. Put a layer of strawberries on top of sugar, cover the berries with sugar (in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons). Fill the jars to the top with strawberries, sprinkle them with sugar. Then gently shake the jar so that all the voids fill up and cover with the remaining sugar.

4. Cover the jar with gauze or a bandage folded in three layers, and leave them alone for three hours. The berries will give juice, the sugar will dissolve slightly, and the contents of the jar will slightly settle.

5. Cover the jars with lids and place in a wide pan with warm water, after covering the bottom with a towel folded three times, so that the jars are.

6. Bring the water in a saucepan over low heat to a boil and sterilize the jars for half an hour. Take care not to allow boiling water. Sterilized jars hermetically sealed, turn the lid down and cool without wrapping. Store strawberries in their own juice in a basement or other cool place.

Recipe 3. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter with lemon


700 g of strawberries;

half a lemon;

200 g of sugar;

100 ml of boiled water.

Cooking method

1. Strawberries should be juicy and large. Sort the berries, remove the damaged ones and peel them from the tails and leaves. Wash the strawberries, put in a colander and leave to get rid of excess moisture. Then lay the berries on a towel and dry.

2. Cut the berries in half and put in one layer in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. In this way, lay out the whole strawberry, sprinkling it with sugar. To do this, use half the norm of sugar. Then tighten the bowl with berries with cling film and place in a sunny place. After an hour and a half, strawberries will secrete juice.

3. Pour the strawberries with the excreted juice into the pan and pour in the water. This is done so that the syrup is the "right" consistency, because we cook strawberries in our own juice, not jam.

4. Pour in the remaining sugar. Cut the half of the lemon into cubes and add to the strawberries.

5. Put the pot on the fire and cook for a quarter of an hour. Strawberry mass should not boil intensively! Take out the lemon slices and throw them away. Lemon should give the berries a light citrus flavor.

6. Pour the contents of the pan into a sterile jar and tightly close the lid. Cool the strawberries in their own juice under a thick towel or rug. Store the blank in the basement or any other cool place.

Recipe 4. Strawberries in their own juice with citric acid


strawberries - 1000 g;

citric acid - 3 g;

granulated sugar - 350 g.

Cooking method

1. Strawberries for this recipe do not take too large. Sort and remove the rotten and damaged berries, preferably recently picked from the garden. Thoroughly sing strawberries, put in a sieve and let the water drain. Then lay the berries on a napkin so that they dry slightly. Transfer the prepared strawberries to an enameled basin, pouring it with granulated sugar. Leave the berries overnight.

2. Pour the highlighted strawberry juice into a separate pot and put it on fire. Bring the juice almost to a boil, adding citric acid to it.

3. Wash half-liter cans with baking soda, rinse them well and sterilize them over steam or in the oven. Wipe the cans thoroughly. Boil the covers for five minutes. Arrange the berries in jars, and fill the strawberries with hot juice so that its level does not reach two centimeters to the neck.

4. Cover the bottom of the wide pan with a towel or install a special wire rack. Pour water into it and put on fire. Boil water, place cans of strawberries in it and sterilize it from boiling for about ten minutes. Tightly roll the cans with lids and cool without turning. Store strawberries in their own juice in a cellar or other cool place.

Recipe 5. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter in syrup


sugar - 700 g;

Strawberry - 1000 g.

Cooking method

1. We pick strawberries, remove damaged and rotten fruits. We clean the berries from the tails and leaves. Rinse the strawberries thoroughly, put them in a sieve and wait for all the water to drain. Then dry the berries on a towel.

2. We shift strawberries into an enameled basin and sprinkle it with sugar. We leave it in a cool place at night so that it starts up the juice.

3. Filter the juice in a stewpan. We put the stewpan on the fire and bring to a boil. We spread strawberries in a single layer on a sieve and carefully immerse in boiling syrup. Blanch the berries for about 20 seconds. We shift the blanched strawberries into dry, sterile jars, filling them by a third. We put all the strawberries in this way.

4. Pour the remaining sugar into the syrup, bring, stirring constantly, to a boil and pour the berries in the jars with the obtained syrup. Cover with lids.

5. Cover the bottom of the wide pan with a triple folded napkin, put jars of strawberries in it and pour water on the shoulders. We put on fire and sterilize from the moment of boiling, ten minutes. Seal jars tightly and cool without wrapping.

Strawberries in their own juice for the winter - tips and tricks

  • For canning in this way, use medium-sized berries of the same size. So they will evenly warm up.
  • Try to use only fresh berries that were picked on the same day.
  • Strawberries in their own juice can be used to make dumplings, pies or pies, and the syrup will make a fragrant and tasty fruit drink.


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