Allocations after childbirth: prolonged and abundant lochia - is this the norm? Find out which discharge after birth is considered abnormal


The natural termination of pregnancy is childbirth.

Regardless of which way they went - natural or through a cesarean section - from the woman’s vagina, spotting appears almost immediately after delivery.

According to their consistency, smell, color, intensity, doctors determine whether the process of recovery of a young mother after delivery is normal.

Discharge after childbirth: is this the norm? Cause and physiology of the process

The allocation of bloody fluid from the vagina (lochia) after childbirth is a completely normal process, due to physiology. The reason for this is the rejection of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) after separation of the membranes and the exit of the fetus with the placenta. In other words, the uterus from the inside during this period is almost completely represented by the wound surface, which bleeds. Naturally, this blood should go outside, this happens through the genitals of a woman. It should be noted that lochia is only 80% blood, and the remaining 20% ​​is the secret of the uterine glands. The latter intensify their work in connection with the need to restore the mucous membranes of the vagina and the uterus itself.

The process of isolating lochia is the most intensive in the first hours after the end of childbirth, because during this period the walls of the uterus are especially actively reduced, thereby “pushing” the blood out. The physiology of this stage of a woman’s recovery is controlled by hormones, namely oxytocin and prolactin. These substances are produced by the hypothalamus, they stimulate the contraction of the smooth muscles of the walls of the uterus, as well as the production of milk by the woman’s mammary glands. A strong release of these compounds into the blood occurs during the sucking of the baby’s breast, so experts strongly recommend applying the baby immediately immediately after it is born.

Normal discharge after childbirth: basic criteria

In the first days after the end of pregnancy, the abundance of discharge can be quite high (as on the first or second day of menstruation). Their volume per day can be up to 400 ml (or 500 g). At this time, the woman will have to change about 5 special postpartum pads or regular pads with high ability to absorb fluid per day.

As for the consistency of Loch, it can be different. Normal are considered as watery discharge, and with an admixture of clots or mucus. Another criterion for evaluating normal secretions is their color. Normally, it should be bright red, scarlet in the early days, and gradually "darken" after one to two weeks (this is a mandatory sign that everything is fine with the woman’s body). After a while, the lochia brightens and becomes mucous. And, finally, about the smell: discharge after childbirth normally has a sweetish or ripe smell, without putrefactive or any other unpleasant impurities.

Postpartum discharge: normal duration of uterine cleansing

Normally, the allocation of lochia in a woman after the birth of the baby lasts up to two months, or rather - about 8 weeks. It is at the end of this period that they should become mucous, and the uterus is completely cleansed of the endometrium that functioned during pregnancy. Isolation of lochia for more than 8 weeks serves as a reason for contacting a gynecologist, undergoing an ultrasound examination of the uterus and other necessary diagnostic methods.

After this period, women who for one reason or another did not breast-feed a baby may begin a new menstrual cycle. In the case of prolonged lactation, the monthly (or rather the maturation of the egg) is suppressed by the hormone prolactin, although this is not necessary. Even with active lactation, menstruation can begin already after a month or several months. If menstruation is absent for a long time in connection with breastfeeding, we are talking about lactational (physiological) amenorrhea.

Pathological discharge after childbirth: how to recognize them

For several reasons, postpartum recovery does not always go smoothly and smoothly. During this period, complications may develop, which can be evidenced by a change in the nature (color, smell, etc.) of the lochia. If the discharge has become some kind of "different", a woman must definitely consult a gynecologist in order to recognize a possible pathology as soon as possible. Lochia of scarlet or yellow-green color, with a pronounced unpleasant odor, or a sharp cessation of secretions, especially a couple of days or a week after she became a mother, should alert a young mother. Further details about the causes of pathological discharge.

Lack of discharge after childbirth (lochiometer)

As it has already become clear, discharge after childbirth is the norm, and they should be present in any case. Therefore, a signal for concern may be a sharp cessation of postpartum menstruation (lohiometer) before the end of the recovery period (the endometrium is not able to return to normal faster than 40 days!). Most often, this pathology is diagnosed 7-9 days after birth. The cause of this condition is most often a cervical spasm of the uterus, due to which the cervical canal becomes "impassable", which causes the secretions to remain in the uterine cavity. This can trigger the onset of the inflammatory process and the onset of infection. Another reason for the absence of lochia can be too large clots of the endometrium "stuck" in the cervical canal (mechanical blockage), as well as the lack of normal contractile activity of the uterine muscles.

In any case, in case of premature termination of discharge after childbirth, normally a woman should seek medical help in order to avoid the development of complications.

Postpartum hemorrhage

A complication in the form of uterine bleeding (not to be confused with normal discharge after childbirth) can develop both immediately after the birth of the baby, and after a few days or even weeks. This pathology is indicated by vaginal discharge in the form of bright scarlet blood, quite intense. If the discharge has already turned brown or yellow, and again changed their color to scarlet, then the woman is faced with bleeding. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

• It is necessary to empty the bladder and intestines in time, as these organs in an overflowed state do not allow the uterus to contract normally;

• It is recommended to breast-feed a baby, since oxytocin is released during this process, which contributes to contractile activity of the uterus muscles;

• The first 7-10 days you need to be less on your feet, lie more, and generally give up any physical exertion;

• Apply an ice warmer to the lower abdomen.

Change in the smell and color of postpartum secretions

The normal smell and color of the goose is described above. But what does the change in these “parameters” mean?

• The appearance of poisonous yellow or yellow-green discharge, most likely, indicates a bacterial infection in the genital tract of a woman. Most often, staphylococci, streptococci, provoking pathologies such as endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), parametritis (inflammation of the peritoneal tissues), etc. degrees. In addition, suckers in this case acquire an unpleasant odor (rotten fish, rot or pus);

• White discharge, curdled consistency. Such lochia indicate a fungal infection, namely, thrush. Pathology is also accompanied by an unpleasant sour smell from secretions, itching and redness of the external genital organs. Thrush is often taken aback by women after childbirth, since during this period the body is weakened, and the immune system does not work at full capacity;

• The change in the smell of the discharge of the bases of the color change should also alert the woman.

Break in discharge after childbirth: norm or pathology?

It happens that the postpartum menstruation ends, and the woman exhales with relief, and after a couple of days the lochia reappears. Is this normal? The answer to this question is yes and there are two possible reasons:

1. Fast recovery of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the menstrual blood will have a red or scarlet color. And, of course, this can happen no earlier than six weeks after giving birth.

2. If the lochia stopped and then resumed again, this may indicate stagnation of clots in the uterus. If, in addition to this, the woman is not bothered by anything (body temperature is not elevated, there are no pains), then the process of recovery is normal.

Postpartum Hygiene

1. It is necessary to carry out water procedures using baby soap at least twice a day or at the next change in sanitary napkins, as well as after bowel movement. In this case, the woman is not recommended to take a bath, hygienic water procedures are carried out in the shower or with the help of trouble;

2. Hygiene products are selected in accordance with the abundance of lochia. In the maternity hospital, you can use special postpartum pads, and when you return home, you can use the usual “menstrual” pads with the greatest absorbency (night ones will do). These hygiene products need to be changed as they are filled, but not less than once every 6 hours;

3. It is strictly forbidden to use sanitary tampons after childbirth;

4. If necessary (as prescribed by the doctor), treat the external joints with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc.).
