How to cook and what to serve with thick pancakes on kefir? What to cook baked with fat pancakes on yogurt


Thick pancakes on kefir are as tasty as their "transparent" relatives.

Many housewives prefer it is full-weight pancakes, saving time on their baking.

Another great advantage is the ability to cook “with bake”.

In other words, you get pancakes with various additives - from sweet to meat.

Do not confuse the recipes for thick pancakes with kefir and pancakes. Pancakes are still thinner, larger and slightly less lush.

Thick kefir pancakes - general principles of cooking

• In order for thick pancakes to come out lush, with a loose, nosmous structure, to well absorb jam, sauces, sour cream or condensed milk - pancake dough is prepared on kefir.

• Sour-milk product must be warm. Therefore, it is slightly warmed up or laid out in advance from the refrigerator. The freshness of the product is not important, and even vice versa. If kefir is already several days old, then it reacts better with soda.

• The dough is prepared not only from different types of flour - buckwheat or wheat. It can also be made from a mixture of semolina with oatmeal.

• Kefir pancake dough necessarily includes salt, granulated sugar, eggs, baking soda, melted butter, or vegetable oil. Sometimes soda is replaced with yeast.

• In addition to the main components, you can put bananas or pumpkin puree in it.

• Thick kefir pancakes are baked in a well-heated pan. It must be thick-walled or teflon.

• For the first baking, the pan must be moisturized well with lean oil. Further, this will not be required. If the pan is sufficiently heated, then the pancakes will not burn, thanks to the oil contained in the dough.

• Thick pancakes with kefir can be cooked with a filling by rolling up a roll. They are also cooked with seasoning. It is added during frying or mixed with the dough.

Manno-oat thick pancakes with kefir


• flakes "Hercules" - 200 gr.;

• half a liter of fatty (3-5%) kefir;

• table. a spoonful of light liquid honey;

• three fresh eggs;

• semolina dry, fresh - 200 gr.;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a small pinch of salt;

• soda;

• high-quality vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Combine semolina with oatmeal. Pour the mixture with kefir, mix well and leave to insist. After an hour and a half, stirring, pour a little (up to half a teaspoon) of soda and leave for another half hour.

2. Beat and inject eggs with sugar and liquid honey. Salt, pour, stirring, four tablespoons of oil.

3. Bake pancakes in warmed vegetable oil.

4. Serve hot, with yogurt, sour cream or jam.

Thick kefir pancakes - Tropicano (with banana sauce)


• ripe bananas, soft - 3 pcs.;

• acidic, half percent kefir;

• three fresh eggs;

• icing sugar;

• wheat pancake flour;

• about a third of tsp. soda;

• lemon juice.

In the sauce:

• one banana;

• half a lemon;

• fat sour cream - 100 gr.;

• a tablespoon of light honey.

Cooking method:

1. Quench soda with lemon juice and add to warm kefir. Stir well and set aside for ten minutes. During this time, soda is activated, and the mass will start to foam slightly.

2. Cut the bananas into rings and mash with a fork. Pour in kefir, enter eggs beaten with icing sugar, stirring continuously, add a little salt.

3. After that, start adding flour. Pour into small parts, constantly stirring with a mixer. Get thick, a little thinner than homemade sour cream.

4. Give the finished test 20 minutes to “rest” and only after that bake thick pancakes from it.

5. After baking, prepare a sweet sauce. For him, mix sour cream with a grated banana and beat well with a mixer. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the sauce, add honey and mix thoroughly.

6. Serve the sauce separately.

Yeast thick pancakes on kefir with cherry caramel


• two eggs;

• 150 gr. white flour;

• a full spoon of sugar;

• a glass of low-fat kefir (not more than 1%);

• granular, “instant” yeast - 1 tea. a spoon;

• three table. tablespoons of non-aromatic sunflower oil.

For cherry caramel:

• 150 gr. pitted cherries (fresh or frozen);

• 3 table. tablespoons of sugar;

• 10 gr. unsalted natural butter;

• juice 1/8 lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Mix three tablespoons of flour with granulated sugar, yeast and a small pinch of salt. Pour the mixture with slightly warmed kefir and beat in a whisk. Cover the container with a cloth and for 40 minutes. put in a warm place.

2. Introduce the slightly loosened eggs, stirring, gradually pour the rest of the flour.

3. Without interrupting stirring, pour in half a glass of slightly cooled boiling water and leave it warm for another 20 minutes.

4. When suitable, add sunflower oil and bake thick pancakes in a pan.

5. Melt the butter in a saucepan, with a minimum of heating and put sugar in it. When it is completely melted, add a half stream of water in a thin stream and keep on fire, waiting for the evaporation of moisture. Then put the cherries in the pan, sprinkle them with lemon juice and continue to simmer for another two minutes.

6. Serve pancakes with cherry caramel.

Buckwheat thick pancakes with kefir


• buckwheat flour - 80 gr.;

• 70 gr. wheat pancake flour;

• fresh eggs - 2 pcs.;

• any good growth. oil - 50 ml .;

• soda.

Cooking method:

1. Sow buckwheat and pancake flour through a rare sieve, add about half a tsp. soda.

2. Pour half of slightly warmed kefir into a separate bowl. Beat the eggs, put sugar and salt, whisk everything with a whisk.

3. Continuing to stir, enter the whole flour mixture, adding it to a tablespoon.

4. Combine the remaining kefir with sunflower oil. Pour the mixture into the dough and, stirring well, let stand for up to a quarter of an hour.

5. Bake buckwheat pancakes in a calcined pan, abundantly moistened with vegetable fat. Turn over carefully, as they may break due to insufficient gluten content.

6. Serve warm, with honey or jam.

Pumpkin thick pancakes on kefir with curd filling


• mashed pumpkin (you can have thick juice) - 1 cup;

• three eggs;

• six spoons of pancake flour;

• 2 tablespoons of oil (lean);

• a glass of medium-fat kefir;

• 0.25 tsp cultivator.

To the filling:

• 200 gr. low-calorie cottage cheese;

• small shavings of coconut pulp - 2 tbsp. l .;

• one and a half tablespoons of sugar;

• a spoon of 20% sour cream;

• vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Combine with pumpkin puree, eggs beaten with sugar. Pour in a little kefir.

2. In a separate deep bowl, transfer all the flour and mix it with a cultivator.

3. Then enter the cooked pumpkin mixture and mix well. To ensure that all the flour lumps are well dispersed, mix with a whisk, slightly whipping the dough.

4. Pour in oil at the end and set aside for 20 minutes.

5. Warm the pan on medium heat, moisten it with oil and fry the pancakes.

6. Through the sieve, grind the cottage cheese and mix it with coconut, add sour cream. While stirring with a fork, pour sugar in turn and followed by vanillin.

7. For each pancake, put one and a half teaspoons of the filling. Spread it evenly over the whole pancake and wrap it with a roll.

8. Serve with sour cream or melted honey.

Thick pancakes with kefir - "Solar", with cinnamon and apple casserole


• half a liter of acidic, low-fat kefir;

• pancake flour - 2.5 glasses .;

• two raw eggs;

• 3 full tablespoons of sugar (refined);

• 1 tsp cinnamon powder and as much soda;

• table vinegar, 9%;

• juice squeezed from a quarter of a lemon;

• a small pinch of salt;

• sour apples.

Cooking method:

1. Lightly heated kefir mix with sugar and salt. Break two eggs here and blot well with a whisk. If the apples are sweet, reduce the amount of sugar added.

2. Add cinnamon to the flour and transfer the mixture with a sieve to a separate bowl. Pour in half the kefir mixture and mix well, breaking the whisk into the lumps of flour. When the dough becomes homogeneous, pour in, stirring, the remaining kefir, add vegetable oil.

3. Pancake dough should be a little thick, a little thinner than for fritters. If you take it into a ladle and start pouring, it should drain in a tight stream.

4. Pour baking soda into a glass and fill it with a tablespoon of vinegar. When the mass ceases to foam and hiss, pour it into a bowl of dough and mix well. Cover and leave for a while (approximately 15 minutes). Cut peeled and thin apples into thin, transparent slices.

5. A frying pan with a non-stick coating, or simply thick-walled, heat well over high heat. Then grease the first pancake with sunflower oil and reduce the heat.

6. Pour pancake dough onto the center of the pan with a small ladle and immediately place the apple slices on it. Do not pour pancakes with a baking pan of too large a diameter, and do not put a lot of apples. So it will be almost impossible to turn the pancake over without breaking it. Put five plates on one pancake, closer to the center in the form of a flower.

7. When the top of the pancake is well compacted and the bottom is brown, turn it over and bake the other side.

8. Put the finished pancakes on a flat plate, and keep them under the towel all the time.

9. Serve with powdered sugar. Separately, choose sour cream, condensed milk, berry jam or honey.

Thick pancakes with kefir and seasoning, "in Greek"


• wheat pancake flour - 400 grams;

• a spoonful of pure olive oil;

• soda;

• half a liter of high fat (3-5%) kefir;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• two eggs.

For baking:

• onion head;

• boiled sausage (without fat) - 80 gr.;

• 5-6 stalks of green onions;

• one boiled potato;

• boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 60 grams of "Edam" cheese;

• white cabbage (except young) - 100 gr.;

• two tables. spoons of thin sour cream;

• 10 gr. (1 tsp) thick tomato;

• 1 bouillon cube (chicken).


• 50 ml of 72% mayonnaise;

• two tablespoons of sour cream;

• tomato - 20 gr.;

• acute "Georgian" adjika;

• a small clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. All 400 grams of flour, together with half a teaspoon of soda, sift into a wide deep bowl, salt, beat the eggs. While stirring, pour kefir and butter.

2. Sausage, cabbage, potatoes, both types of onions and sausage cut into small pieces and combine with finely shredded cheese.

3. Mash the bouillon cube through a sheet of paper with a rolling pin and add half (or slightly less) teaspoon to the mixture. Pour in the pancake dough and mix thoroughly again.

4. Bake like regular pancakes, but smaller in a thick-walled pan. Serve with hot sauce.

5. For the sauce, mix sour cream with tomato, mayonnaise and adjika. Add the garlic chopped on a grater, mix and pour into a gravy boat.

Thick kefir pancakes - useful tips and tricks

• Do not beat the dough too intensely, it will become viscous, and pancakes can turn out “rubber”.

• To prevent the product from tearing when turning over - let the dough stand for some time before frying.

• Do not forget, the more eggs in the pancake test, the stiffer the pancakes.

• Butter is added to the dough last. Vegetable can be replaced with creamy, before adding it should be melt and cool well.

• Take a sample from the first pancake and add sugar or salt if necessary.

• Cooked according to the classic recipe, such pancakes are served hot, with a cut of smoked meats - meat or fish. A complex combination of tastes of sweetish dough with brackish mackerel or juicy chicken is especially nice if the pancakes are served hot and the smoked meats are slightly cooled.


Watch the video: Make Fluffy Kefir Pancakes - DIY Food & Drinks - Guidecentral (July 2024).