The meaning of the name Arthur


Name Arthur came to us from the Celtic language, from which it is translated as "bear". That was the name of the legendary King of the Britons, about whom so many legends and legends are composed.

Arthur - character traits

In early childhood, Arthur pleases parents and carers with a calm character and obedience. However, in his school years, he can become quick-tempered and stubborn, delve into his own world and even become withdrawn. To avoid this, you need to involve him in sports life, various social events.

Arthur has the amazing ability to rid himself of everyday troubles, transferring them to the shoulders of other people. He is ambitious, striving for prosperity and success, knows how to avoid conflict and show will where necessary. Nevertheless, Arthur is very difficult to survive defeats and badly holds a blow at failures, does not like to overcome obstacles arising in his way.

In friendship, Arthur does not like being burdened with requests. At the same time, this is a very moral and sensitive person, he is hard going through evil and betrayal and never forgets good. He has a great sense of dignity.

Arthur has a very well-developed intuition, which often helps him get out of various difficult situations. He is a good analyst, and at the same time he has a well-developed imagination. In the professional sphere, he aspires to a position in which he would not be subordinate, and at the same time he does not carry the burden of responsibility that implies the place of a leader. Arthur can turn out to be a good customs officer, administrator, medic, electronic engineer. Among successful surgeons and dentists there are many people who bear this name.

In relations with women, Arthur brings many problems to his high sexuality, which is difficult for him to fight. Because of this, in his life there are many women and many relationships, often random. Nevertheless, he loves his family and feels responsible for it. In general, Arthur is an excellent father and a good husband, but he never helps his wife with the housework, since he considers such work to be exclusively a female occupation.

Arthur - name compatibility

Arthur can create a happy and strong marriage by marrying Anna, Valentine, Diana, Lydia, Love, Lyudmila, Raisa. Choosing to live together Henrietta, Nelly, Nora, Olga, Ruslan, Stella, he is unlikely to be happy.

Arthur - famous people who wore this name

The name Arthur was carried by many famous people. Of course, the most illustrious of them was King Arthur, the hero of the British epic. In Russian history, this name has left a mark thanks to Arthur Nepokoichitsky, a participant in many wars, including the Russian-Turkish one; polar explorer Arthur Chilingarov; artist Arthur Fonvizin. Other famous Arthur - Clark, Miller, Conan Doyle, Rubinstein, Wellesley, Haley, Schopenhauer.

Arthur - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Arthur - Aquarius;
- patron planet - Neptune;
- color mascot - white;
- totem animal - bear;
- totem plants - oak, apple tree;
- stone mascot - chalcedony.


Elena 04/14/2016
Judging by the description of the character - Arthur, rather superficial personalities. And very optional. And yet they are ready to shift to others, and do not like to fulfill someone’s requests ... With such men, it’s easy to just chat, but I wouldn’t start a serious relationship.

Olga 04/14/2016
I once somehow did not think ... And now I look - how many famous people are and were named Arthur. I really appreciate the work of Conan Doyle and Haley. Well done Arthur, you can’t say anything! Most likely, a simple Arthur, an extraordinary personality.

Lucy 04/14/2016
No, well, this is a very good quality - the ability to shift all the worries and troubles onto the shoulders of others, and even so that this person, without offense, did everything!)) And I would use this skill))) And with high sexuality - Arthur in general no price!))

Ale 04/14/2016
I, too, have an attitude to Arthur precisely on the basis of the UNIVER series!)) There he is such a womanizer, a great lover and connoisseur of women. Cheerful, sociable, with a sense of humor - such as women like in general.

Valeria 04/14/2016
Well, at the expense of Arturov, I have a very definite opinion, and I think I do not have one. And it is based on the series "Univer"!)))) And what ?? If I do not know other Arturs ?! And this one flickers every day on the screen, and you already know its main features.
