French chicken is not just potatoes, cheese, mushrooms and mayonnaise! Cooking French Chicken Fillet: Best Recipes


Actually, the essence of the article is already stated.

We will understand only some details of the classics of French cuisine, the preparation of chicken meat with a vision peculiar only to French cooks of food destination.

Their concept of culinary art comes down to the fact that food is not only a source of vitality, saturating the body with the necessary and sufficient amount of wholesome food, but, above all, a source of pleasure, including aesthetic.

French Chicken Fillet - Basic Technological Principles

This dish is "painted" in the light of professional performance is unlikely to succeed. If it was really about one recipe, then there would be no problems, and it would be clear what products you need to talk about, talk about how to "properly" process them.

Our housewives, indeed, as the title of the article says, for the most part believe that cheese, potatoes, chicken and mayonnaise are French cuisine. I would like to ask: dear housewives, but what is very French in this set? Maybe a shock dose of calories? Where, then, is grace and lightness?

Take a look at culinary sites or blogs of real French chefs to dispel a myth based on one single recipe for potatoes baked with meat under mayonnaise. There are a million ways to cook meat in French. Of course, potato in combination with chicken in them also occurs, but, rather, as an exception to the rule, or as an invention of impoverished French rentiers who came to work in the estates of Russian landowners in the eighteenth century. History does not hide that in those days it was also fashionable to live “abroad” and have “Monsieur” at court. So they had it. "Monsieur", not wanting to lose their profitable position and, conversely, wanting to please the owner, added "a little" calories to the French charm and pomposity, in the form of potatoes, so that it was satisfying, in Russian!

When it comes to cooking any meat in French, forget about potatoes, cheese and mushrooms, as a complement to meat. Moreover, it’s blasphemous to poke any dish generously flavored with mayonnaise, a sauce that is served only cold. Not only French gourmets will agree with this, but also nutritionists. Oh well. Mushrooms and cheese can be left. But in the most cautious quantities. So to say, balanced, in the spirit of the modern concept of healthy eating.

As modern dietetics teach, meat is a source of protein. Its excess is reformatted into carbohydrates in the body, and they into fats. That is, dietary chicken protein with potatoes, a direct source of carbohydrate, turns into an appendage for the accelerated formation of fat deposits, with all the ensuing consequences.

Do you want to eat meat in French? Then add any other vegetables, even sweet fruits, nuts and honey. Potatoes with meat, as a baked dish in the oven, should be an exception. Do not forget to include ingredients that contain beneficial amino acids and enzymes that help break down protein and stimulate digestion.

In addition, looking at the recipes of Asian or Middle Eastern cuisine, you can find many interesting options for cooking tasty and healthy chicken, acceptable for our Slavic taste, traditions and, what is more important, opportunities.

Recipe 1. French Chicken Fillet with Mushrooms and Vanilla Cream

Required Products:

Chicken Breast 900 g

Flour 100 g

Water 70 g

Salty oil (82.5%) 180 g

Lemon 150 g

Ginger juice



Bunch of thyme

Bunch of rosemary


Carrot 350 g

Vanilla pod

Asparagus 120 g

Onion 250 g

Mushrooms (royal champignons) 600 g


Combine the flour with water to make a batter. Combine the salty butter with vanilla, adding a little ginger, pepper and lemon zest. Beat butter until creamy.

Combine the chopped chicken flesh with the cooked cream. In a stewpan, put chopped thyme and rosemary, grated zest and vanilla pod. Put the chicken fillet and fill it with dough. Bake in the oven at 180Ϲ for 45-50 minutes and keep in the oven until serving.

Fry the prepared vegetables (you can take frozen) separately with the addition of vanilla oil, then combine them and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Cut the chicken into portions and serve each piece, laying the vegetables around.

Recipe 2. French Chicken with Vegetables

Ingredients Composition:

Chicken 1.5 kg

Tomatoes 400 g

Red pepper 600 g

Onions, 500 g

Shallots 150 g

Carrot, red 300 g

Garlic 50 g

Smoked pork and beef sausage

Butter (for frying), melted and vegetable




Boil prepared chicken. Separate the flesh from the bones, chop it and fry together with onions and carrots, also diced, in butter. Add the broth to the stewpan, meat, season with spices and simmer slowly. When the broth remains a little, remove the stewpan from the stove.

Dice the sausage, pepper and tomatoes into large cubes. In another dish, saute the sausage, add chopped shallots, garlic, pepper and tomatoes to it. Also adjust the taste with spices.

Dice bread or use crackers. Lubricate the silicone mat with butter and put bread slices on its surface. Put chicken meat with carrots and onions on top, the third layer is sausage with tomatoes and pepper. Fold the roll with a rug and carefully place it in the baking dish, seam down. Pre-cover the form with foil, put the rolled roll and cover it from above. Bake the roll for about 50-70 minutes, at 160Ϲ. The finished dish is cut into portions and served with vegetables and herbs, hot.

Recipe 3. French Chicken Fillet with Lemon Sauce


Cream (33%) 150 ml

Melissa, fresh 30 g

Lemon (zest and pulp) 150 g

Onions 300 g

Mushrooms royal 500 g

Ham, Chicken 200 g

Butter 100 g

Wine Vinegar 30 ml

Chicken Breast 450 g

Sugar 70-80 g


Asparagus 150 g

Cherry 350 g

Chicken fillet 800 g


Fry the prepared mushrooms and onions, season with spices, divide into two parts.

In 200 ml of boiling water, put the chopped lemon balm and let it brew. When it cools down to 30-40Ϲ, strain and pour into warmed cream. Add the zest and chopped pulp of lemon, chopped mushrooms (half) and ham. Season the mixture with spices to taste, grind it into a paste with a blender.

Cut the chicken pulp into medium-sized cubes, sprinkle with wine vinegar or wine (Jerez is very suitable), add sugar and mix. Pour some olive oil into the pan, put thyme. Fry the fillet in a preheated pan, with continuous stirring, until caramelized. Add the asparagus and the second part of the fried mushrooms with onions. Switch the heating to minimum mode and, while stirring, warm the vegetables. Put the meat and vegetables in a baking dish. Spread a creamy paste with lemon flavor. Blanched "cherry" cut in half and spread over the entire surface of the dish, cut down.

Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180Ϲ for 20 minutes. Serve hot, divided into portions.

Recipe 4. French Chicken Fillet with Rice and Bechamel Sauce


Chicken carcass (broiler) 2.2 kg

Lemon juice 100 ml

Butter, butter 280 g (130 g +150 g)

Leek 2 stalks

Celery Stalk 1 pc.

"Bouquet Garni"

Carrot 500 g

Onions, 400-450 g

Flour 90 g

3.5 L broth

Cream 120 ml

Madera 150 ml

Long rice 400 g

A mixture of peppers, cloves and salt

Hard cheese grated 300 g

Asparagus 150 g

Peas 100 g

Cherry 400 g

Preparation Procedure:

Put the processed broiler carcass into a large pan, fill with cold water, bring to a boil. Blanch the chicken for 2-3 minutes, until the meat turns white on top. Put the carcass on a work surface, let cool to make it convenient to work with.

Separate the flesh from the bones, cut it into medium-sized pieces. Return the bones and skin to the broth, add whole peeled carrot roots, celery and leek stalks, a large peeled onion, a few peas of pepper, 5 clove buds, a “Garni bouquet”. Cook the broth until cooked. Peel it until it is transparent, divide it into 2 parts and pour half into the stewpan, onto the chicken flesh. Slowly simmer the meat, remembering to remove the foam.

Wash and boil rice in a large amount of well-salted water until half-cooked. Drain the water, rinse the semi-finished rice again with cold water and, having removed the liquid, transfer it to a separate bowl with thick walls, where previously dissolve 150 g of oil. While stirring, warm the rice and set aside.

Proceed with the preparation of the sauce. In a dry and deep frying pan, fry the flour until golden brown. Add the remaining oil and, picking up a whisk, intensively mix the mixture to prevent the formation of lumps. Pour in the second part of the broth without stopping stirring, add the cream here. Remove the thick mass from the stove, pour through a sieve, wiping with a spatula, into a clean pan. Pour the wine, stir, adjust the taste with spices and boil over low heat, with stirring.

Take a baking sheet. Cover it with foil, grease it with oil. Place cylindrical shapes on the pan without a bottom. At 2/3 of the height of each form, lay the rice. Pour over it with cooked sauce. Arrange the cooked meat in a mold and pour the sauce over the dish again. Place the pan in the oven, heated to 200Ϲ. Bake chicken for 15 minutes. Remove the baking sheet again, sprinkle the forms with grated cheese and send the baking sheet to the oven to melt the cheese and turn into a golden crust.

Blanch the asparagus and green peas, bringing them to taste in boiling water. Add lemon juice, salt, sugar, thyme. Let the vegetables brew and drain when warm.

Dissolve sugar in 50-70 ml of wine. Blanched "cherry" free from the skin. Pour the wine syrup into a hot pan, put the tomatoes and caramelize them.

Spread French chicken rice from the forms on flat and wide portioned dishes, gently separating the baked rice from the forms with a sharp knife to maintain the shape of the cylinder. Put cooked vegetables around. Garnish with sauce and herbs if desired.

Recipe 5. French Chicken Fillet - Baked Potato Roll

Product Composition:

Chicken Breast 2 pcs. (900-950 g)

Smoked bacon 0.5 kg

Ceps (or champignons) 600 g

Shallot 2 stalks

Garlic 20 g

Roll, white (stale) 300 g

Almonds, peeled 100 g

Egg 1 pc.

Large potato 800 g (net)

Broth 15 ml

Fat (or fat) 100 g

Butter, butter 70 g + 100 g

Salt and ground pepper mixture

Milk 50 ml

Onions 300 g


Cut the prepared mushrooms and fry in melted butter (70 g) together with onions (150 g). Bring to the desired taste, adding garlic and ground pepper, slightly salt. In a submersible blender, put the fried mushrooms, slices of rolls, almonds (leave 30-40 g to decorate the dish). Pour milk and chicken stock into the blender bowl, add the egg. Gradually increasing the speed of the blender, cook the paste.

Chicken breasts are alternately laid on a work surface, make transverse cuts to expand the meat "book". Discard the flesh, season with ground pepper and salt. Cut the smoked bacon into thin slices and line it with an overlap on the work surface. Put chicken fillet on top. Lubricate the surface of the pulp with the cooked paste. Roll the roll and tie it with twine or thread.

In the portioned baking dishes, put the fat, cut into small cubes, and the rest of the onion, previously lightly fried in a pan, equally. Chop the peeled raw potatoes with thin round plates and put on top, frying, in each form, placing pieces of potatoes from edge to center, overlapping, in the form of a flower. Stack potatoes on top with melted butter.

In a preheated oven up to 200Ϲ put the chicken roll with mushrooms to the far wall, place forms with a side dish of potatoes closer to the door. It is advisable to bake both chicken and side dishes together so that both semi-finished products exchange flavor during baking. You can put the potatoes in the oven 20 minutes later than the roll, since the potatoes require less time to cook. If the size of the oven does not allow you to place everything at once, then keep in mind that the meat and side dish must be served hot. Bake both parts one at a time, but you must warm the meat before serving.

After taking the roll from the oven, remove the threads and cut it into plates of 1.5-2 cm. Serve the meat to the side dish on a separate plate, decorating it with nuts, chopped shallots. You can add the sauce to taste.

Recipe 6. Oriental-style chicken fillet in French

Dates, nuts and prunes for chicken - the flavor of the East, inspiring French culinary specialists. It turns out that many French people are a bit in love with oriental cuisine. This is a recipe from a real French chef: he managed to combine oriental sweetness and heady aroma with French charm and sophistication. The advantage of the recipe is the speed of cooking.

Product Composition:

Chicken fillet 1.0 kg

Pitted dates 100 g

Prunes 150 g

Onion 200 g

Honey 70 g

Sesame seeds 50 g

Almonds 250 g

Lemon juice 150 ml

Olive oil

Coffee with cinnamon 10 g

Ground coriander and ground cumin - 5 g each

Fresh celery (leaves)


In a deep heat-resistant pan, heat the oil and sauté the onion, chopped in half rings to a transparent consistency. Put chicken on top. Add prunes and dates. Pour the lemon juice over the meat. Add all the spices in turn. You need to salt the meat five or ten minutes before the end of cooking. Pour boiling water over the contents of the pan to coat the meat. Stew meat in the oven by covering the pan with a lid. Fry peeled almonds and sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Add nuts and chopped celery greens with salt, taking the pan out of the oven. Put it back in the cupboard, turn off the heat and let stand a little until serving.

Recipe 7. French-style chicken fillet with vegetables


Chicken pulp 1.5 kg

Onion 350 g

Dense tomatoes (meaty variety) 400 g

Carrot, red 150 g

Flour 50 g

Light yellow pepper 250 g

Brynza (or any pickled cheese) 300 g

Blue eggplant 200 g

Refined Vegetable Oil 150 ml

Tomato Sauce 250 ml

Olives 100 g

Sugar 70 g

Garlic 50 g

Ground coriander 20 g

Clove 5 g

Basil, fresh (green)


Chicken broth 1.5 l

Ghee 150 g

Ground pepper mixture


Fry the chicken fillet until golden brown in a deep cast-iron pan. Season with spices and add chopped garlic. Set the pot aside for a while.

Wash vegetables, remove seeds and stalks. After cleaning, cut them all into rings. From the carrots, onions and tomato sauce, prepare the fill. Sauté first the onions and carrots in a small amount of butter until soft, adding chicken stock mixed with tomato sauce, sugar and ground spices. Separately, fry prepared vegetables in vegetable oil, putting them in turn on chicken meat. Pour the cooked tomato dressing onto the meat and vegetables in the pan. Cover and simmer in the oven for 50 minutes.Five minutes before the end of the stew, take out the dish, remove the lid to the side and cover the contents of the roasting pan with a layer of cheese, cut into medium cubes. Top with rings of pitted olives and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

French Chicken Fillet - Tips & Tricks

  • Today's advice is only one, reasonable and completely unsophisticated: if you have hard physical work, you can treat yourself to chicken in Russian, with potatoes. If you are going to spend a day off on the couch, "hugging" with your gadget, then do not risk it and supplement the chicken with lighter vegetable compositions than potatoes, and be cheerful and healthy.


Watch the video: Creamy Grilled Chicken Sandwich. Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana (July 2024).