Care for colored hair: how to maintain beauty? Proper care for dyed hair at home


Thick beautiful curls - this is real female wealth.

It is no secret that after using paints with a chemical composition they lose their pristine shine, become not so thick and attractive.

It can be fixed.

Proper care for colored hair at home is not difficult, if you approach it comprehensively and carry out wellness procedures regularly.

Proper care for colored hair: basic principles

In order for a woman to always be satisfied with the beauty of her hair, it is important to follow the three basic principles in caring for them.

1. Constancy. You can’t make a firming mask for one week and forget about it for the second week. A healthy appearance of curls should be maintained constantly, regardless of mood, employment and season.

2. Complexity. Proper care for colored hair is not only shampoos and conditioners, they need to be nourished with vitamins from the inside. A woman should monitor her diet, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and other foods that have healthy trace elements. The lack of vitamins inside affects the appearance.

3. Systematic. If a woman decides to alternate her head peeling and homemade masks, then this must be done without missing a single procedure. Hair is very loved when they are looked after, especially by natural means.

Tips for dyeing curls and care for them

1. Independently lighten hair is allowed no more than three tones.

2. There should be a minimum period of 2 weeks between dyeing and perming procedures.

3. Exposing colored hair to excessive stress without need is not recommended. Curling irons and a hot hairdryer thin them even more.

4. Colored hair must be treated with a special balm after using shampoo in order to minimize the harmful effects of environmental factors.

5. It is recommended to comb your hair every night before going to bed, this will make your hair more obedient.

6. It is not recommended to comb colored hair when it is still wet. In this condition, the hair is very brittle and can easily be damaged.

Proper care for colored hair: strengthening the structure from the root

In order to strengthen the structure of colored curls, it is recommended to wash them with an egg once a week. The recipe is very simple. Two eggs are broken into a convenient container, a glass of warm water is poured into the same container. In this case, the mixture must constantly be stirred so that the protein does not curl.

Next, you need to wet your hair well with hot water. Pour the egg on top of the head and rub it well into the skin with your fingers. We wash everything off with shampoo. For greater effect, after this, you can rub the egg yolk into the scalp, wind your hair with a towel and rinse everything after 10 minutes.

Recipe for stimulating dyed hair

1. Egg yolks beat in a thick foam. The amount each girl selects individually, based on the length of her hair. Here, for greater healing effect, lemon juice is added.

2. The resulting foam must be applied to curls. It can be both dry and wet. With your fingers, everything is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements for 2-3 minutes.

3. Wash the egg foam well with warm water.

Proper care for colored hair: how to rinse curls

1. Immediately after washing your hair, it is recommended to rinse your hair with warm water with the addition of vinegar and lemon juice.

2. Great for rinsing an infusion made from yarrow mixed with chamomile and celandine. Herbs in the same proportion are brewed with boiling water, insisted until completely cooled, filtered.

Nutrition of hair after dyeing

After dyeing, the hair structure is greatly weakened. If a woman wants to preserve the beauty of her hair, she needs to provide the scalp with additional nutrition.

1. To choose shampoos and balms you need special ones designed for colored hair. It is important that the composition of the cosmetic product contains vitamins, minerals and other useful trace elements.

2. Perfectly nourishes the hair infusion made from rye bread. Cooking it is easy. The bread is soaked in boiling water for 4 hours. After that, everything is filtered through gauze. The resulting water is rubbed into the scalp for at least 5-7 minutes with massaging movements. Then it is washed off, it is advisable to let the hair dry naturally.

3. A gelatin-based mask nourishes the scalp, restores hair volume and natural shine.

Restoration of the structure

In order to restore the hair weakened after dyeing, a tincture prepared on the basis of red pepper is well suited.

Step by step recipe

1. At the first stage, you need to prepare all the ingredients. You need ¼ cup of pure alcohol, ¼ from a pod of red pepper.

2. Pepper is carefully crushed, then spirits are poured. It must be insisted in a dark, dry place for at least 7 days.

3. Everything is well filtered. Now 1 part of the resulting liquid is mixed with 10 parts of boiled water.

The tincture prepared according to this recipe is rubbed into the scalp. For the best effect, the procedure must be repeated 2 times during the week. If possible, leave overnight, rinse in the morning.

How to cure split stained ends

The paint dries hair strongly, it is not surprising that the ends begin to strongly dissect. It is important to cut them off on time, even if a woman wants to grow long hair, you need to get a haircut at least 2 times a week.

Additionally, once every 5 days it is recommended to apply one of the following components to the tips:

• vitamin E;

• Castor oil;

• germinated wheat oil;

• fish fat.

Any of these ingredients should be applied to dry hair, to the ends. The mask is left overnight, washed off in the morning with shampoo and warm water. The listed components are much more effective than balms and hair conditioners purchased in stores and pharmacies. They perfectly nourish and moisturize the tips, create a protective film against the negative effects of the environment.

Effective hair mask after dyeing

If the fair sex wants her hair to shine with a natural shine even after regular dyeing, to remain smooth and silky, it is recommended to regularly make a mask of herbs.

Ingredients you will need:

• plantain leaves pre-shredded;

• nettle leaves;

• sage;

• oregano;

• celandine;

• black bread (250 grams);

• a glass of boiled water.

All herbs are mixed in equal proportions in a convenient container. Find them is not difficult, they are sold in pharmacies. Next, a mixture of plant components is brewed with boiling water and brewed for one hour. Everything is filtered through tight gauze, brown bread is added there. The mixture is stirred until it becomes homogeneous.

The mask should be applied to the hair while it is still warm. The head is wrapped in plastic wrap, tied with a towel on top. After two hours, the mask should be washed off well with warm water.

Proper care for colored hair: diet

When the body lacks vitamins, this is reflected in the external condition of the woman - on her hair, nails, skin color. Curls become dull, brittle, comb hard. In order to bring them back to life, you first need to saturate the body with useful microelements from the inside.

1. Every day it is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid during the day. This is good not only for the figure, but also for the hair. They will not be so dry, they will gain a pleasant shine.

2. You need to try to minimize the use of fried, smoked, very fatty foods. Greater emphasis is placed on cereals, fruits and vegetables, especially seasonal ones.

3. To date, pharmacies have a wide range of all kinds of vitamins for hair. They strengthen the body from the inside and contribute to improving the structure of curls.

Proper care for dyed hair is a whole range of "activities". To achieve an excellent effect, the process must be approached comprehensively. It is important not only to give the hair a healthy appearance, but also to strengthen their structure by nourishing the body with vitamins.


Watch the video: How to Prevent Breakage & Care for Color Treated Natural Hair. Easy Healthy Hair Tips (June 2024).