Exercises for the back at home: get rid of pain, correct posture. Simple exercises for the back


In the 21st century, back pain became the scourge of the new century.

The advent of computers, tablets literally tied a person to a chair, and this is regardless of age.

A sedentary lifestyle primarily affects the condition of the spine and general well-being, and if you do not start doing exercises for the back at home, then eventually you will have to be treated in a hospital setting.

Causes of back pain

Spending most of our time in a sitting state, we don’t even suspect what harm is being done to the spine. It would seem that there were no bruises, stressful situations, weight lifting, and constant aching pain in the lower back is increasing every day.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of back pain, because when sitting it all depends on muscle load.

Daily sitting for many hours leads to muscle strain, because it is the back muscles that hold in this case the entire body weight. Without waiting for the first occurrences of back pain, you should find an acceptable set of preventive exercises for your back for you at home.

If persistent pain in the back appears, consult a doctor.

Osteochondrosis in eighteen, twenty-year-old young people no longer surprises doctors, as does the appearance of herniated discs.

With an immovable lifestyle, muscle and connective tissue degenerate, the spine "sags", squeezing the nerve roots, leading to the formation of cysts and hernias.

Over time, poor nutrition and refusal to exercise lead to osteoporosis when bone fragility increases. There were times when a person abruptly rose, bent, or lifted something and received a compression fracture of the vertebra, which instantly responded with acute pain.

No need to bring yourself to a strict bed rest. 15-20 minutes of daily exercises for the back at home is guaranteed not only to strengthen the back muscles and give proper nutrition to the intervertebral discs, but also to protect the spine from spondylolisthesis, in case of a disease which the side view of the vertebrae resembles a ladder.

Displaced vertebrae compress the nerve endings of the spinal cord, which is the cause of constant aching pain.

The more terrible consequences of inflammation in the back are cancer and ankylosing spondylitis, but we hope this misfortune passes us.

Simple and funny back exercises at home

Panther's Gait

Having sat in a chair, from time to time you should kneel down on which you can put on knee pads made from the sleeves of woolen jackets or sewn old scarves, and begin to walk slowly along the carpet or pre-bedded blanket.

We kneel down, rest on the palm of our hand, stretch our hand forward, stretch our whole body behind it, at the same time rearranging our legs on the opposite side, freeze for a few seconds and repeat everything in mirror image, we walk slowly, gracefully, like a panther before the jump.

At the same time, do not forget to breathe correctly, when inhaling, we inflate the stomach, while exhaling, we try to release the air as much as possible, drawing in the abdominal muscles.

This exercise not only relaxes the muscles of the back, but also strengthens the muscular skeleton of the whole body, leads to weight loss, which is also important for a sedentary lifestyle.

It is interesting that during the performance of the Panther's gait, the work of the kidneys is restored and vision improves, because our spine is responsible for the work of all organs.

Golden Rooster

Not every time the situation allows us to kneel, but you can stand near the wall in any room, allocating for this only 10 - 15 minutes a day.

All muscles come to a relaxed state, the load is only on the soles, when we, having closed our eyes (a prerequisite), relaxed lowering our arms along, bend our leg at the knee and stand in the pose of the cock for as long as dexterity allows.

Then we change the leg several times.

Exercise "Golden Rooster" will not only relieve osteochondrosis, but will give self-confidence and restore emotional balance.

"Car" for adults

One of the main exercises for the back at home is stretching the spine, which allows you to get rid of pain in various diseases. The main thing is that these exercises have no contraindications.

- Immediately after waking up, we do some exercises for the spine right in bed.

1. We lie down on the stomach, leaning on straightened arms, try to bend the back as much as possible 7 - 15 times.

2. We kneel down, rest on our arms, bend our back up and down, imitating a sip of a cat.

3. We turn over on our back and perform an ordinary “bicycle”, while our vertebrae just relax.

4. Bend your knees and make a half-bridge, slowly, mentally controlling each vertebral section. It is enough to raise the hips 7-10 times, if there is pain, then the number of deflections can be reduced. At the same time, we do not strain either the body or the arms; the body freely rises and falls, as if swinging.

5. Leaving the legs bent at the knees, we begin twisting, tilting the knees, both at the same time, in one and the other direction, we do everything slowly, making a stop at the maximum tilt. The upper body remains stationary.

6. Now, lying on your back, raise your arms up behind your head and stretch, trying to stretch yourself from the tips of your toes to your palms.

7. If age and body weight allow you, grab your knees and try to swing on your back, flexing each vertebra.

- If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a board of Evminov, then attach yourself a simple crossbar in any opening.

1. Holding onto the crossbar firmly, relax the whole body, just hang, while all the muscles of the body will work, the distance between the vertebral discs will increase, the clamped roots will be released, the pain will go away.

2. If weight and age allow you, try to get up at least 2-3 times in your arms, stretch alternately to the bar with your chin and neck. Suppose you do not rise by 1 cm, but at the same time the muscles will still strain.

Changing the distance between the arms, we make different muscles of the body work.

- The complex, which is rather complicated at first glance, can be mastered at any age, you just have to start.

1. Perform a half-bridge 10 times according to the method described above.

2. We kneel with emphasis on outstretched arms. We extend the right hand and left leg parallel to the floor, fix it in an extended position for several seconds and, bending, touch the elbow of the knee of the leg. Repeat 5 to 7 times for each side. We change the arm and leg.

This exercise not only relaxes the spine and strengthens the muscles, but also affects gait confidence.

3. Having reached a certain level in physical preparation, you can insert into the set of exercises and the side bar, for this we lie on your side, legs are folded together, one on top of the other. We put a hand lying on the floor surface on the elbow and raise the whole body at an angle, holding it in this position for a few seconds to start, gradually increasing the time. The main thing is that during the execution of the side plank the head, neck, spine and legs are on the same line.

The side bar is an ideal exercise to strengthen the lower vertebrae.

Over time, you can focus not on the elbow, but on a straightened arm.

Exercise is done for both sides.

4. To stabilize the gait, strengthen the muscles of the entire back and buttocks will help lunges.

We stand flat, the stomach is pulled in, take a big step forward, slowly bend the knee at a right angle, keeping the back straight, fix the position for 2 - 3 seconds. We straighten and put the other leg.

Now we lunge and bend with the other leg.

Strengthen the back muscles in one exercise

- The simplest exercise for the back at home is the “bar”, which is difficult to perform only at the beginning, so you can start from 10-15 seconds, making several approaches during the day.

We lie down on the stomach, then focus on the arms bent at right angles, now we rest our socks on the floor with our socks, raise our torso parallel to the floor and hold it.

Do not be alarmed when your hands begin to shake, this means one thing, the muscles began to work.

Do not be discouraged if you are in equilibrium for only 5 seconds, next time it will be 7.10, 20, 30, the main thing is to start, step over fear.

Attention! When performing this exercise, you must:

• keep your feet together;

• legs do not bend;

• do not bend your back;

• Direct all tension to the buttocks and abdomen.

Trying to go to the highest level, you can do the bar on outstretched arms.

To relieve stress during this exercise, you can use fitball, a large inflatable ball, while you can focus on it with your hands or feet.

When performing the “bar” muscles are strengthened not only the back, but also the cervical, lumbar spine.

In parallel, we acquire:

• Beautiful legs;

• tightened arms;

• slim stomach.

- The five-minute exercise with a towel captivated those wishing to lose weight and stabilize the vertebrae in a few days after their appearance on the Internet.

To perform this exercise, you need to make a roller from a large terry towel, twisting it and fastening it with a simple rope.

We lie down on the floor, under the back across the body we put a towel at the level of the navel. We extend our arms, legs and connect the little fingers of the palms and the thumbs of the feet. That's it, now just lie 5 minutes.

Perhaps at the beginning you can stand only 1 minute, do not despair, with time you will definitely reach 5 minutes.

Attention! The back pain will not disappear anywhere, but will only intensify, unless prophylaxis or treatment is started in time, which at first only takes 20-30 minutes.

Love yourself and give your body freedom of movement!


Watch the video: 7 Simple Core Exercises That Prevent Lower Back Pain (July 2024).