Lean pastries in a hurry - sweet tooth will be satisfied. A selection of the best recipes for lean baking in haste


Lean pastries are as good as fast-made, and the variety of recipes will impress even the most demanding gourmets.

In the post you can cook cookies, pies, rolls, muffins, pancakes, pies, pancakes and even cakes.

Fast lean pastries - the basic principles of cooking

Fasting pastries are made without eggs, butter, or dairy products. But at the same time, lean baking is no worse. Such pastries are suitable not only for those who hold the post, but also for vegetarians.

All animal products can be replaced. For example, eggs will completely replace flaxseed powder. A spoonful of powder is poured with three spoons of drinking water and slightly whipped with a whisk. Get gelatinous, sticky mass, similar to egg white. This amount of mixture will replace one egg.

Instead of dairy products, coconut or soy milk is used. Butter and margarine are replaced with any vegetable oil.

Fast baked pastries can be sweet or savory. For sweet pastries, citrus fruits, fruits, nuts, dried fruits, as well as jams and preserves are used. The filling for salted pies and pies is prepared from vegetables, legumes and herbs.

Recipe 1. Lean baking in haste. Chocolate cake


two glasses of filtered water;

300 g of sugar;

a glass of vegetable oil;

400 g flour;

20 ml of vanilla extract;

80 g of cocoa;

25 ml apple cider vinegar;

5 g of baking powder;

a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. Turn on the oven and preheat it to 190 C. Take a deep bowl and sift into it flour with cocoa and baking powder. Now add salt and granulated sugar.

2. Mix all dry ingredients. If you wish, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon for the aroma.

3. Make a recess in the middle and begin to pour in the liquid ingredients. First vanilla extract, then apple cider vinegar, refined vegetable oil and boiled water. Knead everything thoroughly to make dough without lumps.

4. Cover the heat-resistant form with parchment. Pour the dough into it and put in the oven. Check readiness with a wooden skewer. Remove the cake from the oven, cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into slices.

Recipe 2. Lean Coconut Banana Cake


10 g vanilla sugar;

230 g of flour;

3 g of kitchen salt;

140 g of granulated sugar;

40 g of potato starch;

two bananas;

100 g coconut flakes;

150 g almonds;

240 g of rice.

Cooking method

1. Pour coconut flakes into a tall glass and pour boiling water to the top. Mix and leave to swell for two hours.

2. Remove the peel from the banana. Put the pulp in a bowl and knead with a fork. Combine the sifted flour with salt, flour and sugar. Add mashed banana to the dry mixture, pour in vegetable oil and knead the dough. Divide it in half and roll each part into a circle. Bake cakes for ten minutes at 200 C.

3. Rinse and boil the rice by adding three tablespoons of sugar and vanillin to the water. We boil the boiled rice groats with a hand blender. We put swollen coconut flakes on a sieve to get rid of moisture. Do not pour coconut infusion! Add water to it to leave 400 ml of liquid.

4. Pour 50 ml of coconut tincture and dissolve starch in it. Pour the rest of the infusion into the rice puree, add coconut flakes and mix. The mixture is sent to the fire and cook for two minutes. Remove from heat, pour starch into a thin stream, stirring vigorously. Again, send to a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for a minute. The cream is completely cooled.

5. Grind almonds in a coffee grinder. Knead the second banana with a fork and mix thoroughly with almonds.

6. On the first cake, spread the almond-banana mixture, level and cover with the second cake. Spread rice-coconut cream on top. Decorate with colored coconut and send to the refrigerator for the night. Cut the cake with a hot knife.

Recipe 3. Lean baking in haste. Cakes with lemon balm and strawberries


sunflower oil;

250 g of flour;

lemon balm or mint;

half a glass of boiled water;

300 g of strawberries;

a pinch of sea salt;

50 g of brown sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour and salt into a deep dish, pour in drinking water and knead the dough for dumplings. Cover the dough and leave to rest for half an hour. Then we roll out the dough and, with a special form or a glass, cut out the circles.

2. Pour a little sugar in the center of each mug, put strawberries and a piece of lemon balm on top. We carefully pinch the edges of the dough so that the berry juice does not leak.

3. Heat the oil in a pan with high sides, and fry the pies in it until golden brown.

Recipe 4. Lenten cookies "Pumpkins"


200 g pumpkin;

2 g of salt;

60 g oatmeal flakes;

5 g of soda, slaked vinegar;

70 g of granulated sugar;

190 g flour;

125 ml of refined vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. We clean and boil the pumpkin. Drain the water, cool slightly and put it in the blender's container. Grind until puree.

2. Oatmeal fried in a dry pan and chopped in a blender.

3. In the pumpkin puree add vegetable oil and sugar. Beat the mass until smooth. Add salt and slaked soda. Mix.

4. Sift the flour into the pumpkin mass, add the ground oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly.

5. Line the baking sheet with parchment. With wet hands, we form balls the size of a walnut and lay them on a baking sheet, slightly flattened.

6. We bake for 15 minutes in a preheated to 175 C oven. We take out a baking sheet with cookies and completely cool it.

Recipe 5. Lean Orange Cookies


300 g of walnuts;

1100 g flour;

75 ml of lemon juice;

4 g of baking soda;

250 g of natural liquid honey;

10 g of baking powder;

half a liter of drinking water;

650 g of granulated sugar;

6 g ground cinnamon;

a glass of orange juice;

3 g cloves;

600 ml of olive oil;

20 g of orange peel.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour with baking powder. In a deep dish, mix orange juice with a glass of sugar, zest, olive oil, cloves and cinnamon. Beat everything thoroughly with a whisk or mixer.

2. Add flour with baking powder in four doses and knead a homogeneous, not too tight dough.

3. We take a piece of dough, the size of a walnut, give it the shape of an egg and put it on a baking sheet covered with parchment. We send cookies to the oven for 25 minutes. Bake at 160 C. Remove the pan and completely cool the cookies.

4. Mix honey with 400 g of sugar, water and lemon juice. Cook the syrup over low heat for about seven minutes. Remove from heat. Dip each cookie in hot syrup for six seconds. We spread the soaked cookies in layers on a wide dish, sprinkling each with chopped walnuts.

Recipe 6. Lenten Pie with Spinach and Potatoes


6 g of dry yeast;

clove of garlic;

250 ml of filtered water;

180 ml of olive oil;

50 g of sugar;

200 g spinach;

750 g of flour;

four potatoes.

Cooking method

1. Bring yeast in warm water, add sugar, a little flour and beat everything with a whisk. Leave the sponge warm so that it begins to foam.

2. Pour the rest of the flour, pour in the olive oil and salt. Knead a thick dough. Leave it warm for an hour and a half. As soon as it rises, we crush it, and leave it for another half hour.

3. Boil the potatoes until soft, drain the broth and knead it with a crush, pouring the broth.

4. Spinach wash and cut into strips. Spread it in a pan with warmed olive oil, add chopped garlic and simmer for seven minutes over low heat. Put the spinach in mashed potatoes, salt and mix.

5. Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer. We cut the dough on the sides with ribbons two centimeters wide. We spread the filling in the middle and wrap the dough ribbons one by one. We shift the cake on a baking sheet and grease it with olive oil. Bake the cake at 180 C for half an hour.

6. Cover the finished cake with a towel and leave it to rest for a while. Cut into slices.

Recipe 7. Lenten Pie with Walnuts and Apples


3 g ground cinnamon;

300 ml of warm water;

700 g flour;

100 ml of vegetable oil;

25 g of potato starch;

6 g of sea salt;

200 g of walnuts;

60 g of brown sugar;

3 apples

12 g of dry yeast.

Cooking method

1. Pour oil into warm water. Combine flour with dry yeast, salt and sugar. Pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly with your hands. We remove it in the heat for proofing. We crush the approached dough, divide in half and cover with a towel.

2. Fry walnuts in a dry pan. Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Cut the flesh into small pieces. Add sugar, cinnamon, starch and nuts to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

3. Roll out one part of the dough into a rectangle and place it on a baking sheet. In the middle we spread the apple filling. The edges of the dough are greased with oil and sprinkled with sugar. We cover with the second rectangle of the dough and tightly squeeze it around the edges.

4. Dough around cut into strips, not cutting to the filling. We twist each strip into a bundle, and lay it on the pie up.

5. Sprinkle sugar on top of the cake and make small cuts. We bake the cake for half an hour at a temperature of 180 C. We cool the finished cake on a wire rack.

Lean pastries in a hurry - tips and tricks from bakers

  • To prevent lean baking to get dry, use berries, jam or honey.

  • You can replace natural milk with coconut or soy.

  • An egg can be replaced with starch, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

  • Banana puree can also replace an egg.

  • For baking, it is better to use odorless refined oil.


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