A neck pain on the right side - does this indicate a serious illness? How to get rid of neck pain on the right side


Each person, regardless of what he does, at least once in his life, but there was a feeling that his right side of the neck hurts.

In fact, there are many reasons for this phenomenon, and each of them has its own character.

For example, pain can signal the presence of a serious illness, so a doctor’s consultation is essential.

Neck on the right side hurts: causes and symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in this area of ​​the neck can be quite harmless. However, on the other hand, this may be a symptom of the development of a disease. As a rule, if the right side of the neck hurts, then this may indicate the presence of such violations as:

1. A hernia develops in the lower cervical spine.

2. The intervertebral joints are badly damaged.

3. Muscle spasm, which arose as a result of intense stress or hypothermia.

In addition, pain sensations of pain can talk about many dangerous conditions for life, the most common are:

1. Meningitis - membranes of the brain are inflamed.

2. Mumps - cervical lymph nodes are inflamed.

3. A tumor of the brain or cervical spine.

4. Tuberculosis.

Symptoms that are associated with pathologies of the spine

Pain on the right side of the neck can indicate the presence of inflammatory processes. But nevertheless, when establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is important whether all these sensations are really associated with pathologies in the spine.

On palpation, stiffness of movements and pain in the intervertebral joints can occur. In this case, not only the neck on that side will hurt, but pain will be felt even in the arm and shoulder blade.

If the neck on the right side does not hurt due to pathologies of the spine, then other causes and symptoms of its occurrence can be considered:

1. According to statistics, in 15% of cases, the metastases of many malignant tumors begin to localize precisely in the neck. This can be signaled by a prolonged, ongoing sensation of pain.

2. If only the lymph node hurts on the neck on the right side, then this may be a symptom of a disease such as lymphadenitis.

3. In infectious diseases in the brain, pharyngeal abscess, very often there is severe pain on the right side of the neck.

4. With a heart attack or angina pectoris, you may feel that the neck on the right side is very sore.

Neck pain on the right side: treatment

When prescribing a certain course of treatment, specialists must take into account what causes triggered the pain, as well as symptoms of its manifestation. As a rule, in order to eliminate many factors and signs of pain, you need to restore normal blood circulation, but this is allowed only if there is no swelling of the tissues and severe exacerbations.

If normal blood circulation is restored, this will lead to the fact that the restoration of cartilage tissue will accelerate, as it can receive all the necessary nutrients. That is why the course of treatment must necessarily include procedures that will contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Treatment can be either surgical or conservative. The conservative method consists in the treatment with the use of drugs; for this, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It also includes physiotherapeutic procedures, manual therapy, massage, reflexology, wearing a special collar.

If all else fails, and the neck on the right side continues to hurt, then the doctors resort to surgery. That is why it is important to contact a medical institution in a timely manner in order to prevent complications.

If you feel severe pain, specialists can prescribe injections, for example, muscle relaxants.

But for any treatment, whether it is drugs, or physiotherapy, there is one important condition - a person must be at rest, you must adhere to bed rest.

Thus, in order to get rid of pain and protect yourself from its re-occurrence, you must necessarily maintain the correct lifestyle, protect yourself from injuries, monitor your posture.

Neck on the right side hurts: folk remedies

If unbearably severe pain occurs, it is not recommended to self-medicate, since not all folk remedies are effective. And in cases where neck pain is caused by osteochondrosis, conventional warming compresses can, on the contrary, do even more harm.

Therefore, if you can’t get rid of neck pain on the right side yourself, be sure to visit a medical institution so that there are no complications.

Important! For pain in the neck, never warm up a painful place, in no case try to force the muscles to stretch, and also for some time give up all physical activity.

Folk recipes

When people have a sore neck on the right side, not only traditional methods of treatment can help, but also traditional medicine. Below we will consider the most effective and common recipes.

Horseradish compress

Prepare a warm scarf, boiling water and a small sheet of horseradish in advance. Pour the plant with hot water and let it cool to body temperature, then attach the sheet to the problem area. Wrap a scarf on top and go to bed. In order to alleviate the symptoms, you need to do up to 10 such sessions. If there is a strong burning sensation, in no case do not try to be treated in this way further.

Compress based on vodka and honey

Take a small container and mix in it 50 grams of vodka and the same amount of honey, you should get a homogeneous composition. After the honey has dissolved, add two tablespoons of salt to it, as well as radish (grind it well first). Mix everything again, use the medicine twice a day, gently rub it into a sore spot.

Herbal compress

If you suffer from severe pain in the neck on the right side, then you can try to eliminate them, for this you need to take the following herbs: burdock, alder, coltsfoot and cabbage leaf. All herbs must be fresh! Place them in a container and grind, then put them on the neck, and fix everything on top with a scarf. This procedure should be done for one week, and it is best just before bedtime.

Bay oil

Take 10 drops of laurel oil and dilute them with one liter of boiled water. In the resulting liquid, blot a small soft tissue, gently attach on the right side of the neck for 30 minutes. This tool will save you from severe pain in just a few days.

Burdock root

Take a young root from the plant and finely chop it, you should get a large spoonful of the finished mixture. After that, fill it with one glass of boiling water. Put it to insist for three hours, then drink the finished product three times a day, 1/3 cup each. But before that, be sure to eat well. The course of treatment is at least two weeks.

Honey massage

To get rid of severe pain in the neck on the right side, you can massage. Preheat the neck and shoulders well with massage movements, then lubricate the affected area with honey. Press the treated area firmly with your palm, and then tear it off very sharply. Such movements must be repeated until the honey is completely absorbed. Immediately after the procedure is completed, you will experience significant relief. This massage can be repeated no more than twice a week.

What to do if folk remedies do not help?

If the neck on the right side hurts for a very long time, then folk remedies may simply not help. That is why, if you have the following symptoms, be sure to visit a doctor:

• the neck on the right side began to hurt the field of injury;

• along with neck pain, you feel chills;

• hands periodically go numb;

• vision deteriorated sharply;

• Despite the use of home remedies, the pain does not recede.

In no case do not hope that the neck on the right side will hurt on its own. If you cannot get rid of it yourself, do not delay the visit to the doctor.


Watch the video: Could Tech Neck be the Cause of your Headaches or Neck Pain? (June 2024).