Staphylococcus aureus - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Staphylococcus is a genus of microorganisms having a round shape. Most often, under a microscope, you can see an accumulation of bacteria that look like a bunch of grapes.

They are resistant to high temperatures (less than 80 degrees), sunlight, freezing, chemicals and drugs. When boiling, they die instantly, disastrously affect staphylococcus phenol and hydrogen peroxide.

Staphylococcus aureus

Today, about 30 types of staphylococci are distinguished, 14 of them make up the conditionally pathogenic microflora of a person, that is, they constantly live inside our body. But healthy people do not notice their vital functions, since the immune system does not allow microorganisms to multiply uncontrollably, maintaining a conditionally pathogenic balance at the same level.

Many species do not pose a serious danger, but Staphylococcus aureus, having a characteristic yellow-golden color, can inflict a serious blow to health and provoke dangerous diseases.

A decrease in the body's defenses can give rise to uncontrolled reproduction of staphylococcus. This condition requires immediate intervention.

It is also possible infection with staphylococcal infections through surgical instruments, drinking water, food (in particular, canned food and spoiled foods). Staphylococcus aureus is also transmitted by airborne droplets; the use of one towel or washcloth between family members is fraught with infection of all its inhabitants.

Often in maternity hospitals infants are infected with a special kind of staphylococcus, resistant to almost all drugs.

Staphylococcus - Symptoms

Once in the body, staphylococcus begins to multiply intensively and produce toxins that adversely affect health, leading to various pathologies.

Symptoms of staph infection are diverse and depend on many factors: the type of microorganism that caused the infection, the state of immunity, etc. Most often, one has to deal with the so-called poisoning of poor-quality products, in which there is diarrhea and abdominal pain. In infants, staphylococcus causes similar symptoms: dysbiosis, especially accompanied by severe diarrhea and skin rashes, in a baby should alert you and encourage you to seek medical help.

What other conditions can be triggered by staphylococcus? Let's decide on the main ones:
1) skin diseases (abscesses, boils, carbuncles, barley, eczema, etc.);
2) frequent cystitis (saprophytic staphylococcus becomes his culprit);
3) pneumonia, purulent tonsillitis and mastopathy in women;
4) conjunctivitis;
5) enterocolitis - a serious disorder of the stool (watery stool more than 10-12 times a day);
6) sepsis (blood poisoning) - a severe bacterial infection that develops against the background of immunodeficiency.

In most cases, the culprit for the occurrence of these diseases is Staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcus - diagnosis

To make the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take a smear or piece of tissue from the site of infection for further culturological study of microorganisms. In pneumonia and sepsis, they are guided by a blood test.

Staphylococcus - treatment and prevention

The microorganism is resistant to many antibiotics, which, of course, makes it difficult to eliminate. Treatment is prescribed when a concomitant disease develops.

In gastrointestinal upsets in children and adults, bacteriophage preparations have proven themselves to be excellent. For the treatment of conjunctivitis, a solution of Albucide (drops) and eye washing with potassium permanganate are used. An abscess is eliminated surgically, enterocolitis with drugs that restore the intestinal microflora, and with sepsis, complex treatment with antibiotics, antistaphylococcal plasma and immunoglobulin preparations is used. In any case, each patient requires an individual approach.

Preventive measures should be aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Also do not forget to monitor the quality and freshness of food.


Vladimir 08/21/2016
tell me what and how to treat furunculus staphylococcus on the scalp


Watch the video: Staph infections can kill, March 2019, Vital Signs (July 2024).