What to do if peeling skin on the face


"Am I in the world all the sweetest, all blush and whiter?" That's about how many girls think, looking at themselves in the mirror. But, unfortunately, the reflection often shows not quite the expected result. Even on a clean face, pimples often jump up, redness appears or the skin begins to peel, resembling boiled beans. What to do to get rid of an unpleasant defect? In a panic from a cosmetic bag, tonal and camouflage accessories are the first thing to do. They are just not worth using. No foundation cream will hide the husks, only emphasize. To get rid of them, you need to identify the cause of their appearance.

Why does the skin on the face peel?

1. First of all, owners of dry skin suffer from peeling. Therefore, the face should be constantly moisturized: use hydration creams in summer and winter. In summer, you need to choose moisturizers based on water, in winter - on fat. In cold weather, hydrated cream is applied to the face at least 40 minutes before going outside.

2. Sea, sun and water - for the skin are not always best friends. Therefore, while on vacation, it is necessary to cover the face with protective creams with SPF protection, which will protect it from burns and from the appearance of age spots. First of all, the nose and forehead are burned. Therefore, for additional protection, it is not superfluous to wear a cap with a large visor or a hat with wide brim.

3. Peeling can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze what new products or medicines have been used recently. This also applies to new cosmetics - gels, creams, masks, shampoos.

4. Often the skin peels off in early spring, at a time when the body experiences the greatest deficiency of beneficial elements and vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to enrich your diet or take synthetic multivitamins.

5. It is necessary to properly care for the skin of the face. Do not part with scrubs and peels, especially if the skin is dry. Do not use hot water and soap to dry your skin. Water should be warm, and preferably cool. And the soap should be replaced with mild cosmetic cleansers - lotions, foams, gels for washing.

6. If the skin is not only peeling, but also itching, it is better to visit a dermatologist. Because peeling in this case can be caused by an infection beginning with eczema or psoriasis. Especially if it began to become covered with scales or crusts.

These are the most common causes of peeling, although there may be more. For example, age-related changes, hormonal changes or failure, poisoning, heredity. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all possible effects on the body in order to identify the "culprit".

What to do if face skin peels off?

The flaky skin I want to quickly put in order. How to do this so as not to damage it even more? First, it requires delicate handling. Therefore, all tonics and lotions on alcohol, which additionally dries the skin, it is better to postpone. Secondly, you should wipe your face with light blotting movements so as not to irritate it once again. Before using independently different medicinal ointments or creams, you need to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. After all, the cause of peeling is initially unknown. In this case, the safest methods of struggle will be folk remedies.

1. Light peels and gommazhi. With their help, it is easy to cleanse the face of ugly peels. A scrub would have handled them best. But it will have too aggressive an effect on the skin. Therefore, it is better to use a milder type of peeling - gommage. It should be used for oily skin at most twice a week, for dry - one. After that, be sure to grease your face with a nourishing cream and protect it from direct sunlight.

Gommage is best done not on dry, but slightly steamed skin. You should put a warm compress on it, take a bath or hold your face above the steam. After application, the gommage is left for 10-15 minutes on the face. During this time, he manages to soak into the skin and grasp, forming a soft layer. If you hold it with your fingers, the mass will begin to roll. With gentle movements, roll off the entire mass from the face, then rinse with cool or warm water. If rolling with your fingers causes discomfort or discomfort, the gommage is washed off simply with water.

Oatmeal homage from peeling skin

You need to grind a handful of cereal in a blender or coffee grinder. Take in equal proportions the resulting small grains, honey, olive oil - usually a tablespoon or teaspoon. Add the yolk. A well-mixed mass is applied to the face, then removed or washed off. If the skin is oily, it is allowed to add a few drops of lemon juice. If the skin is flaky, it is possible to strengthen the abrasive properties of the gommage by adding corn grits or granulated sugar to it.

To make the peeling softer and more delicate, the flakes are first boiled in milk. In one or two tablespoons of porridge add a small spoonful of honey and butter - cream or olive and applied to the face.

White bread gommage

Pour one or two slices of white bread with milk or water. Allow to swell and mix. Put a mass of bread on your face. Wash off with water or remove with massaging movements after twenty minutes.

Coffee Ground Homage

On coffee grounds, you can not only guess. It is also used as a peeling. Grind and brew coffee. Apply the sleeping thick (the one left over from the drunk coffee) on the face, massage it with light movements and rinse with water. To soften the abrasive properties of peeling, add a spoonful of sour cream to the thick.

2. Nutritious masks. After gommage, a nourishing cream is applied to the face or masks are made. They moisturize the skin and fill it with nutrients. Peeling can be reduced if you wipe your face with a decoction of linden, chamomile, slices of watermelon, apple, persimmon.

Peeling honey mask

2 yolks, 2 large tablespoons of olive oil and a small spoon of honey to heat: in a sealed container, put under running hot water or in a water bath. Apply one layer on the face with a cotton swab or brush. After 5 minutes, another one, and so on, until the mass is over. Wash in 20 minutes.

Baked onion mask

Bake a whole head of onion. Grind with a large spoon of honey. Leave the mask on the face for fifteen minutes.

Peeling Cucumber Mask

Finely grate a fresh cucumber. Add a large spoon of sour cream. Lubricate the face. Wash your face in twenty minutes.


Janusik 01/08/2016
Tea tree oil
Tea oil - is the absence of side effects, such as dry skin, peeling and itching, characteristic of synthetic drugs. The oil is non-toxic and has a pleasant smell. The main indication for the use of tea tree oil is infectious skin diseases.
If mixed with cream - then just right


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Peeling Skin after Sunburn - Sunburn Treatment (July 2024).