How to apply blush: face type and skin color are important. Secrets of proper blush application, makeup artist tips


A face perfectly aligned with tone and powder, without blush, looks flat and lifeless.

To ignore this product is a big mistake that make-up beginners often make.

However, another mistake is often found: improper application of the product.

That is why you need not only to buy a suitable product, but also to figure out how to properly apply blush.

How to apply blush: product types

There are several types of blush:

• conventional compact;

• loose powdery;

• original ball;

• healthy cream;

• instant gel (or liquid).

In addition to the features of applying the product itself, it is necessary to consider the type of skin. So, compact and powdery blush can be used by all girls: a dense, dry consistency will look good on any face. The pigment will lie evenly, delicately.

However, on oily skin, with expanded pores and a strong shine, powdery blush will also work as a matting agent, removing the greasy "radiance". At the same time, for owners of such a dermis, oily cream products are simply a disaster. They will aggravate the problem, turn the face into an oil pancake.

Cream products work perfectly on dry skin. They soften it, mask peeling, nourish, care for damaged dermis. But gel, or liquid blush, in which there is absolutely no fat, are unlikely to be suitable for dry skin. They are resistant, so it is recommended to wear them for women with mature skin, on which decorative products do not hold well.

Ball blush with a slight shimmer sheen is good for dry or normal skin. On oily even a slight delicate radiance is inappropriate. If the product is a dull product, it can be used.

How to apply blush by product type

Loose blush is applied with a special brush with a beveled tip. You need to dip it in a jar, knock on the wall to shake off the excess product, and apply the pigment in small portions, a transparent layer. Shading the tool is quite simple, since it is very easy to lay down and spread over the skin.

Dry compact blush is also applied. Having collected the product on the brush, you need to highlight the area of ​​the cheekbones or cheeks with light sliding movements. The brush should be very soft, with natural or artificial hair.

For ball blush you need a voluminous, wide brush. This means you can not only highlight the cheekbones, but quickly contour the face: apply a light pigment to the cheeks, chin, forehead.

Cream blush is applied with your fingers. A small amount of the agent is applied pointwise on the cheekbones and shaded with pads so that no transitions are visible. After applying blush powder with a clear powder. This product is recommended for use in evening makeup.

The application of gel blush has its own characteristics, few people know how to properly apply this type of blush. The secret is simple: the product is applied to the “bare” skin without tone and powder. It dries very quickly, so you will have to work very intensively, with rubbing movements. If you slow down, the gel base is absorbed, and shading does not work.

If you have applied too much product, then be sure to get rid of it. Matryoshka cheeks are good in children's fairy tales. Excess dry blush can be removed with a clean brush and dusting. Liquid will have to be washed off.

How to apply blush on the type of face

The art of makeup divides all female faces into four main types: oval, triangle, circle, square. The classic method of applying blush on the "cheeks-apples" will be appropriate on a perfect oval face, but for other types it will not work. Therefore, you need to learn how to properly apply blush according to the type of face in order to slightly adjust its shape.

The oval face does not need correction. This is the most trouble-free, classic form. It is enough to find those same "apples", touch them with a pigment and shade it to the temple area. Apples are called the most convex part of the cheeks. To find her, you must smile at your reflection in the mirror: everything will immediately become clear. For daytime makeup, you need to take a little pink or peach pigment.

The evening make-up should be brighter, so you have to impose a more pigmented product, and not on the apples themselves, but under the cheekbone. Pull the cheeks to determine this location. The formed dimples will indicate the place of application, it remains only to shade the tone to the middle of the ear.

The triangular shape of the face is distinguished by a sharp chin. To distract attention from it, blush should be applied to the cheekbones in the widest place and blend to the temple. Then apply pigment to the forehead above the temple area to narrow it, work out the hairline.

A round face needs to be given a clear relief. Mentally draw a line from the center of the ear to the corner of the lips and fill it with suitable blush, be sure to blend the cheekbones with the bone. Then you need to darken the narrow area of ​​the forehead between the hairline and eyebrows. Mandatory rule: no shimmer! Radiance will only emphasize the shape of the face, but it is necessary to remove the emphasis from it. Therefore, the product should only be matte.

On the square face, the jaws stand out clearly. It is with this feature that you need to work, shifting the emphasis to the cheeks. To do this, you need to take the product of a dark color and apply to the widest areas of the jaws - this will visually “hide” them.

If the face is narrow, you can visually expand it. To properly apply blush, you need to find a point on the bone of the cheekbone at the pupil level, apply pigment to it. Then retract the cheeks and apply a dark pigment under the cheekbone to the temple area. Lighter pigment is applied to the cheekbone, chin, forehead, and tip of the nose. Dark and light pigment should be thoroughly shaded.

How to apply blush: color type

When choosing a blush tone, you need to consider not only the purpose of the makeup (daytime or evening), but also such moments as skin tone, hair color. Since natural makeup is exactly what you should strive for, you can gently pinch yourself on the cheeks and choose a product that is as close as possible in tone to the natural color of the skin.

If its shade is pink, the blush pigment should be cold. Coral, pink shades will do. Peach, apricot pigments are good for a yellowish tint.

Dark-haired girls need to pay attention to coral, copper, beige pink, raspberry, brown shades. Blondes will suit pink tones of pale or, conversely, purple tones. Peach hue is universal. If the face is tanned, then brown, bronze, ocher tones are appropriate. How to apply blush to red-haired beauties? Almost any shade can be used, depending on the intensity of the color of the hair, with the exception of frankly brown and puppet pink.

It is important to consider the color of lipstick: they should sound in unison. It is unacceptable to combine cold and warm tones, use pink and brown pigments instead. The rule is simple: brown lipstick - bronze, copper, ocher blush. Pink lipstick - the same tone on the cheeks. Red lipstick - corral pigment, etc.

How to apply blush: the secrets of makeup artists

Professional makeup artists know many secrets of the correct application of blush. There is nothing complicated in them, so you can take some basic tricks into service and always have perfect makeup.

• Small shimmer spangles look lovely on a young face, especially if you touch the highest parts of the cheekbones with a brush. For ladies aged, any shine is contraindicated.

• If you apply a natural pigment to the zygomatic bone, and under it - more saturated, the image will turn out to be more expressive.

• Creamy blush goes well with creamy tonal foundation, and powdery - with dry. If there is no cream blush, then apply dry only on a pre-powdered face.

• To learn how to dose the amount of product correctly, you need to start not with a brush, but with your fingers. To begin with, draw a drop of the product on a small pillow of the middle finger and easily shade it along the cheekbone to the temple. Evaluate the result and repeat if necessary.

• Cream blush can be applied not only to the cheeks, but also to the lips. This will make an excellent replacement for ordinary lipstick, which also perfectly matches the tone of the cheekbones.

• To correct any shortcomings, you do not need to memorize a lot of special techniques, schemes and techniques. It is enough to learn one universal rule: those areas that need to be masked are covered with dark pigments (blush, concealer, powder, etc.). Those that need to be emphasized are bright.

There is nothing complicated in the correct application of blush. It takes a little practice and a quality cosmetic product.


Watch the video: Beginner Makeup Tips & Tricks. TheMakeupChair (June 2024).