Kiwi improves mood and prolongs life


It’s no secret that kiwi contains many vitamins. This hairy fruit is also rich in micro and macro elements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, organic acids, fiber, carbohydrates and even proteins. And in terms of vitamin C, kiwi is a record holder. Here it is more than in bell peppers, currants and citrus fruits. But the useful properties of kiwi are not limited to this. Doctors say that using kiwi, we will feel happier and happier.

A nutritionist from Ukraine Vladislav Karpenko explains this by the fact that kiwi promotes the release of the hormone of happiness, or endorphin, in the human body, as a result of which the emotional state improves. Kiwi can be called a medicinal fruit. With regular use in food, the pressure normalizes, the work of the kidneys, digestive organs and respiratory system improves. Naturally, this has a positive effect on life expectancy. As Vladislav Karpenko calculated, to eat one kilogram of kiwi is to extend the life by one month.

Especially women may like the fact that with the maximum amount of nutrients, kiwi gives a minimum of calories.

Kiwi is often used for external use, that is, as part of a variety of masks that restore a healthy complexion, perfectly cleanse the skin, make it soft, velvety and supple, thanks to the production of collagen. And collagen, as you know, masterfully copes with skin tightening.

It is interesting: how to clean the kiwi


Watch the video: Best 12 Amazing Benefits And Reasons To Love Avocado (June 2024).