Nutritious hair masks. Learn how to make nourishing masks for all hair types.


Imagine - on every square centimeter of the scalp there are 260 hair follicles. In total, a person has 150 thousand of them - a real dense "forest" growing from the scalp. Why is it often that our hair is far from ideal? The hair itself has a rather complex structure: the tubular layer in cross section consists of several components. Most often, it is the “garden” from which they grow that affects the condition of the hair.

If he receives inadequate care, his hair becomes dull, split, fade and grow poorly. If more than 30 hairs remain on the comb per day, this indicates that the time has come to deal with "fertilizing the soil." A nourishing hair mask is exactly what we need. Of course, the condition of the hair also depends on the genes, the state of health. But imagine how much more load the roots have to bear with dry hair and split ends.

Hair growth is affected primarily by genes, as well as health status. Damaged hair, especially split ends, have an increased load on the hair follicle. The mask can be prepared at home from the most popular ingredients rich in fats, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and so on. Let these masks become your companions for several months, and as a result, your hair will become healthy and shiny, will grow better, fit well.

How to cook nutritious hair masks

- The mixture of products should be mixed well until smooth, applied to the hair at a temperature equal to room temperature or slightly warmer, but not hot;
- apply immediately after cooking, with your hands, using a brush or cotton swab;
- do additional massage circular movements;
- Do not use masks for skin lesions until they heal well.
- precisely maintain the recipe during cooking, do not try to prolong the pleasure - keep the mixture on your head only for a certain time.

Nourishing Hair Masks - what products are applied to different types of hair

- Dry and brittle hair - glycerin, egg, tincture of arnica, blueberries, sea buckthorn, sour cream, vitamins A, C, E, aloe.
- Oily hair - yeast, brown bread, honey, lemon juice, hops, birch extract, mustard, aloe.
- Normal hair - egg yolk, olive or sea buckthorn oil, fruits, sour cream, low-fat kefir and yogurt are used.
- Damaged hair - olive oil, sour cream, rye bread, honey, yolk, avocado.

Nutritious hair masks - recipes

Yeast Nourishing Hair Mask

Ingredients: yeast stick (1/3 part), sugar (half a teaspoon), water (2 tablespoons). Stir the ingredients, leave for 30 minutes, apply to wet hair, leave for an hour for action. At the same time, cover the hair with a clean cloth, wrap a handkerchief. Wash your hair with tar soap. Recommended once a month.

Nourishing hair mask with onion and egg

Ingredients: grated onion (80-100 grams), egg yolk (1 pc).
Mix the products and rub into the hair roots. Cover with plastic wrap, a dry warm towel or scarf. Keep 1-1.5 aces, rinse with a mild shampoo with warm water.

Hair mask for bread

Ingredients: green onions (1 tablespoon), bread (100 grams), water (half a glass). Pour boiling water over the bread, leave it under the lid to get a homogeneous gruel. Grind onion feathers and mix with bread. Rub the mixture into the roots, tie with polyethylene and insulate. Hold for 50-60 minutes. When rinsing, shampoo is not required.

Vitamin Nourishing Hair Mask

Method of preparation: in a blender, mix banana, avocado and slices of melon in equal parts. Add to the mixture sprouted wheat grains (30 grams), vitamin A (1 spoon), yogurt (1 spoon). Apply to hair, for about 20-25 minutes, moisten with water and wrap.

Honey-egg nourishing mask for normal hair

Ingredients: honey (2 tablespoons), egg yolk (1 pc), green onion (two pcs). Knead everything or pass through a blender, mix and distribute along the entire length of the hair and on the scalp. Action - 1 hour. Rinse off without shampoo.

Nourishing mask - maintaining vitality

Ingredients: yolk (1 pc), glycerin (teaspoon), ascorbic acid (half a teaspoon), boiled water. Mix the ingredients, add so much water that the mixture turns out in the form of a creamy homogeneous mass. Rub into wet hair, spread over the entire surface. We close hair, we warm. Rinse off after half an hour, lay with a brush. Do not use a hair dryer or tongs this time.

Blue clay

Ingredients: blue clay, mustard, butter, lemon juice, transparent honey (1 spoon each). We rub into the roots of the hair, put on a warming dressing. Wash your hair after 1.5-2 hours.

Herbal Nourishing Hair Masks

Ingredients: grass of nettle, chamomile flower, linden (2 tablespoons each), liquid vitamins A, Bj, B12, E in an oil solution, brown bread crust soaked in water. To the broth of herbs add vitamins, gruel from the peel, mix and grind. Vitamins add to the filtered liquid. Leave on for 15 minutes. Prepare an infusion of herbs - pour boiling water and insist. Add to the pulp, then apply to the hair for 15 minutes. After an hour and a half, rinse with running water.

Brandy hair mask

Ingredients: brandy (1 part), onions (juice, 4 parts), burdock broth (6 parts). Mix the ingredients, rub into the scalp in a warm form, wash the hair after 2 hours. Apply 2-3 times a week.

A few more nuances in the preparation of nourishing hair masks

- You should not prepare the composition for more than one procedure, it is better to mix fresh ingredients every time. An exception may be alcoholic infusions.
- Rub the composition into the roots with gentle massaging movements. You can massage your head before applying the mask - starting from the point between the eyebrows, pressing with the index and middle fingers move towards the temples every five seconds. Massage whiskey for 10 seconds. Starting from the temples, massage your scalp with your fingers for 10 seconds. Walk all over your head.
- Comb your hair with a comb with rare cloves.
- After washing the hair, you can apply conditioner.

Be beautiful!


Regina 04/03/2016
And I regularly make a mask with cognac, I even have a bottle specially-bought for these purposes. No, well, you can drink a little, of course))) Only I do it with a burdock, that is, with a decoction of it. It is the burdock that affects hair very well.

Elizabeth 04/03/2016
Eh, just now there is cognac in the refrigerator, the remains of a small family holiday. And of course there is a bow. But I don’t have a burdock, maybe honey is suitable for a mask? If you add it instead of a decoction? I will try however.

Aldina 04/03/2016
Well, honestly - I did not know that you can make a clay mask on your hair! In general, I often use clay, but for the face. And in the house she is always practically there. Now I will increase the reserves, so that it’s enough for my head!

Dasha 04/03/2016
Well, of course! A herbal mask that includes nettles just can't be bad! A simple decoction of nettles and then, has a beneficial effect on the hair, and then there's a bunch of ingredients. And, of course, a banana. Everyone's favorite, and such a healthy fruit.

Veronica 04/03/2016
Thank! As always - great tips and recipes. Oh god How I want to wake up, run my hand through my hair, and there ... Thick, silky, flowing up to my hips ...))) But, alas ... This is just a dream. But, with the help of these masks, I will definitely achieve just such a result.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Masks You Need to Try (July 2024).