March 28: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 28th.


Holidays March 28

The foundation day of the Bolshoi Theater

March 28, 1776 Empress Catherine the Great expressed her consent to Prince Peter Ursov to become the organizer of theatrical performances, masquerades and other concerts. The prince recruited the actors and began construction of the building for performances. The first troupe team consisted of dancers, musicians, artists, a choreographer, a total of forty-three people. There was no separate theater building at that time, so the performances were given in the extension of the Vorontsov house. More than a dozen years will pass before the opening of this theater, but it was from this project that the Bolshoi Theater was born, as our contemporaries know it.

Day of duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

On March 28, Russia marks the day of formation of the duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The officers on duty do not sit in ambushes, do not participate in chases and special operations to detain criminals. But it is precisely on their correct and quick actions, high professionalism that the speed of solving crimes, the timely detention of offenders, the health of the victims, and sometimes their life, depends. Every citizen, finding himself in a difficult situation, knows that you can always turn to the police for help by phone "02". After receiving an alarming message, which may be more than a dozen in a day, the duty officer should immediately respond to the signal and send the nearest outfit to the crime scene. The duty unit at any police station is the hottest spot, or number one post.

March 28 on the folk calendar

On March 28, the Orthodox Church commemorates the holy martyrs Agapius, Alexander, and Nikander.
Agapius, and with him seven more Christians, were sentenced to martyrdom because they refused to offer sacrifice to pagan idols during the holiday. The action took place in Caesarea Palestine in 300 during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. Thekla and Agapia were thrown to be devoured by the beasts, the rest of the Christians were burned alive.

Nikander suffered a martyrdom in Egypt, also under the emperor Diocletian in 302. He was a doctor, during the persecution of Christians he visited them in casemates, brought food, provided medical assistance after suffering torture, secretly buried the dead. This became known to Diocletian. Nikandra was captured, tortured. Then he was skinned alive and beheaded.

In the national calendar, March 28 is marked as Alexandrov Day.

If seagulls flew to Alexander, this promised the onset of heat and the beginning of the ice drift. If on this day the seagulls bathed in water, they would soon expect inclement weather.

Livestock began to molt. He was taken out into the courtyard, cleaned his coat and started talking from spoilage and the evil eye.

March 28 according to the national calendar was revered as a day of "forest grooming." The forest was the breadwinner for the peasants: it provided berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs, and game. Therefore, on this day they spoke about the forest with special respect, thanked the forest Brownie for the gifts, and also read the plot so as not to stray in the forest and always find the right path.

Historical events of March 28

March 28, 37 Caligula became emperor of Rome.

The years of the reign of this emperor are marked by the politics of terror, the destruction of the established traditions of dynasties and the state. He strove for unlimited power, distinguished by rigidity, vanity. His favorite expression was: "Let them hate, if only they were afraid." He was not always like that. He began to create atrocities after an illness that crippled him at the end of 37 years. He was on the verge of death, but survived. The disease hit his brain, which left an imprint on his further behavior. Killed by conspirators on January 24, 41 years old.

March 28, 1797 The first washing machine was patented in the USA.

The patent for the invention was received by the American Nathaniel Briggs. Although his washing machine was very different from the modern one, and more like an ordinary washing board, even it greatly facilitated the work of the housewives of that time. Only after almost fifty years, an improved washing machine was invented, which was the prototype of the modern mechanism. She had a drum that was driven manually.

March 28, 1837 formation of the city of Chicago.

It was the third city in terms of population, after Los Angeles and New York, which was officially registered in the United States on March 28, 1837. In 1840 about four thousand people already lived in it (against 350 inhabitants in 1933). Today it is a multi-million megalopolis, one of the largest transport hubs, trade and industry centers in the USA.

March 28, 1857 the first Russian gymnasium appeared in Russia.

The Mariinsky Gymnasium, opened in 1857 in St. Petersburg, allowed girls of different classes to receive a good education. The best teachers were invited to teach disciplines. Tuition was not high, because for the most part, funding was from the fund of Empress Maria. After the opening of a female gymnasium in St. Petersburg, educational institutions for girls began to appear in other cities of the country.

March 28, 1930 Constantinople renamed to Istanbul.

March 28, 1930 Atatürk, the first president of Turkey, issued a decree according to which the Turkish name Istanbul was returned to the city of Constantinople. Other cities with Greek roots were renamed: Angora became Ankara, Smyrna - Izmir, Adrianople - Edirne. Letters and other mail items with the name "Constantinople" were sent back, noting that there was no such city.

March 28 Born:

Raphael (28/03/1483 - 06/04/1520), Italian artist.

Brilliant Italian painter, architect, graphic artist, Rafaelo Santi, lived and worked in the Renaissance. He was a student of the famous Pietro Perugino, but Raphael's later works were influenced by the work of artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, from whom he adopted the technique of drawing. Rafael's brushes belong to such famous works as the Sistine Madonna, The Three Graces, The Holy Family, The Triumph of Galatea, The Coronation of Mary, and many others.

Maksim Gorky (28/03/1868 - 18/06/1936), Russian writer, playwright.

Maxim Gorky (nee Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov), being a "proletarian" writer, in his works described the lives of ordinary people, their struggle for independence, the desire for the triumph of justice, freedom, and equality. Gorky wrote many essays, short stories, and novels - "The Old Woman Isergil", "Mother", "At the Bottom", "Song of the Petrel", "Makar Chudra" and others.

Lady Gaga (b.1986), a popular American singer.

A talented girl from the family of Italian immigrants already at the age of four played the piano. The makings of a voiced singer appeared at Stephanie's (real name) very early, as a child, her favorite pastime was to record on-tape hits of that time in her own performance. Lady Gaga is a very versatile singer: she performs songs in the style of disco, pop, dance music, glam rock, R&B, electro. In addition to singing and dancing, she proved herself as a talented fashion designer, she herself develops stage costumes. Outrageous singer for her short career received many awards and won many awards.

Birthday March 28:

Alexander, Agapiy, Alexey, Dionisy (Denis), Mikhail, Timofey.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).