Shrimp spaghetti - a dish that Italians would love! The best recipes for spaghetti with shrimp and sauces for them


Just spaghetti is uninteresting and tasteless.

To make such a simple product a masterpiece, it is prepared with seafood or meat products.

Well, and where without sauce, because it is he who makes the taste of spaghetti interesting and original.

Shrimp spaghetti - basic cooking principles

Before you start cooking shrimp spaghetti, you need to choose the right ingredients.

To make the dish really tasty, spaghetti is used only of the highest grade. When choosing this product, carefully read the composition on the package.

Shrimp should be fresh. If it is a frozen product, carefully look at the expiration dates. However, they should not be frozen.

Using unpeeled shrimp, they are cleaned, gutted, removed their head, shell and inner film before use. After that, they are washed under running water. To make the inner film easier to remove, shrimp is poured with boiling water.

Prepared seafood is subjected to heat treatment according to the recipe.

Spaghetti is prepared according to the recommendations on the packaging. Then recline in a colander and mix with shrimp and sauce. Before serving shrimp spaghetti, you can sprinkle with small cheese chips.

Recipe 1. Shrimp Spaghetti


400 g of durum wheat spaghetti;

3 g ground nutmeg;

2 onions;

200 ml cream;

5 g of salt;

1 bunch of spinach;

100 g butter;

10 pieces. boiled and peeled shrimp;

100 g of Dutch cheese.

Cooking method

1. Peel, wash, and chop the bulbs in small squares. Put chopped onion in melted butter and fry until golden brown.

2. Rinse a bunch of spinach, shake off excess moisture and cut into strips. Put in onion and simmer all together for five minutes.

3. Pour onion with spinach cream. Wait until the sauce boils, turn the heat on and cook for another five minutes.

4. Cheese cut into small cubes and put it in a creamy sauce. Salt, season with ground nutmeg, add peeled and boiled shrimp. Cook, stirring continuously, until the sauce begins to thicken.

5. Cook the spaghetti following the instructions on the package. Fold in a colander and arrange on plates. Top with shrimp sauce and serve with vegetable salad.

Recipe 2. Shrimp Spaghetti in Creamy Wine Sauce


a pound of peeled shrimp;


200 ml of dry white wine;

olive oil;

200 ml of 20% cream;

5 g of salt;

3 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Heat olive oil in a pan. Put peeled shrimp in it and fry, stirring constantly, until the liquid evaporates. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze them through the press into the shrimp. Sauté with garlic for a minute.

2. Pour wine into the shrimp, mix, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for three minutes, without covering.

3. Now add the cream, mix and continue cooking for another five minutes. Salt and remove from heat.

4. Cook the spaghetti according to the instructions on the package, put them in a colander and put in the sauce. Stir and serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 3. Spaghetti with shrimp in garlic sauce in a slow cooker


300 g of spaghetti;


300 g of shrimp;

6 g of salt;

150 ml sour cream;

1 onion;

3 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. In the capacity of the multicooker we pour drinking water and slightly salt. Bring it to a boil in Cooking mode. Then put the spaghetti in the water and boil them until soft in the same mode. Throw the finished product into a colander. Wash my bowl and put it into the slow cooker again.

2. Pour oil and turn on the "Frying" program. We clean and chop the onion finely. We spread the onions in the heated oil and fry until transparent.

3. Add the peeled shrimp to the onion and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, for another ten minutes.

4. In the shrimp put sour cream and chopped garlic. Season with seafood spices and pepper, salt. Mix. We turn on the quenching mode and cook for seven minutes.

5. Spaghetti spread on portioned plates, top with shrimp sauce and serve hot.

Recipe 4. Spaghetti with Shrimp and Broccoli



200 g of spaghetti;

olive oil;

10 broccoli inflorescences;


clove of garlic;

a bunch of parsley;

a pound of shrimp.

Cooking method

1. We clean the shrimp, cut off the heads and set them aside.

2. In a large saucepan, bring to a boil slightly salted water. In boiling water, lower the broccoli inflorescences and cook for five minutes. Then we take out the cabbage and put it on a plate.

3. In the same water, boil until ready spaghetti and throw them in a colander.

4. Peel the garlic clove and crush it with the handle of a knife. Heat the olive oil, put a clove of garlic in it and fry for two minutes. Then we discard the garlic, we need it so that the oil is saturated with the aromas of garlic.

5. Put the shrimp heads in the pan and fry them, crushing them so that they give away all the juice. Now take out the head and throw it away. Add the shrimp carcasses and fry them for two minutes. Then we spread the boiled broccoli, pour in a little cream, mix and cook everything together for a couple more minutes. Salt and pepper. Remove the pan from the heat and add the finely chopped parsley.

6. Put the prepared spaghetti in the shrimp sauce, mix and serve with home preservation.

Recipe 5. Spaghetti with Shrimp and Basil


100 g fetaki;

200 g of spaghetti;

Cherry tomatoes;

300 g of shrimp;

7 g of salt;

2 cloves of garlic;

ground black pepper;


olive oil;

2 red sweet peppers;

seasonings for pasta;

soy sauce;

dried dill;


Cooking method

1. Shrimp are left to defrost in the refrigerator overnight. For this dish we take small shrimp.

2. Peel the onion and garlic and peel finely. We spread the vegetables in hot oil and fry over high heat for seven minutes, constantly stirring. Salt and season with pepper.

3. Wash sweet pepper and remove the tail with the core. Thoroughly clean the seeds. Cut the pulp of pepper into small cubes and put it in a pan with onions and garlic. Add seasonings and basil. Stir and fry for about five minutes.

4. Boil spaghetti, following the recommendations on the package. We discard them in a colander and shift them into fried vegetables. Pour soy sauce, twist the fire to a minimum and warm under the lid for three minutes.

5. Put the spaghetti with shrimp on portioned plates. Spread slices of cherry tomatoes on top and sprinkle with slices of feta cheese.

Recipe 6. Spaghetti with shrimp, pumpkin and sun-dried tomatoes


200 g of spaghetti;

3 g ground black pepper;

300 g pumpkin;

5 g of salt;

300 g of tiger shrimp;

olive oil;

70 g of sun-dried tomatoes;

1 pod of chili pepper;

250 g canned tomatoes in their own juice;

garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method

1. Boil slightly salted water in a large saucepan. Boil the spaghetti in it, following the recommendations on the packaging. Throw the finished product into a colander.

2. Heat the oil in a pan. Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces. Scrape the chili pepper pod from the seeds and cut into slices. Put the pieces of garlic in a frying pan and lightly fry, add chili pepper and continue to fry.

3. Remove the shell from the shrimp and cut off the heads. Put the heads to the garlic and pepper and simmer all together for five minutes. Remove the peppers, garlic and shrimp heads from the pan using a slotted spoon.

4. Cut the peeled pumpkin into small cubes, put in a pan and fry. Cut the dried tomatoes into strips and add them to the pumpkin.

5. Mash the tomatoes in your own juice in a puree and pour this mixture into a pan. Stir and simmer until the pumpkin is soft. Five minutes before the end of cooking add the shrimp, salt and pepper. Put the prepared spaghetti in a pan with sauce, mix and serve to the table, spreading on plates.

Recipe 7. Shrimp Spaghetti in Tomato Cream Sauce



300 g of spaghetti;


400 g raw peeled shrimp;

30 ml of olive oil;

half a glass of fat cream;

ground black pepper;

six tomatoes;

a glass of dry white wine;


80 g of butter;

a pinch of ground chili;

clove of garlic;

two pinches of dried basil.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the tomatoes, wipe with a towel and cut into small pieces. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic clove. We put the pan on the fire and melt the butter. Spread prepared vegetables in it, season with chili pepper and basil. Lightly fry everything over moderate heat.

2. Pour wine to the vegetables and simmer until it evaporates almost completely.

3. Salt the peeled shrimp, season with pepper and sprinkle with olive oil. Fry them in a separate pan until golden brown.

4. Pour cream into the sauce with vegetables and add the fried shrimp. Stir and simmer it over moderate heat for another two minutes.

5. Boil the spaghetti according to the instructions on the packaging and lay it on a sieve. We shift them into a pan with sauce, mix and sprinkle with grated parmesan. Warm up a couple of minutes and serve with vegetable salad.

Recipe 8. Shrimp Spaghetti in Orange Sauce


350 g spaghetti;

a bunch of parsley;

250 g large boiled shrimp;

80 ml of vegetable broth;

10 g of garlic;

1 pod of hot pepper;


200 ml of dry white wine.

Cooking method

1. Cut the clove of garlic into four parts. We spread it in the heated oil, add the finely chopped pod of pepper and pour the wine and broth. Boil for five minutes over low heat.

2. Spread the shrimp and fry, stirring, for several minutes. Dip spaghetti in boiling water and boil until soft. We recline on a sieve and leave so that all the water leaves.

3. Take out the shrimp, and pour juice squeezed from one orange into the pan. Lightly boil, constantly stirring. Add the boiled spaghetti and mix.

4. Put spaghetti on a serving plate, put shrimps on top and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Shrimp Spaghetti - Tips and Tricks

  • Already boiled and peeled shrimp, it is enough just to warm up for several minutes in the sauce.

  • Dip shrimps in boiling water and cook after they pop up: small - three minutes, and tiger and king - six minutes.

  • To make the shrimp tastier, add peppercorns, a slice of lemon, a clove of garlic and bay leaf to the water.


Watch the video: Spaghetti Shrimp Scampi Recipe (July 2024).