Is there a friendship between a man and a woman?


Can a man and a woman be friends? Perhaps this question is one of the most controversial and ambiguous. To answer it, one should delve into the psychology of the relations of two opposite sexes.

Friendship between a man and a woman opinion of psychologists

As it often happens, the opinions of psychologists on this matter are radically different. Some experts insist that the boy and the girl are not capable of making friends for real, and if such a relationship arises between them, then, most likely, for some of them everything will end badly.

If a woman is free, she is constantly in search of her narrowed. Communicating with a young man who calls himself her friend is addictive. Inevitably there is sympathy, then attraction.

If such a friend is also married, the situation is greatly aggravated. A good psychologist will advise in this case to maintain a purely friendly relationship and not to allow intimacy.

Psychology of friendship between men and women

It is believed that a man and a woman are quite capable of making friends and regularly communicate without sexual overtones. True affection implies common interests between people, mutual respect and readiness to support and help each other.

If one person does not feel a similar feeling to another, it is not possible to speak of any warm relations. Friendship almost always implies frequent communication, spending time together, common topics of conversation for two, and understanding each other’s weaknesses and peculiarities.

If a guy with a girl realizes that there is real intimacy between them, maybe this is already love? If both partners are free, then there is no problem. Otherwise, you have to make a very difficult choice.

Male friend is it possible to simple friendship between a man and a woman?

It is proved that the representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity have different attitudes towards such a concept as friendship. The guy believes that since they have already agreed to be only friends, then you can safely talk about their love affairs, share impressions of a partner, and so on.

The girl subconsciously perceives such relationships as the opportunity to get something more. As a result, communication with time can become unpleasant for a man in the first place, because it will be him who will bear the entire burden of responsibility, guilt and dissatisfaction.

Signs of friendship between a woman and a man

Whether there is a friendship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, or there is a completely different interest, can be understood by some signs. For example, if a young man regularly compliments a girl, then most likely he has somewhat different feelings for her.

Friendship does not imply expensive gifts, payment of the total bill in the restaurant, courtship and romantic meetings. And even more so, sex doesn’t fit into such a relationship, but if it did happen, it means that the true aspirations of both friends or one of them broke out.

Female and male psychology are very different. And if a girl may well recognize flirting as a part of companionship, then the guy will make more straightforward conclusions, and will perceive such behavior as driven to action.

Can a woman be a friend to a man?

The opposite sex may well be a friend, but only under certain conditions. The most sensible advice is not to make friendships too intimate, and then you won’t have to wonder what went wrong.

If the friendship is really real, it will withstand time, distance and other trials. If not, the truth will definitely come out. A woman can be a good friend if she does not pretend to be a man and does not consider him as a potential gentleman.

At the very least, you can try to build friendships, although you can decide for the partners themselves.

Female and male friendship differences

Male friendship is distinguished by a more modest and restrained expression of feelings, while female friendship is, on the contrary, noisy and emotional. Girls are not afraid to hide their true attitude to the person and in every possible way demonstrate it. Guys often hide feelings out of fear of being too vulnerable.

Friendship between a man and a woman compatibility on signs of the zodiac

Mutual understanding between the sexes should not be determined solely by the affiliation of their representatives to one or another sign of the zodiac. It is better to use this indicator as an auxiliary characteristic.

Aries and partner Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini can be excellent friends. A female Taurus and partner Cancer or Virgo, a female Leo and a partner Aquarius and Scorpio, a female Libra and a partner Aries can also make friends.


Watch the video: Can Men And Women Be Friends? (July 2024).