Pathological female jealousy causes disorders in the brain


Scientists and doctors have long found out that very strong feelings are a kind of pathology. And recently, doctors attributed to full-fledged mental illness and love (paragraph "disorder of drives and habits"). Colleagues were supported by Italian researchers, who established a truly shocking fact: women who are jealous of their partners are also sick, therefore, they should undergo therapy like other patients.

What is meant by "pathology"? First of all, these are aggressive manifestations of jealousy, which can occur in the form of uncontrolled seizures. Scientists believe that such cases of jealousy should be treated with medication. The jealous sometimes does not even realize or suspect that his “love” appears due to certain disorders in the brain. Doctors blame the excessive activity of certain segments of the brain for this.

Such manifestations can lead to very disastrous results, since a person completely loses self-control. There is a state of affect, which increases the likelihood of many rash acts. These include the desire for vengeance. If a person takes revenge, his body receives a powerful dose of the hormone dopamine, which regulates the process of pleasure. When such conditions are repeated with frightening regularity, a person begins to get used to them. The next step - a conscious desire for revenge, in other words - he will look for reasons for jealousy, leading the situation to a critical point.


Watch the video: How Jealousy Distorts Your Thinking (June 2024).