The sensory system of citizens is very overloaded


Residents of large cities have impaired ability to concentrate. According to scientists from Goldsmiths College, University of London, this conclusion was made after studying an African tribe from southwestern Africa. Part of the tribe, which is called Himba, continues to live in the countryside, and part of it moved to the city.

It was found that the urbanized part of the tribe is much more difficult to concentrate. But the members of the tribe, who did not want to leave their native places, completed the tasks of concentration of attention much better than their fellow tribesmen. Psychologist Carina Linnell, who conducted the study, says that the difference in ability to concentrate turned out to be much larger than expected. The worst thing with the test tasks handled office workers, and in fact they often have to do several things at once.

Moreover, the tribe members who moved to the city changed their views on many things and more often expressed dissatisfaction with life.

The reason is, as scientists suggest, that city dwellers are exposed to a large number of stimulating elements that overload the organs of sight and hearing. They constantly distract and do not allow to concentrate.

It is especially difficult for townspeople to maintain attention to a particular subject for a long time. Linnell advises company executives to periodically take their employees out of town to increase productivity.

The experiment revealed an interesting fact: the villagers who are completely unfamiliar with the computer, also coped better with the tasks performed on the computer.


Watch the video: Sensory overload - psychology (July 2024).