Gingerbread cake with banana and sour cream - and you do not need to turn on the oven! Gingerbread cake recipes with bananas and sour cream without baking


Gingerbread cake is a delicate and sweet dessert that you can collect in just half an hour.

And to make it juicy, make sour cream.

And bananas will add a special touch to the treat and make it easier.

Products are affordable, cooking is easy, it turns out delicious.

What else is needed?

Just go to the kitchen!

Gingerbread cake with banana and sour cream - general principles of preparation

For dessert, you can use gingerbread cookies with a variety of tastes, except for mint. She does not combine with a banana. Gingerbread cookies are not used entirely, they need to be cut. To do this carefully, you need to arm yourself with a sharp knife. Cut products along the plates along to make flat cakes.

For cream, you need fat and thick sour cream. After combining with sugar, it will become thinner. For density, you can add gelatin, ground nuts, gingerbread crumbs. Often condensed milk, cream, butter are added to the cream. For aroma put vanillin, cinnamon, cocoa, food flavorings.

Cake can be assembled in various ways:

1. layers on a flat dish;

2. layers in deep form (changeling);

3. simply mix everything, put it in a slide or in a mold.

Whichever option you choose, you need to let the gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream soak. This will make the dessert tender, juicy, will not disperse when slicing. They usually stand the night in the refrigerator, but if there is no time, then at least let them stand for 3-4 hours.

Recipe 1: Plain Gingerbread Cake with Banana and Sour Cream

The easiest gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream. A dessert weighing about 1.4 kg is obtained from these ingredients. For decoration you will need kiwi or cherry berries. Sour fruits dilute the sweet taste of the cake well.


• 500 grams of gingerbread;

• vanilla;

• 400 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of powder;

• 3-4 bananas;

• 1-2 kiwi or 100 grams of cherries.


1. Cut the gingerbread cookies into plates, each into 3 small crusts. During the procedure, the icing will fly around, we will not throw it away, we will use it for sprinkling, like gingerbread crumbs.

2. Mix vanilla with sour cream and powder, send until the refrigerator.

3. Peel the bananas, cut into circles. Remove the seeds from the cherries. If kiwi is used, then we also clean it and cut into circles or halves of circles.

4. Lubricate a flat plate or dish with a thin layer of sour cream and lay out a layer of gingerbread. Lubricate and spread the bananas again. Repeat the layers until the products run out.

5. Coat the top of the cake and sides, sprinkle with crumbs. We lay the berries of cherry or slices of kiwi, you can use both.

Recipe 2: Gingerbread Walnut Cake with Banana and Sour Cream

The recipe for a very fragrant gingerbread cake with sour cream and bananas, to which roasted peanuts are added.


• 600 grams of gingerbread;

• 500 grams of sour cream;

• 200 grams of peanuts;

• 2 bananas;

• half a glass of powder.


1. Nuts need to be fried, peeled and chopped.

2. Mix sour cream with powder, put half of the fried nuts. The second part is left to sprinkle the cake on top.

3. Cut along the gingerbread into 2 parts.

4. Spread the first layer of the cake, generously coat with cream. Spread slices of bananas, then again gingerbread cookies, fruits and gingerbread cookies. Do not forget to soak the layers with cream.

5. Sprinkle the top of the cake with nuts and you're done! Let the dessert soak for 3 hours and you can take a sample!

Recipe 3: Gingerbread Chocolate Cake with Banana and Sour Cream

For cooking, you need chocolate gingerbread. Leave the cream white for contrast. But if you want, you can add cocoa and melted chocolate to sour cream.


• 600 grams of gingerbread;

• 500 grams of sour cream;

• 50 grams of milk;

• 150 grams of powder;

• 15 grams of gelatin;

• 5 bananas;

• 40 grams of oil;

• 1 chocolate for icing, preferably dark.


1. We dilute gelatin in milk, insist for half an hour, melt.

2. Mix the powder with sour cream, you can put vanilla and combine with gelatin. The cream is ready!

3. Cut the bananas into circles, the gingerbread cookies along 2-3 parts, depending on the thickness of the products.

4. Put a layer of gingerbread on the dish, then gelatin cream, bananas and so on, alternate the layers.

5. On the outside, brush the cake with the rest of the cream and remove it in the cold for an hour.

6. Melt the chocolate bar with butter. Instead of butter, you can use greasy sour cream or cream for glaze.

7. We get the chilled cake and cover with glaze. You can drown in it a few slices of banana, if they remain. Cake with gelatin cream is soaked for longer, the dessert needs to stand for at least 5-6 hours to make it more tender and juicier.

Recipe 4: Gingerbread Curd Cake with Banana and Sour Cream

Gingerbread cake recipe recipe with bananas and sour cream. Cottage cheese is better to use bold, with it tastes better. Also, for cooking, you will need a form or a deep bowl covered with cling film.


• 500 grams of gingerbread;

• 400 grams of sour cream;

• 200 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 3 bananas.


1. For cream, beat sour cream with sugar and cottage cheese. Add vanilla, cinnamon or cocoa to taste.

2. Gingerbread cookies cut lengthwise into 2 parts. We clean the bananas, cut into circles.

3. Dip the gingerbread cookies in a sour cream-curd cream and spread in a laid form. We layered with bananas.

4. Dip the pieces in the cream again, put a new layer, then bananas again. And so on, the latter should be gingerbread.

5. Cover our form and remove to cool, preferably at night.

6. We get out, turn over, remove the film and you're done! We decorate the cake at our discretion, you can sprinkle with nuts, pour over chocolate, lay out any fruit.

Recipe 5: Gingerbread cake with banana, sour cream, condensed milk

A delicious cake with a taste of creme brulee. For its preparation, it is better to use neutral gingerbread with vanilla flavor, but coffee ones are also suitable. Condensed milk is used boiled.


• 300 grams of sour cream;

• 120 grams of oil;

• 200 grams of boiled condensed milk;

• 500 grams of gingerbread;

• 200 grams of bananas;

• for sprinkling nuts or chocolate chips.


1. To make the cream homogeneous, take all the ingredients out of the refrigerator in advance and let stand for an hour in the heat.

2. Beat butter with boiled condensed milk, add sour cream on a spoon. We remove the finished cream for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

3. Cut the gingerbread with plates of any thickness. The thinner they are, the tastier is the cake, it will soak faster, but also cook it longer.

4. Peel the bananas, cut into arbitrary slices, you can mugs, cubes, halves of circles.

5. We collect the cake. We spread the layers of gingerbread, coat with cream, spread the fruit. All according to the standard scheme.

6. Sprinkle the top and sides with nuts or chocolate, it turns out deliciously with coconut.

Recipe 6: Gingerbread Cake with Banana, Sour Cream and Marshmallows

For cooking, you need any marshmallow without glaze. Also, for such a cake with banana and sour cream, you will need any fruit with sourness, for example, orange, 2-3 tangerines, kiwi.


• 450 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of powder;

• 2 bananas;

• 600 grams of gingerbread;

• 30 grams of milk;

• 400 grams of marshmallows;

• 100 grams of chocolate.


1. Cut the gingerbread into slices, marshmallows into cubes, bananas with rings.

2. Mix sour cream with powder. The cake is sweet enough. If you do not like sugary desserts, then you can generally remove sugar or reduce the amount.

3. Sour fruit (kiwi or citrus) needs to be peeled and chopped finely.

4. Grease the gingerbread cookies with sour cream, sprinkle with cubes of marshmallows, spread pieces of sour fruit between them, and on top of a mug of banana.

5. Spread a new layer of gingerbread and repeat: cream, marshmallows, fruits.

6. Melt the chocolate with milk in the bath, grease the resulting cake and remove in the cold for impregnation.

Recipe 7: Gingerbread Cake with Banana, Sour Cream and Pineapple

Wonderful dessert with a very pleasant exotic taste. You can use both fresh and canned pineapples. The cream is prepared with gelatin, a lot of it and to taste this layer will resemble soufflé.


• 600 grams of gingerbread;

• 600 grams of sour cream;

• 30 grams of gelatin;

• 150 grams of milk;

• 200 grams of bananas;

• 200 grams of pineapple;

• 150 grams of sugar or powder;

• a bag of vanilla.


1. Milk gelatin and set aside for half an hour. Then it will need to be melted to dissolve the grains.

2. Combine vanilla with sour cream and sugar, mix and add melted gelatin.

3. Cut the peeled bananas and pineapples into cubes 1 × 1 centimeter, mix. If canned pineapples are used, then you need to express the juice well.

4. Gingerbread cookies cut into plates, each into 2-3 parts.

5. We collect the cake. We spread the cake from the gingerbread. Lubricate well with cream, fill all voids. Sprinkle with a mixture of fruits and coat with cream again.

6. Gingerbread cookies again, then cream, fruit, cream. We collect the whole cake, decorate with fruit.

Gingerbread cake with banana and sour cream - tips and tricks

• Sour cream turned out liquid? No need to collect the cake, the impregnation will still flow out and the dessert will not work. Better soak 2-3 tablespoons of gelatin, dissolve and add to the cream. Then it needs to be slightly cooled, but not allowed to freeze and you can smear it!

• Bananas can not only be laid out in layers, but also added to the cream itself. Just cut the fruit into cubes or grind it in mashed potatoes, mix with sour cream and you're done! This method will help out if there is no time to collect dessert, since it is much faster to smear the cream than to lay out pieces of fruit in turn.

• Nothing to sprinkle on the cake? Take the gingerbread and crumble. You can use a grater and a wonderful sprinkle is ready! You can mix crumbs with cocoa powder, coconut flakes, nuts. Economical and tasty!


Watch the video: How to Make Moist Banana Bread The Bomb! (June 2024).