Cod liver: benefit and harm, calorie content. A special product is cod liver: useful at any age, can it be harmful?


Cod - most valuable commercial fish sturgeon familiesknown for its dietary properties.

Her white meat contains many useful substances, while being quite low-calorie (70 calories per 100 g).

but most valuable to a person presents liver cod, which they canned.

The method of its preparation is very important here; the most useful method is rightfully considered to be the method of preparation from fresh fish. But today, quite often, frozen fish has been used, which, unfortunately, significantly reduces the amount of nutrients in it.

It is not possible to fully control the method of preparation of this product, this can be found out only from additional information about the manufacturer: during the harvesting of fish, it should be located on water and immediately after the catch to begin the processing process. Therefore, when purchasing a product, it is recommended that more attention be paid to well-known, well-established brands and manufacturers.

To prepare the product correctly, it should be prepared in its own fat without vegetable oil with the addition of black pepper, sugar, salt and bay leaf.

Note. When buying, pay attention to the presence of vegetable oil. If it is present, this may mean that the fish was most likely frozen before cooking, which means it lost its beneficial properties due to lack of fat.

Atlantic cod liver is a very popular product used for the preparation of various salads of pastes and other dishes. For its manufacture, fish are bred and raised in special nurseries. In addition to cooking, this product is also widely used in treatment, for example, for the production of the most valuable and useful fish oil.

What other useful properties are contained in the product?

Cod liver: good

Vitamin Complex

Cod liver is very useful for human health, because it contains many useful vitamins, among which there are groups A, C, D, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9. Most of all, the product contains Vitamin A, a well-known antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the quality of vision, preservation of beauty and youth.

Vitamin B is very important for the nervous system, it perfectly protects a person from manifestations of stress, irritability and excessive fatigue. They also contribute to the natural process of metabolism of fats in the body and the transformation of calories into energy, and not into body fat.


The product also has a decent mineral complex. The product contains a huge amount of the following minerals, macro- and microelements:

  • phosphorus;

  • magnesium

  • calcium;

  • potassium;

  • zinc;

  • chromium;

  • Fluorine;

  • and many other equally important elements.

Each of them has an indispensable positive effect on the cardiovascular system, magnesium and potassium, for example, help the heart muscle, phosphorus significantly improves brain function, and calcium perfectly strengthens bones, nails, hair, teeth and connective tissues. In general, all of the above elements are important for the natural and healthy functioning of the human body.

I would also like to talk about such an important component as omega-3 fatty acid. As was proved by scientists, the human body is greatly deprived of this valuable substance, and it is very lacking in modern life. The thing is that in our time, various diets, involving the complete rejection of animal fats, and excessive consumption of fast food products (the so-called Fast Food), in which there is a huge number of vegetable empty fats, have gained great popularity.

For the above reasons, a large deficiency of this acid, and this is fraught with serious consequences, since it is responsible for the prevention of diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;

  • heart attack;

  • lupus;

  • bronchial asthma;

  • tumors of varying degrees.

Cod liver is very good for health, and it is rightfully one of the most valuable products in the world, so its presence in the diet of any person is not in doubt.

In most countries, particularly in Russia, people have serious iodine deficiency. To use iodine under the guise of an additive is not appropriate and justified, this process should be under the supervision of a doctor. But the presence in the diet of the liver of cod, which contains a large amount of iodine, is a completely different matter, since in this form iodine is absorbed much better than in chemical form.

The benefits of cod liver for people of different ages

The product will be of great benefit to adolescents, as it positively affects the formation of the skeleton and central nervous system. Also, it will be very useful for people of advanced age, since with its help it is possible to maintain health longer and extend life. There is official information that the cod liver - excellent prophylaxis for Alzheimer's disease.

Also, it can be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers, you only need to observe the measure. Cod liver is very useful for the fetus, because it contains a lot of nutrients, and lactating mothers will be able to pass vitamin D to the baby through breast milk, which is an excellent preventive measure against rickets. However, do not forget that an excess of vitamin A can adversely affect the development of the fetus, therefore, overdoing is also not recommended.

Cod liver: harm

As mentioned above, the product can not be consumed in an unlimited number, as this is fraught with an excess of vitamin A in the body, which can lead to allergic rashes.

Today, cod liver can rarely be found fresh, except for canned food. Products stored in an open metal can are harmful. In this case, dangerous bacteria can appear in it that can poison the human body.

Attention! The period of storage of the product in an open vessel should not exceed 24 hours, and it must be not metal, but glass containers.

Heavy metal toxins can be in canned food, which is quite common for this type of packaging. For example, furans and dioxins, the strongest carcinogens that enter the human body and are difficult to remove, can be collected in the liver of Baltic cod. These substances are dangerous in that they can provoke the development of cancer, adversely affect the functioning of the immune system and reproductive function, as well as become a consequence of the appearance of external and internal birth defects in the fetus. Therefore, cod that lives in the Atlantic Ocean is safer in this case; no such carcinogens have been detected in its liver.

You also need to remember that cod liver must be consumed with bite with other products, such as bread or salad. As mentioned above, the product is only useful in moderation.

Cod liver: calories

Cod liver is a very useful product in the human diet, however, it is quite high-calorie, the energy value of 100 g of the product is 613 kcal. This number is about 30% of the recommended daily calorie intake per person. The following is information on what is the calorie content of 1 standard can of product:

Liver count




Calorie content


1 can




As in all products, the benefits and harms of cod liver are present, although, of course, there are many more beneficial properties in them. This product can and should be consumed by all people, the exception here is only for people who have allergic immunity to seafood. Also, this product may be contraindicated for people who have stones in the urine and gall bladder.

As mentioned above, women can use this product during pregnancy, but its excess can adversely affect the development of the fetus. This is a vitamin A group, its oversaturation in the body can cause various defects in the fetus, as well as damage the liver. Also, too much retinol can negatively affect the condition of the mother herself, causing her to show drowsiness, nausea and bone pain. It is especially important to monitor the consumption of the product during the first trimester.

Cod liver is prohibited for children under three years of age, as the product may contain components that are harmful to its body.

Thus, the product is contraindicated in the following problems of the body:

  • gallstones and kidney stones;

  • diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;

  • tendency to corpulence;

  • excess in the body of calciferol and retinol;

  • allergic immunity to seafood.

Nutritional Information of Cod Liver

For 100 grams of cod liver:

  • protein - 4.2 gr.
  • saturated fat - 10.6 g.
  • mono-unsaturated fats -44.5 gr.
  • polyunsaturated fat - 10.6 g.
  • carbohydrates - 1.2 g.

By the amount of fat, 100 grams of the product contains more than a two-day adult norm.

Summing up, I would like to say that cod liver as a whole is a wonderful and very healthy product, which for most people is not only a delicious treat, but also a real cure for nature.

Therefore, a person who wants to be healthy, smart and strong must have this product in his daily diet.

This product is especially important for children, adolescents and the elderly, as it strengthens their body and saturates it with many useful substances.


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