Known properties of citric acid and new scientific facts about its benefits. Citric acid: a good thing or a bad thing?


Every housewife has citric acid in the kitchen.

But about all the useful properties we know.

After all, in addition to the culinary advantage, this substance is used as a medicine, for cosmetic purposes and simply for housekeeping.

Composition and rules for the use of citric acid. What benefits does it bring to the body?

We are all used to thinking that citric acid comes from lemon. But this is not true. The main production method is the biosynthesis of sugar or sugars (molasses) by industrial strains of the mold Aspergillusniger. Those. it is a chemical product and as a food supplement has the code E-330. Salts and esters in the composition are called citrates. It is also a flavoring, preservative, and antioxidant that is used to preserve the texture of certain foods.

In simple terms, citric acid is a white crystalline powder, sour in taste. It is naturally present in citrus fruits, but it is uneconomical to use it from fruits.

With the seeming harmlessness of this product, apply it carefully. First of all, it is necessary to decide for what purpose it is intended. After all, the use of citric acid can bring both benefits and harm to health.

This substance is widely used in the food industry. It is added to fruit jams, jellies, sauces, mayonnaise, canned food, processed cheeses. This is an indispensable tool in the conservation season. It is found in nature in many fruits and vegetables and has a quite astringent taste similar to lemon juice. But lemon juice is not made from citric acid.

Refers to organic acids, which are associated with participation in digestion processes. Citric acid has useful properties: it changes the acidity regulator (pH) of the medium to the alkaline side, favorably affects the composition of microflora, and helps reduce the risk of many gastrointestinal and other diseases.

Also used for aromatization of soft drinks, tea and others. In order to balance the pH of the food and keep it for a longer shelf life. Ultimately, the chance of survival and proliferation of bacteria and molds will decrease.

In medicine It is used as part of drugs that participate in the Krebs cycle (citrate cycle), which is the center of intersection of metabolic pathways in the body. It also has other useful properties.

Lemon acid part of many cosmetic preparations:

• it is added to the compositions for masks and wraps (just a pinch on the tip of the knife);

• rinsing hair with a solution of 05 tsp 1 l of water will make them silky and add a healthy glow;

• has a whitening (depigmenting) effect on your skin, helping to get rid of freckles and age spots;

• makes the nail plate shiny and smooth.


• 1 tsp LK = 8 grams

• 5-10 grams LK = 1 lemon

• calorie content - 0 kcal

• 1 tsp BOS: 2 tsp water - for cooking

• 0.5 tsp-1 tsp LC: 1 tbsp. water - can be consumed as a drink

What are the benefits of citric acid for the body

14 benefits warm drinking lemon water:

1) Stimulates juice secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion. Indispensable for normal metabolism.

2) Cleanses the liver. Those. encourages the liver to produce bile, which is the acid necessary for the normal digestion process. This reduces the risk of heartburn and constipation. Drink a glass of lemon water in the morning in order to cleanse the liver and initiate the beginning of the digestive system.

3) Reduces the risk of purulent inflammation of the skin (for example, acne, boils). It can be used as a peeling.

4) Removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. For this purpose, gaining popularity will suit you, detox water. Its preparation method is very simple: it is necessary to squeeze the juice of one lemon (or 5-10 grams of citric acid) in 1-1.5 liters of distilled water. Water will be instantly saturated with vitamins and minerals. Fresh mint, lemon balm and a slice of ginger root can be added to the resulting drink. Such a drink will remove toxins from the body. Also he has a diuretic and mild laxative effect. A gradual improvement in digestion will help detoxify the entire body.

5) Reduces the sensation of sweetness in the body that is caused by all acidic environments. Citric acid is invaluable for the body diabetics. In order to lower the level of sugar in his blood, just before eating, you need to use a solution of citric acid on the tip of a knife for 50 ml of water.

6) Promotes the cleansing of blood vessels and arteries.

7) Reduces the appearance of purulent inflammation of the skin (e.g. acne, boils).

8) Able to reduce high blood pressure.

9) Provides assistance in the fight against obesity. Citric acid contains substances that break down fat. Take one glass of solution before each meal for a month. And also it enhances the secretion of gastric juice and speeds up the metabolism.

10) "Sour" flavored products are used in herbal medicine (treatment with medicinal plants).

11) Kills bacteria in the mouth and freshens the breath.

12) Minimizes threats to ligaments, tendons and connective tissue. It is part of active nutritional supplements that are designed to protect your joints.

13) Maintains hydrated healthy skin and enhances immunity.

14) The beneficial effects of citric acid in case of a hangover syndrome are of invaluable health benefit. It helps detoxify a poisoned body.

Exceptions: what is the harm of citric acid

It is not recommended to take the so-called lemon water (or take in very low doses) with:

heartburn (especially strong acid reflex);

ulcer the oral cavity, esophagus or stomach.

In these cases, citric acid can cause an annoying “burning” sensation because it is not metabolized in the body and is still in an acidic environment when passing through these areas of the gastrointestinal tract.

His concern is also erosive effects on tooth enamel. It is believed that citric acid harms the teeth by making it (tooth enamel) loose, and subsequently leads to tooth decay and erosion.

Small percentage of the population allergic on citric acid.

There are also opinions that citric acid of industrial production (and it is E330) is involved in the growth of cancer cells in the body, which causes irreparable harm to it. However, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact. In defense of this substance, it should be noted that moderate use of citric acid and its proper use will only benefit your body.

Remember the following rule: for a certain purpose, you can use citric acid only in small doses. It is generally contraindicated for some people. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider to use it for health benefits.

Citric Acid: Home Benefits

Citric acid has useful properties, in particular, and that is used as a detergent, as a component of air freshener, candles and personal care products, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.

Many household cleaners contain toxic and harmful chemicals. Given that women still make a whopping 70% of the household, they are vulnerable to these toxins. Citric acid has more sparing properties and does not bring such harm.

She is reduces water hardness and creates foam, which makes it especially useful in soaps, detergents, and as a cleaning agent.

The chemical composition of citric acid cleans dirt from the surface of clothing. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and is beneficial because it works great on most surfaces, even with hard to reach places.

Eight reasons to use citric acid as a detergent:

1. Removes rust stains. Dissolve a bag (25g) in 1 liter of hot water and use to remove rust.

2. Kills bacteria, cleans kitchen surfaces. You can disinfect with a solution consisting of nine parts of water and one part of acid.

3. Removes scale and helps to disinfect inside the washing machine. To do this, start the longest cycle with hot water, adding two tablespoons of the substance.

4. Cleans the kettle from scale. Use a solution of 10 g per 1 liter of water.

5. With a solution of one liter of warm water and two tablespoons of the product, you can clean the water taps and shower doors. Spray the indicated solution on the surface, wait a while, then rinse and wipe.

6. Windows can be washed using two liters of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of acid. Spray on windows and wipe.

7. You can get a sparkling clean toilet by pouring ¾ cup of citric acid into it. Leave it overnight. Do not flush. Brush and rinse the next morning.

8. Get rid of wine stains, with one part lemon substance and 2 parts baking soda. Sprinkle the stain by adding droplets of water while it sizzles. Wait a few minutes, and then gently scrape it off.

Is always wear gloves and keep cleaners away from the eyes.

Undoubtedly, citric acid with its properties brings benefits to our health and a full life. But, as the great doctor of the late Middle Ages Paracelsus said: "Only a dose makes a substance a poison or a medicine."


Watch the video: What is Citric Acid? (July 2024).