Bay leaf: the benefits and harm of noble plants. The composition and application of bay leaf: what more, harm or benefit?


The most ancient spice comes from the countries of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean a leaf of laurel is widely used both in cooking and as a remedy.

Essential oil from the plant is used in the production of alcoholic beverages. Useful properties of bay leaf found their application in the chemical industry. They are used as raw materials for the production of camphor and cineole.

Bay leaf is useful only if it is spotless and has a pleasant strong aroma. All the properties of the bay leaf are preserved both in the fresh plant and in the dried one.

The composition of the bay leaf and methods of use

The composition of the fragrant leaves of noble laurel includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential oils, dietary fiber.

Bay leaf is good for health due to its rich vitamin composition. It has vitamins B, C, A, PP. In addition, the leaves of the plant contain the most useful macro- and microelements necessary for normal human life. These include sodium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, iron, selenium, manganese, phosphorus.

The leaves of laurel noble - an evergreen subtropical shrub are extremely beneficial to the body. They have a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, diuretic action.

Bay leaf improves the digestive process, enhances appetite.

Healing leaves are rich in phytoncides. They are able to remove toxins from the body, as well as strengthen the defenses.

Bay leaf is useful for various diseases:

1. Stomatitis In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, in some cases, simple chewing of the healing leaflet helps.

2. Otitis. For the treatment of ear inflammation using decoction of the plant for instillation (up to 3-4 drops in each ear). The broth is consumed inside and a couple of tablespoons three times a day.

The product is prepared in this way: 1-2 leaves of laurel are poured with boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes over low heat, then cooled.

3. Bay leaf is good for the body because of its ability to disinfect the lungs. With the help of plants spend inhalation.

4. When sweating feet brew (in a bowl) 20-40 leaves of laurel and make foot baths before bedtime.

5. The beneficial properties of bay leaf allow its use in the treatment of alcohol dependence. For the preparation of medicinal drugs take 2 leaves of the plant and crushed lovage root.

The mixture is poured with a glass of vodka and insisted for 2 weeks, after which it is given to the patient in the hope that the remedy will cause a persistent aversion to alcohol.

6. Bay leaf, or rather, oil from it helps to reduce pain in diseases of the joints. So, with arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, rubbing a healing agent directly into the sore spots.

You can use the pharmacy version of the oil, adding to it for greater efficiency a couple of drops of essential oil of cloves.

7. Bay leaf has a beneficial property to reduce appetite, because it is often used for weight loss. The recipe for making money for those who want to keep their weight normal: pour 3 leaves of the plant with water, boil it and boil a little. Put the composition in a thermos and allow it to properly insist.

It is recommended to drink only 3 days in a spoon before eating.

8. Bay leaf is good for people with diabetes. The product has the unique property of normalizing carbohydrate metabolism, reducing blood sugar levels, eliminating possible complications.

To prepare a healing agent used for diabetes, you need to pour the leaves of noble laurel (10-15 pieces) with water (300 ml) and boil the mixture for a few minutes.

Then you should give the composition to insist (3 hours, not less) and use it three times a day before eating.

9. Bay leaf is also used for hypertension. Relieve the condition of the patient will help reception funds, prepared according to this recipe: a little grind 2 large leaves, pour them with water (cold) and boil over a very slow fire (5-10 minutes). After that, the composition should be allowed to brew until it acquires a faint pinkish tint.

To reduce the pressure, you can drink 100 ml of healing solution up to 4 times a day.

10. Fragrant laurel leaves are used as a spice. The main advantage of this product is its ability to retain useful properties in any form: dry or fresh.

Bay leaf is stored for a long time, it is added to stews, soups, cucumbers, mushrooms, vegetables, meat, etc.

The main condition that will allow to preserve the beneficial properties of bay leaf is to throw it in 5 minutes (not earlier) before the readiness of the first courses and 10 minutes before the second is ready.

11. With the help of a bay leaf you can clean the room from germs. To do this, prepare a classic decoction of the plant and put the dishes with him in the room. The astringent aroma of laurel fills the air with useful substances, thus purification from bacteria occurs.

Bay leaf: what is the use for the body?

The benefits of laurel are in its rich composition of healing substances that strengthen the immune system of the human body.

1. The plant eliminates bad breath, cures gingivitis, stomatitis. Enough to chew a healing leaf and for an hour do not eat or drink anything.

2. The essential oils contained in the plant help to cure persistent dry cough. To get rid of the disease, you can rub the chest with laurel oil, which is prepared as follows: pour a glass of any oil (olive or flax) in your kitchen with some crushed leaves of the plant.

Insist the composition away from light for about a week. Then strain it and use as directed.

3. Bay leaf is useful due to its constituent selenium and vitamin C. With the help of these substances, the intestine is able to be cleaned naturally from slags and toxins.

4. Vitamins A and C are free radical protection. The unique plant strengthens the heart muscle, cleanses the walls of blood vessels from harmful accumulations, gives the skin a fresh look.

5. Bay leaf is good for health because of its ability to give a peaceful sleep, the absence of which so often affects modern people.

6. The leaves of laurel also remove stones from the kidneys.

7. The plant provides invaluable benefits to women suffering from heavy menstruation. It is indispensable in the period of menopause.

8. Noble laurel - a unique plant with anti-inflammatory properties. That he gives the skin youth and elasticity.

Prepare laurel like this: chop the leaves, fill the glass with them half and fill with vodka.

Means insist up to 5 days and after filtering is used as a lotion.

9. The use of bay leaf is invaluable for children. Staphylococcus in a child can be treated like this: use as an additional means a mixture of 10 leaves of the plant, which are poured with boiling water (1 l). The composition is insisted all day, and in the evening they add it to a bath with water and bathe the child in it.

In addition, laurel is used in childhood eruptions. They are smeared with bay oil. And for a good sleep near the pillow of the baby, you can put a leaf of the Mediterranean miracle.

10. Bay leaf is good for the health of children with allergies. For the treatment of rashes, it is necessary to take 3 small leaves and, after filling them with water, boil.

After insisting, you can give the child a little bit of a tool (in a spoon). After the first day of reception the result will already be visible.

11. Bay leaf stimulates metabolic processes in the human body. Thanks to Lavra, the work of the digestive organs is improved, and appetite increases.

12. The use of bay leaves is in their high content of essential oils that suppress such insidious disease as tuberculosis.

13. Infusion of leaves of a plant is capable of removing salts and excess fluid. It is enough to conduct a three-day course of treatment, during which the infusion is taken in a pair of large spoons before meals.

14. Bay leaf, as mentioned above, strengthens the immune system and, accordingly, increases the chances of not “catching” a viral disease.

15. A plant that contains essential oils and tannins relieves dandruff, enhances hair growth. After each shampooing, it is recommended to rinse the hair with infusion of noble laurel leaves.

Bay leaf: what is the harm to health?

The main harm bay leaf is its ability to cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, people who have a tendency to allergies should carefully use a unique plant as a seasoning, and as a medicine.

It is proved that bay leaf can not be applied to those who have renal failure (in acute form), as well as pathology of the liver and heart.

Laurel is harmful in violation of protein metabolism. In this case, the use of plant leaflets is strictly prohibited.

Bay leaf for pregnant and lactating mothers: useful or harmful?

In pregnancy, the use of bay leaf will bring harm rather than benefit. The reason - the ability of plants to reduce the uterus. This can lead to a pathological course of pregnancy and even miscarriage.

The official medicine declares that the use of bay leaves to future mothers is strictly prohibited.

However, this does not at all apply to the use of laurel as a seasoning to dishes. Added to the soup or potatoes a couple of leaves will not harm, but, on the contrary, will make your food more tasty and fragrant.

Pregnant women are also allowed to use laurel externally as a cosmetic tool for rashes on the skin. You can wash a decoction of healing leaves. This contributes to the drying of the skin and relieves irritation.

Expectant mothers are allowed to use bay leaf as a remedy for suppuration, as well as baths with excessive sweating of the feet.

But nursing mothers should not use the leaves of laurel inside. The fact is that the bitterness contained in the plant spoils the taste of milk, which the baby can completely refuse.

Undoubtedly, the Mediterranean plant is useful both as a remedy and as a seasoning.

However, if you decide to cure a particular disease with it, it is best to first consult with a specialist.

After all, laurel - a mixture of bitterness, essential oils, vitamins and trace elements is really unique, and if used wisely, it can help to gain health.


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