Classic cheesecake - dessert for all desserts! The best classic cheesecake recipes for a sweet life: simple and complex


Cheesecake Drooling from the name alone.

Still would! With all the variety of pastry desserts, only a few give true pleasure.

There is still controversy over the occurrence of dessert.

Americans consider it a national dish, and the Greeks record the appearance of goodies at their own expense.

But what's the difference?

The rich history and prevalence served as the occasion for creating new recipes and expanding tastes. But the most beloved and demanded are still the classic cheesecakes.

Will we cook?

Classic cheesecake - general principles of preparation

At the heart of classic cheesecake lies cakeprepared in a simplified way. Cookies are simply grated with butter, then a kind of dough is sent to the mold. Sometimes other ingredients are added to it: sugar, cocoa, almonds, cinnamon. Even less often, a full-fledged wheat flour cheesecake dough is prepared, but it also consists of a minimum amount of products and is mainly limited to butter and sugar.

Stuffing the classic cheesecake pays more attention than the sandy basis. The best products are selected for the cream. Most often, cream cheese and cottage cheese. Dilute with cream, sour cream or yogurt. Dressed with sugar, vanilla. To thicken the mass, eggs, flour, starch, gelatin are added. Cheesecakes are prepared with baking in the oven, as well as by prefabricated methods without heat treatment.

Recipe 1: Classic Cheesecake with Baking in a Water Bath

Professional pastry chefs are sure that baking a real classic cheesecake is impossible without a water bath. It allows you to avoid cracks on the surface, burning, falling of the filling. You can argue with them, since now there are many alternative cooking methods. But still the cheesecake in the bath turns out to be unusually gentle and airy.


• cookies "Jubilee" 200 grams;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 3 eggs;

• 5 grams of vanillin;

• Philadelphia cheese 600 grams;

• 150 ml cream (fat content from 30%);

• a glass of powder.


1. Put butter in a combine with a knife, grind. Add broken cookies and interrupt everything together. We form a lump from the resulting mass. If there is no combine, then you can simply roll the cookies with a rolling pin and mix with the butter melted on the stove.

2. We take a shape 20 cm in diameter, put our lump and distribute it on the sides, making a cake with sides. Well tamped.

3. For the filling, take the cheese and mix with the powder. Pour vanilla over here.

4. Introduce the eggs alternately. Knead with a whisk.

5. Pour in the cream, also mix. Beat the filling is not necessary.

6. Pour the cooked cream into our cookie dough form.

7. Now we take the foil and wrap the form with the prepared dessert in two layers so that water can not leak.

8. We put the mold in a container, large in diameter. You can take a deep pan or pan. Now pour boiling water into an empty form, about 3 cm from the bottom.

9. We put the design in the oven, heated to 170. We prepare the dessert for 80-90 minutes.

You can’t immediately take out the cheesecake, it is necessary for it to cool down and stand in the cold for at least 4 hours.

Recipe 2: Classic Mascarpone Cheese Cake

Mascarpone is a fat but very tender cheese. Classic cheesecakes with it turn out airy, creamy and, importantly, they can be cooked without baking. Mascarpone holds its shape well, and with the addition of thickeners it is perfectly cut into portioned pieces, the filling does not follow.


• 0.3 kg of cookies;

• 0.5 kg of mascarpone;

• 0.18 kg of cream;

• 0.15 kg of oil;

• 20 grams of gelatin;

• half a glass of water;

• vanillin;

• sugar glass.


1. Melt the butter. We crumble cookies into flour. We mix everything and lay on the bottom of the parchment pre-coated with a split mold.

2. Pour gelatin into a bowl, add water and set aside for swelling. Duration depends on the product. For instant gelatin, 10 minutes is enough. An ordinary product will need at least half an hour.

3. Pour the cream into the mixer bowl, beat with sugar.

4. Combine the cream with cheese, add vanilla.

5. Melt the swollen gelatin, send it into a creamy mass.

6. Pour the filling into the previously prepared form, cover with something and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Recipe 3: Classic Cheesecake Cheesecake

This is an alternative to the classic pastry cheesecake. In addition to a simplified cooking option, the filling is also facilitated. As the basis for the cream, cottage cheese is used. More affordable and cheaper product than soft cheeses. But here there is one condition - the cottage cheese must be fat and real, not soy.


For the test:

• 200 grams of flour;

• 70 grams of oil;

• 60 grams of sugar.

For filling:

• 180 grams of sugar;

• 30 grams of flour;

• 5 eggs;

• 800 grams of cottage cheese;

• a pinch of vanilla;

• 30 grams of lemon juice;

• 5 tablespoons of milk.


1. Knead the dough. To do this, mix the melted margarine with sugar and sifted flour. The dough should turn out cool and elastic. If it sticks, you can cool it a bit. Then we distribute in a detachable form, making a cake.

2. Cottage cheese needs to be pierced with a blender with milk so that there are no lumps left.

3. Beat eggs with sugar, then mix with cottage cheese.

4. Add flour, lemon juice, vanilla and knead the filling until smooth.

5. Pour the curd cream into the mold.

6. A classic dessert is baked until cooked at a temperature of about 180 degrees. Usually enough 40-50 minutes. Then the cake is cooled and stood for 2 hours in the cold.

Recipe 4: Classic Strawberry Cheesecake

A variant of an unusually tasty and beautiful classic cheesecake. Strawberries will need fresh. Canned or frozen berries will not work. The filling is prepared from cottage cheese.


For cake:

• 220 grams of cookies;

• 90 grams of oil.

For curd cream:

• 600 grams of cottage cheese;

• 10 grams of vanilla sugar;

• 30 grams of starch;

• 4 eggs;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 300 ml sour cream.

For registration:

• 400 grams of strawberries;

• a bag of strawberry jelly.


1. Make the usual cake for the cheesecake and determine in the form. A detailed cooking process can be found in the first recipe.

2. Beat the cottage cheese with sour cream to a homogeneous consistency. It is most convenient to simply put the ingredients in a bowl and work with a mixer.

3. Add regular and vanilla sugar. We interrupt again.

4. Introduce starch, lemon juice and alternately eggs. Their blender is better not to interrupt.

5. Pour the filling into the mold, bake the cheesecake for 75 minutes at 160.

6. We dilute jelly from a sachet, but reduce the amount of water by a third from the one indicated in the instructions. This is done for a denser fill.

7. Cut the strawberries into slices and spread on the surface of the cheesecake.

8. Pour prepared jelly. It should not be warm, but not frozen. Around room temperature.

9. Send dessert to harden. You can remove it from the mold no earlier than after 3 hours of inactivity in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Classic Cheesecake with Ricotta and Almonds

The peculiarity of this fragrant cheesecake is not only the filling, but also the cake. Almond kernels are added to it, giving a pleasant taste. The filling is prepared on the basis of Ricotta cheese and has a special texture.


For cake:

• 3 tablespoons of almonds;

• 140 grams of cookies;

• 5 tablespoons of oil.

To the filling:

• 3 eggs;

• 110 grams of sugar;

• 450 grams of ricotta;

• a little almond shavings;

• a spoon of liquor;

• a pinch of cinnamon.


1. Fry the almonds in the oven or in a pan for a couple of minutes, cool and chop together with the cookies. This can be done with a combine or meat grinder. Fill with pre-melted butter, knead. We make cake in the form according to the classical scheme, do not forget about the sides.

2. Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Pour sugar. Whip until fluffy foam, about 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour in the liquor and put a pinch of cinnamon. You can add vanillin instead, but cinnamon in combination with almonds gives a special aroma.

4. Ricotta knead with a spoon, gradually introduce the egg mixture and knead.

5. Put the filling in the cake, send the creation to the oven.

6. Cheesecake is baked for about 50 minutes at medium temperature. Then it cools for 3 hours. Ready dessert is sprinkled with almond chips.

Recipe 6: Classic New York Cheesecake from Philadelphia Crackers

The classic New York cheesecake is characterized by a lush layer of cream cheese toppings. According to tradition, only Philadelphia, which has a creamy texture and a salty taste, is used for this type of delicacy. And for the dessert to work out exactly, prepare the products in advance and let them lie down so that the temperature is the same.


• 130 grams of crackers;

• a pinch of salt;

• 80 grams of oil;

• 40 grams of sugar.

For filling:

• 1/3 cup flour;

• a pack of vanillin;

• 1100 grams of Philadelphia;

• a glass of sour cream;

• 1.5 cups of sugar;

• 5 eggs.


1. Grind the cracker into flour, add sugar and salt. Melt the butter and combine with the bulk mixture. We form a cake without sides and bake in the oven for 10 minutes until light golden. Cool down.

2. Beat cheese with a mixer at low speed for about 3 minutes.

3. Enter eggs one at a time.

4. Add a spoonful of sour cream.

5. Combine the flour with vanilla and sugar. And we send all this mixture to the filling. The mass should be homogeneous and magnificent.

6. Pour the cream on top of the previously baked but already cooled cake.

7. Wrap the form on the outside with foil so that water does not accidentally leak through the bottom connection.

8. Put on a baking sheet, then pour 2 cm of boiling water into it.

9. We send our New York to the oven. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Then we remove the temperature to 160 and cook for another half hour. Cool for at least 5 hours. We decorate at our discretion.

Classic Cheesecake - Useful Tips and Tricks

• The filling for cheesecakes should not be whipped intensively so that cracks do not form on the surface. But this rule only applies to desserts with pastries. If the delicacy is prepared in a cold way, then the cream even needs to be whipped well. This will make filling the cheese cake airy, light and lush.

• Ideally, classic cheesecakes are prepared with a vanilla pod and are not replaced with synthetic counterparts. But if it was not possible to get it, then you can put vanilla powder, but preferably a double portion.

• Initially, in America, dessert was prepared only with Philadelphia cheese, then the range of fillings expanded. When trying to replace this cheese with mascarpone in a recipe, do not forget to remove a third of the sugar. The product is sweet, does not have a typical salty taste in Philadelphia. But on the other hand, it is desserts on mascarpone that combine perfectly with fruits and berries.

• Decorating classic cheesecakes is better after complete cooling and solidification of the filling. Regardless of whether the pastry was baked or cooked in a cold way. Otherwise, the fruits and berries will fall into the cream, cocoa will melt from moisture, and the icing will harden badly and will drain.


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