Why dream of sugar


What does not dream a man during the rest. A dream is not always useful for a sleeper, carrying in itself a certain meaning, but it happens that in a dream we have various events, living beings, inanimate objects, and even food.

One of the rather unusual dreams is one in which a person dreams of sugar. Such a dream has many interpretations, in order to decipher them require additional details.

Dreamed about sugar

When sugar dreams, its meaning in the dream book can be found easily, no matter how strange it may sound, but in the sleep books there is indeed information about what this dream carries in it.

  • If a woman dreams of sugarthen it promises prosperity and well-being in her family life. If she wakes up the refined sugar, then soon she will have an unpleasant conversation with her friend.
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar. - to loss in a family or to the occurrence of an illness in one of its members.
  • If in a dream sugar saw a girlfor her, the dream book promises a carefree sweet life and fulfillment of desires.
  • Buy sugar - to the obstacles on the way to the bright life.
  • If this was a dream pregnant, the dream book foreshadows her easy childbirth without any complications and most likely she will have a wonderful daughter.
  • Have sugar in your sleep - means in a short time to get a gift from a loved one.
  • Putting it in tea or coffee - For a possible trip with your loved one.

What dreams of sugar

If I dreamed about sugar people who were born from the first month of the year to April, then for them the dream book predicts the deprivation of feelings for someone or something.

Born in the last month of spring and until the last month of summer one should be prepared that a sneak will appear in their lives, which it is better not to take seriously.

If so who was born in the fall or in the first month of winter dreamed of sugar - it promises positive improvements in life.

Usually, dreams with sugar are a symbol fatigue and anxiety, it can also predict the emergence of seminal problems and envy without any reason.

Dreamed sugar refined to what it

Refined dream to future changes in your own life.

If in a dream pieces of sugar are smalle, then a stranger will fall in love with you, but if they big - Get ready for a declaration of love.

Why dream sugar pour

Dream granulated sugar - this means that the sleeper can hardly avoid losses.

When did you dream that you scattered it yourself, the dream book warns you of sudden losses, it also promises little damage in the conduct of any business. It also heralds empty talk and various gossip about other people's personal lives that do not concern you.

If you dream about how you scattered sugar powder on the floorthen a family quarrel is coming, a quarrel with a spouse.

If a man dreams of sweet sandscattered by someone else is a sign that he will be able to return something that he lost, but not fully.

See sugar scattered on table - the delay in affairs, the emergence of significant obstacles. It is also a sign that the time has come to show determination and become more assertive in our affairs.

Buying sugar in a dream for what it means

Sugar acquisition in a dream can dream of happiness in love affairs.

But also if you dreamed buying white powder - this may mean that you need love and tenderness, and in reality your relationship has become less bright and emotional. Such a dream can dream of a sexually unsatisfied person.

Interested in the cost of sugar - beware of enemies and unkind people.

Why dream of a bag of sugar

If you dreamed of sugar in bags - It promises many pleasures, and can also dream of wealth. The more it was, the greater the wealth.

Buy sugar in bags - to the appearance of an unpleasant person in the house who brings trouble.

If you dream in packages buy it in the store, then in the dream book it is interpreted as the presence of minor problems in the characteristic personal life.

A lot of sugar in a dream means

If you dreamed a lot of sugar in a dreamthen in this case the dream book portends problems with the material situation.

If dreaming as a sleeper puts a lot of sugar in your drinkit means that in the real world he is happy with all the events happening to him.


Watch the video: Sugar Islamic dream interpretation (June 2024).