How to massage a girl: relaxing or toning. Learn the basics of self-massage for a girl (all zones)


Express your love, attention, care can be not only gifts, but also special attention. A relaxing massage will help your beloved to forget about problems for a while, to give up in good hands and, if necessary, to get rid of a slight indisposition.

The girl can be massaged both at home and in nature, resting in the country or basking on the seashore. In this world, there is probably no woman who would refuse a massage made by the hands of a loving person.

How to massage a girl: what's the difference

Before embarking on a massage for a girl, let's try to figure out what is the difference in this case from a classic massage. At the same time, we will learn how to carry out the basic methods of influencing various parts of the body of a loved one.

To bring bliss to a woman, one needs to identify her problem and erogenous zones. Real pleasure will give the process itself, if you massage a girl with knowledge of her erogenous regions.

The main difference of relaxing massage from the medical is that in this case, the focus is not on kneading, and stroking and rubbing, which will be performed with delay.

- Each type of massage begins and ends by stroking. When stroking, we prepare each cell for the perception of touch and mechanical impact on the body. Stroking can be done with fingertips, open palm, base or back of the hand.

Hand movements should be soft, slow, zigzag or circular, wrapping or straight, depending on the massaged surface of the body.

- Trituration differs from the previous technique in its intensity, it can be said that stroking performed with greater pressure and more quickly, with exposure to one point several times, is rubbing.

- When a massage girl try to use gentle kneading techniques. The warmed body can be rolled between the palms, simulating the process of making dough. When massaging the buttocks or thighs, the girl gets pleasure from kneading with the support side of her palm or with her knuckles with folded fingers, with an emphasis on the thumb.

- Vibration or pat it is done in several ways, but it is necessarily easy, even playfully, with open palms, hands folded in a fist, or fingertips.

Massage to the girl at home is done with love, wanting to give joy and fill the world with happiness.

How to massage a girl at home (little tricks)

When planning to give your beloved an unforgettable experience, you should take care of the location of the massage and lighting.

The effects of your hands can be enhanced by applying a massage oil to the girl, the glide of the palms will be especially pleasant, and the aroma in the room will excite feelings.

Aromamasla not only are able to activate the skin cells, they are beautiful:

• create an intimate setting;

• bring calm;

• give pleasure;

• relieve stress.

If necessary, you should be interested in what smell your woman likes, and if she has any allergies to this or that fragrance. Offer her a choice of oil from the seeds of apricot grapes, sesame, coconut, jojoba, as long as it is your girlfriend's favorite smell.

Romantic setting will create candles and aromalampy.

Good relaxation is relaxing music that will sound as if shading your touch.

The venue should be comfortable, spacious, in a warm room.

Every little thing in the room should "talk" about the desire to please the woman he loves. It is advisable to turn off both the TV and mobile phone. Nothing should distract your attention from the body of the woman you love.

Massage for a girl at home is done with love, with the desire to give joy and fill the world with happiness.

"Happiness of the feet" - Chinese wisdom

The fact that the feet are located points of all organs, the Chinese have known for a long time. They even call the feet the second heart, which gives life and energy to the whole body.

Wise Chinese to maintain family happiness regularly do each other before bedtime massage "happiness of the feet." What is unique in this case is that massaging the foot has no contraindications, but with regular exposure the body is transformed:

• stress and fatigue will be removed;

• headaches will go away;

• blood circulation will improve;

• the reproductive system will be restored;

• there will be a desire to live and create.

Foot massage do alternately on each leg. For convenience, place the female leg on your lap. During the execution of the massage, say your beloved compliments, admiring the elegance of her feet.

- The girl should start the massage from the heel, after having patted the whole foot several times with her palm and fingertips. Try to press the arm tightly to the area being massaged, at times increasing the pressure.

Rub your heels thumb pad in a circle. Continue to do the rubbing movements with four fingers, gradually moving to kneading. The deep pressure of the middle fingers in a circle, from the center of the heel to its edges, can sometimes cause a painful sensation, be careful and loosen the pressure in case of pain.

- We grip the edge of the foot between the thumb and the open palm, move from the heel to the little finger and, increasing the intensity, rub and knead this area.

- We gently massage the gentle cavity, in this area, for many women, there are erogenous points, pressing on which you can cause the desired sensations in your beloved. Here is the area of ​​the spine - from the heel to the thumb.

- Use your thumb or the other four to massage the pads under your fingers.

- Each toe is massaged separately. Grab the female finger between the index and middle fingers and rub. Then with the help of the big index fingers we knead each point, without causing pain.

We finish the foot massage with a general stroke of the lower and upper part of the foot, smoothly going down to the ankle.

How to make a foot massage girl

What could be nicer for a woman to massage her legs after a tiring day. The mysterious atmosphere of the room, your intriguing look, the offer to massage the girl, will make her freeze in anticipation of the fairy tale.

Massage feet start with the ankles, having plentifully greased hands with massage oil. The gentle, sliding hands of the beloved man alone will excite the girl. All movements are performed from the bottom up, trying as long as possible not to take your hands off your feet.

We make a stretching stroke, for this we grip the leg with both hands, and "go" up first with one hand, behind it with the other, pressing on the big fingers. Having reached the popliteal hollow, we "move down" and so 3-4 times.

For grinding the position of the hands do not change. In this case, we will do 2 steps. The first - rubbing your thumbs, like drawing a Christmas tree. The second is intersection, when the arms, tightly wrapping the leg, are shifted one relative to another, as if spinning the skin around the bone. We reach the knee again and return to the ankle with a stroking motion.

Rubbing in the second case smoothly turns into kneading, only all movements are made more slowly with pressure.

Go to the thigh massage. If you are planning to complete a massage for a girl, then remember that the inner part of the hips for many women is an erogenous zone.

Repeat all the tricks performed during the massage of the leg, from the knee, along the hips, capturing part of the ass.

A well-warmed leg, the skin of which has become pink, even red, is wrapped with two hands and “wiggles”, tossed from one hand to the other, without taking away the palm from the foot, and move upwards. We carry out 2 - 3 times and we do the general stroking.

We finish the foot massage by gently patting the open palms or lightly tapping our fists.

Now turn the woman on her back and repeat all the tricks on the front of the leg, paying particular attention to the development of the kneecap.

When massaging the upper thighs, do not touch the intimate parts of the woman’s body, remember that the longer the wait, the more attractive the action.

Massage the abdomen and chest girl

The front foot massage can be finished by lightly stroking the abdomen. Hands, smeared with massage cream, will gently slide around the navel from the center to the periphery, in a clockwise direction. Gradually move from stroking to impulsive rubbing and kneading.

When you have finished manipulating the abdomen, place the open palms on the girl's waist, so that the thumbs are in the front and the rest in the back.

Slipping down and moving up, massage the body from the hips to the armpits. Do not forget that all movements are performed slowly, slightly delaying, moving the skin in the direction of travel.

Rising above, we mass the ribs and approach one of the most erogenous zones, the chest area.

The above-described techniques, open palms, smoothly and gently work through the chest.

Prohibited! It is forbidden to massage the breast itself, you can slightly play with the nipple and easily stroke the mammary glands, and the focus is on the chest area.

Massage ears girl

To relieve fatigue after a working day and give pleasure to massage will help a girl who can be done in the area of ​​the ears.

Interesting that The direction of movement during the massage of the auricle affects the person differently. If we want to cheer up, then we massage our ears clockwise, and to relax, we perform all the manipulations in the reverse order, opposite to the direction of the clock hand.

Massage the ears with kneading movements of the thumb and forefinger. We start with a lobe, we work on the ear on the edge, do not forget about the tragus, and we return to the lobe and so 2-3 times.

If you look closely, you can see the similarity of the auricle with an inverted human embryo. On the auricle, as well as on the heel, there are all vital active points, affecting which we act on the corresponding organ.

Therefore, gently, with slight pressure, massage the inner part of the auricle, iron each bend, and touch our woman to the woman with a touch.

All manipulations are performed with circular movements of the index finger, sometimes with a slight pressure. Be very attentive to the woman's reaction, in case of pain, and this may be in the area of ​​the diseased organ, stop the massage at this point for the girl.

At the request of your partner, you can massage each ear individually or perform parallel manipulations of both ears.

Whatever type of massage you choose for a girl, you can give a 100% guarantee that in any case you will give her great pleasure and receive great gratitude.


Watch the video: How to do a Therapeutic Self Massage : Sinus Relief Through Self Massage (July 2024).