Oven pork with tomatoes: a versatile meat dish. How to cook pork with tomatoes in the oven


It is probably hard to find meat that cooks as fast and enjoys the same love of consumers as pork.

Therefore, dishes from it, baked in the oven, will pleasantly surprise homemade people and are perfect for a celebration of any scale.

The look of most dishes is very decorative.

General principles for cooking pork with tomatoes in the oven

For cooking delicious pork in the oven, it is better to take soft meat, not bad if it is a little fat. What could it be? Of course, the neck, carbonate, tenderloin, maybe a ham or shoulder blade. If the meat is even a little dry, the tomatoes will compensate for this deficiency and the pork and tomatoes in the oven will turn out juicy and soft.

Tomatoes better to take also good, soft and fleshy. But if it didn’t work out (everyone who lives outside the South knows how difficult it is to buy good tomatoes in winter and spring), it's okay, for sure it will turn out pretty well. Pre-tomatoes should be rinsed with boiling water, then ice water and peeled off from them.

Cream for sauce it is better to take traditionally used for this purpose - twenty percent. In this case, for pork with tomatoes in the oven, it is better to prefer a leaner piece of meat so that it does not seem greasy.

Cheese anyone is good if only it tastes good. For example, Gouda is good, you can take Edam, Dutch, even Kostroma or Russian are suitable. For particularly delicious recipes, Mozzarella (it gives a pleasant crust) or Parmesan (spicy and very "Italian") should be preferred; someone likes Maasdam's sweetish pork flavor. Be that as it may, it is better not to “save” dried cheese in this way: it may not melt, but even dry more, which will ruin the taste of the dish. But if you need to rub the cheese into the sauce, then you can risk using it to cook pork with tomatoes in the oven.

It is better to marinate pork before cooking, especially if you want to bake whole meat or in large pieces. Keep in the marinade for at least an hour, preferably 2-3 hours, and even better - pickle overnight. Marinade, if not indicated in the recipe, you can choose to your taste.

Recipe 1. Pork with tomatoes in the oven with the addition of vegetables

For this dish, you can take not very good pieces of pork, for example, those parts of the neck or shoulder blades that you cut off to form chops, an insufficiently soft piece of irregular shape, fatty pieces, and the like.


Pork - 1 kg

Tomatoes - 4-5 pieces

Eggplant - 1 large or a couple of small

Sweet bell pepper - a pair of pieces, better than fleshy and colorful.

Onion - 1 onion

Suneli hops - 1 spoon

Garlic - 3-4 cloves

If desired, you can add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise or tomato sauce (such as "Krasnodar")

Cooking method

Lightly grease the bottom of the baking dish.

Cut the pork into small pieces about the size of a walnut. Wash eggplants thoroughly and, without peeling, cut into rather small cubes or, if you do not like cubes, semicircles.

Wash and cut tomatoes in fairly large pieces of arbitrary shape. But if the aubergines were cut in semicircles, then, probably, tomatoes are worth the same. Wash, peel and chop the sweet pepper. Onions - thin semicircles.

Pass the garlic through a press, season the meat and vegetables with salt, garlic, suneli hops; if necessary, add tomato sauce or mayonnaise.

Cover the mold with a lid or foil and cook at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes. Try the meat. Usually it is already ready, but if not, leave it in the oven for a while, slightly increasing the temperature.

As a rule, a lot of meat and vegetables sauce is obtained in the form. You can serve pork with tomatoes as an independent dish, or you can use pasta, rice or potatoes.

Recipe 2. Pork with tomatoes in the oven "Hearty"

If you bake pork with tomatoes in the oven with potatoes, then the dish will turn out to be very satisfying.


Pork - 0.7 kg

Potato - 7-8 medium tubers

Tomatoes - 4-5 pieces

Onion - 1 large onion

Cream - 100 ml

Curry - a teaspoon or more if you like

Black pepper


Rosemary - optional

Cheese - about 100 g

Roasting and Roasting Oil

Cooking method

Boil potatoes in their skins. When she ceases to burn her hands, peel and cut into circles. Grease the form with butter and lay out the bottom with half a circle of potatoes. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.

Cut the pork across the fibers into pieces about a centimeter thick, then cut each chunk into 3-4 smaller pieces. Cover with foil and beat off slightly.

Fry sliced ​​meat with a small amount of oil. Remove the meat, shake off excess fat and lay the pork on a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper (black and curry). If you decide to use rosemary, put its chopped leaves. Cut the tomato into slices and put on top of the meat.

In the oil on which the meat was fried, lightly fry the onion, chopped quite finely. Put it on the tomatoes. Place the remaining potato slices on top.

Mix the remaining curry with cream and pour into a mold.

Put in the oven, covered with a lid or foil, for 20 minutes. Then get, remove the lid, sprinkle with cheese and continue baking for another 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 3. French style pork with tomato in the oven

This pork with tomato in the oven is very similar to French pork, only without mayonnaise. However, if you think that in this form it is a profanation of a famous dish, change the sour cream sauce for mayonnaise.


Pork (neck or boneless carbonate, depending on whether you want leaner or leaner meat) - 1 kg

Tomatoes - 5-6 pieces

Champignons - 300 g (or a bag of frozen)

Garlic - 2-3 cloves

Onion - 1 head (large)

Sour cream - 400 g, 200 g can be fat content of 10-15%, and 200 - 20-25%

Pickled cucumbers - so much so that in a crushed state there are about 2 tablespoons

Small capers - 1-2 tablespoons, to taste

Cheese - 200 g or more if you like a lot of cheese


Mixture of peppers

Cooking Butter

Cooking method

Cut the meat into neat chops, cover with foil and beat from edge to center. Spice up. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with low-fat sour cream, salt and coat the meat. Cover with foil and leave for several hours, preferably at night, in a cold place. Sour cream may remain unnecessary. It can simply be laid on top.

Grind cucumbers and capers. Mix them with fat sour cream and pour in the same container the excess marinade from pork. Knock down the whisk sauce.

Cut the onions into rings and fry with butter. Remove the onion, fry the sliced ​​mushrooms. Grease a baking sheet and place chops on it. Put onions and mushrooms on them and generously spread the sauce. Put in the oven at 170 degrees and keep until the meat is ready. Sprinkle with grated cheese and return to the oven, increasing the temperature to 200 degrees and turning on the top heater.

Serve the meat well with a side dish of a mixture of cauliflower and broccoli in sour cream sauce or in breadcrumbs. Many people like this dish with boiled rice, which can be mixed with peas and corn.

Recipe 4. Italian style pork with tomatoes in the oven

To such pork with tomatoes in the oven, to give it an Italian flavor, it is worth adding oregano and parmesan, and choose southern tomatoes: juicy and meaty.


Pork - 0.7 kg

Smoked ham - 0.3 kg

Large tomatoes - 2-3 pieces

Sweet pepper with thick walls - 1-2 large

Champignons - 0.3 kg

Seedless olives - a small can

Cream - 0.2 L


Parmesan - 0.2-0.3 kg

Cooking method

Cut the pork into small pieces, slightly beat off, covering with a film.

Chop the ham into medium-sized cubes.

Peel the tomatoes, cut into fairly small slices. Pepper - thin semicircles. Wash the champignons with a cloth, if desired, remove the peel from the hats (you can not do this), cut in half or, if the mushrooms are large, smaller.

Put the meat in a refractory form, sprinkle oregano. Then put the pepper mixed with ham, mushrooms, on top - tomatoes with juice flowing out of them.

Remove olives from brine on napkins and drain.

Cook in the oven for about 40 minutes. Check meat readiness. If it’s already soft, put the olives on top and cover with grated cheese. Return to the oven, increasing the temperature to about 200 degrees, and keep there until you get a beautiful crust.

Of course, some pasta, such as feathers (penne) or spaghetti, must be served in pizza with tomatoes in the Italian-style oven.

Recipe 5. Stuffed pork with tomatoes in the oven

Such a pork with tomatoes in the oven is not a shame and serve on the festive table. The only problem is that guests are embarrassed to have such beauty, because the dish looks extremely decorative.


Pork - a thick piece about a kilogram

Smoked lard with streaks of meat

Dense cheese, like Gouda or Kostroma

Tomatoes are very dense


Soy sauce

Mixture of peppers

Spicy herbs to your taste


Cooking method

Put fat for several hours in the freezer. Lemon with peel, but without stones, rub on a coarse grater. Mix with several tablespoons of soy sauce and pickle a whole piece of pork overnight.

Get the meat, shake the lemon off it. Use a sharp knife to make deep (almost to the end) cuts along the piece at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm from each other. Rub salt and pepper into the meat, sprinkle (including inside the "pockets") with herbs.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, cheese into slices up to 0.5 cm thick, and frozen lard into plastics approximately 0.3 cm thick.

Insert into the "pockets" a few slices of tomato, slices of bacon and cheese, placing them in layers. Sprinkle with chopped garlic. Put the meat on two layers of foil, cover with two more layers on top and carefully pinch the edges. Put in the oven at a temperature of 190-200 degrees for about 1 hour.

Remove the pork, remove the top layer of the foil, and check for readiness by piercing with a hole: if the beam is easily stuck and the juice flows clear, the dish is ready. Increase the heat in the oven to 220 degrees and put the meat again, already without foil, for 15 minutes, so that it is browned.

When serving pork with tomatoes in the oven, stuffed with cheese and ham, you need to carefully cut the slices with a very sharp knife into slices, this time across the piece.

Recipe 6. Pork with tomatoes in the oven "Juicy"

In addition to those indicated in the recipe, other vegetables can be added to such pork. The main thing is a large number of delicious, juicy tomatoes.


Pork - 1 kg

Tomatoes - 5-6 pieces, more can be

Bow - 2 medium-sized heads

Cheese - 0.3 kg

Brussels sprouts - half a bag of frozen

String Beans - About 200 g

Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

Champignons - 300 g

Mayonnaise - one and a half glasses; You can use fat sour cream mixed with two tablespoons of mustard and a spoon of curry.

Oil for frying and greasing molds

Cooking method

Cut the pork into slices and lightly beat, covering with a film. Pickle in mayonnaise or sour cream sauce (sour cream + mustard + curry) for 5-6 hours or longer.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, beans into short slices, up to 2 cm, pepper into cubes, cabbage and mushrooms into quarters. Chop and pass the onion for 2-3 minutes in oil.

Put the tomatoes in a deep form, on them - cabbage and mushrooms, then meat, onions, peppers and beans. Pour the sauce over everything and cover it, place in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check meat readiness.

Carefully turn the prepared pork with vegetables (usually there is a lot of sauce) onto another dish so that the tomato layer is on top. Fall asleep with cheese, it will melt right on the hot.

Recipe 7. Pork with tomatoes in the oven in a pancake dough

This recipe for pork and tomato in the oven is very unusual, so it’s worth it to try.


Pork - about 1 kg

Tomatoes - 4-5 pieces

Cheese - 0.3 kg

Garlic - 4-5 cloves

Tea - a glass

Lemon - Half Average

Salt, a mixture of peppers, spices - to taste

Several large diameter pancakes

Frying oil

Cooking method

Pork cut into slices. Brew tea, squeeze juice from lemon into it. Pickle pork in lemon tea for several hours.

Then fry the pieces in a pan for 3 minutes on each side, after which they salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs and chopped garlic.

Put a piece of pork on one side of the pancake, mugs of tomatoes and a thin slice of cheese on it. Cover with the second half of the pancake. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven for about 20 minutes. Remove, sprinkle with cheese and let it melt.

Recipe 8. Pork with tomatoes in the oven "Puff surprise"

This recipe for pork with tomatoes in the oven is quite laborious, it will require time, effort, and those products that are not always in the refrigerator. Probably, its preparation is better timed to coincide with some holiday.


Pork is a thick piece weighing about 1 kg

Tomatoes, better plum - 5-6 pieces

Bacon - 0.3 kg

Cooked smoked ham - 0.3 kg

Pitted green olives - a small jar (300 - 400 g)

Cheese - 0.3 kg

Champignons - 0.4 kg or more

Egg - 3 hard boiled pieces

Mayonnaise - 200 g

Garlic - 4 cloves

Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste

Frying oil

Cooking method

Gently slice a piece of pork into 4 layers, beat them off, cover with a film, and marinate in mayonnaise with garlic, passed through a press. You can pour the same brine from olives, but this is not for everybody: it will give a peculiar taste.

Fry the mushrooms cut into slices in oil. Grate eggs coarsely and mix with mayonnaise. Cut the olives lengthwise into halves. Cut cheese and ham into thin slices. Tomatoes - in thin circles.

Put strips of bacon in the mold so that they hang on both sides. Put a piece of meat on it, place slices of cheese and ham (half the total). The second piece of meat, olives and tomatoes on it. The third piece of meat and the remains of ham and cheese. Cover the fourth piece with mushrooms and an egg. Bend over the hanging strips of bacon.

Cover the mold tightly with foil and put in the oven for an hour. Get, check the readiness of the meat. If everything is in order, increase the temperature to 200 degrees and fry puff pork.

Serve this dish by slicing across the layers.

Pork with tomatoes in the oven: subtleties and useful tips

  • For cooking pork with tomatoes in the oven, it is better to use a refractory form with a lid. Do not forget that it must be placed in a cold or barely heated oven.
  • If there is no lid, cover the meat with foil, preferably in two layers.
  • If you must first fry the meat, do not salt it. Put on a hot pan. This will keep all the juice inside.
  • Pork goes well with herbs, onions, garlic, hot spices. All this can be added to the marinade, and just to pieces of meat.
  • At the same time, do not abuse spicy, otherwise the taste of pork will disappear.
  • Take a good producer and fresh cream: curdled cream will spoil the taste of the dish.
  • When choosing cheese, you should not stop at a very expensive one, but the cheapest one may turn out to be of poor quality, which will also significantly worsen your culinary work.


Watch the video: Pork Chops with Peppers, Onions & Potatoes, Italian recipe - Gianni's North Beach (June 2024).