Cold diet: hit the cold on extra pounds! Why is it so easy and fast for a week to lose weight on a cold diet?


A popular cold diet promises quick effects: in a week you can lose five to six kilograms.

The most wonderful thing is that light delicacies are not prohibited, you can eat berries and enjoy ice cream.

The bottom line is that when a chilled food enters the body, the activity of the digestive processes increases several times. Cold food causes the body to spend more energy on its absorption, and therefore burn more calories. And this is the key to effective weight loss. If to supplement such food with a reasonable physical activity, then the result will be higher.

Principles of a cold diet

Cold is not necessarily "chilled in the refrigerator" food. Products must be at least room temperature. However, preparing a salad, for example, is better from those vegetables that were stored on the shelf of the refrigerator, rather than lying in a basket in the kitchen.

To lose weight on a cold diet, you need to strictly follow its basic principles:

• use all dishes cold, making no exceptions for soups and tea. Excellent options for cold soups are all kinds of okroshkas, beetroot soup, cucumbers under yogurt or kefir, tomato and fish soup, gazpacho. To cool the tea, you need to add ice cubes to it. The same can be done with cocktails, fruit drinks;

• apply the principle of fractional feeding, eating every one and a half to two hours in small, 250-300 grams in portions;

• preference to give low-calorie foods. The energy expended in digesting the path of a cold, but high-calorie meal will not reduce the total caloric intake, which means there will be no weight loss;

• reduce the content of fast carbohydrates to a minimum, giving preference to protein foods: fish, meat, eggs, seafood;

• be sure to use a lot of fiber due to the large number of green vegetables: zucchini, asparagus, green beans, cabbage;

• drink at least one and a half, and preferably two liters of pure water without gas. Chilled green fruit teas, ice cubes cocktails are allowed and welcome;

• do any exercises: on the legs, arms, abdominal muscles, back, hips. The main thing is to keep the body in good shape, to launch an additional mechanism for burning calories.

The basis of the diet should be cold soups, vegetable salads, boiled chicken breast, low-fat steam fish. Green vegetables should settle on the shelf of the refrigerator and always be at hand. Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, any cabbage, cucumbers can be used with almost no restrictions. This will help the body not only to get enough essential vitamins and trace elements, but also to improve the work of the intestine due to the beneficial fiber.

Food restrictions on a cold diet

Do not eat hot, fatty foods. We'll have to give up everything fried: meat, fish, potatoes. For cooking, you can use methods that exclude additional calories: cooking, stewing without oil in a slow cooker, steaming, in extreme cases - baking.

We'll have to give up on "these white French buns". No cakes and croissants with butter - we're on a diet! Candy, sugar, chocolate is also prohibited. We drink fruit or green tea without sugar. If you want sweet, it is better to eat a square of dark chocolate or fruit salad.

But low-calorie ice cream, fruit ice, sorbet can be eaten with almost no restrictions. At all, desserts are a wonderful bonus from the creators of the diet. The main thing is that they are cold. The only restriction concerns the fat content of dairy products: no more than three to five percent. You can pamper yourself with low-fat yogurt and kefir, complementing them with fresh or frozen berries. It is very convenient and easy to prepare homemade ice cream, berry or fruit frozen desserts, smoothies or cocktails with ice cubes.

If there are no fresh fruits and berries, they may well be replaced with frozen ones. Fast freezing allows you to save useful properties. Fiber improves digestion, helps to break down fats better, reduces appetite.

Menu for seven days

It is not recommended to use a cold diet for longer than seven to ten days. Despite its balance and the absence of strict restrictions, eating cold and chilled food is quite a serious stress for the body.

Every morning begins with a glass of ice water, before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: two hundred grams of light non-fat ice-cream or fruit ice, as much non-fat kefir or other fermented milk product (ryazhenka, bifidok, etc.).

• Lunch: a salad of chilled green vegetables, one hundred grams of boiled chicken breast, a cup of chilled broth in which chicken was cooked.

• Snack: ice cream and a glass of cold water with ice cubes.

• Dinner: boiled cooled fish with vegetable salad garnish, iced fruit or green tea. Before going to bed you can drink a glass of cold kefir.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: 130 grams of cornflakes without icing sugar and with a handful of berries and cold, low-fat milk.

• Lunch: a plate of gazpacho with an ice cube, one hundred grams of boiled and sliced ​​chicken breast.

• Snack: a glass of ice water, a cup of frozen berries or fruit ice.

• Dinner: one hundred grams of cold boiled buckwheat, the same number of slices of boiled chicken, a salad of chilled green vegetables with a spoonful of nonfat yogurt.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: two loaves of rye or whole-wheat flour, two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, chilled, unsweetened green tea.

• Lunch: cold vegetable soup or cream soup, one hundred grams of boiled chicken breast, a glass of low-fat kefir.

• Snack: chilled water and ice cream.

• Dinner: cold casserole of vegetables with rye bread or two hundred grams of boiled chicken meat and bread.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: chilled fruit salad, green tea.

• Lunch: boiled or baked cold fish, served with vegetable salad with a slice of rye bread.

• Snack: ice water with a cup of berries or a scoop of ice cream.

• Dinner: two hundred grams of boiled beef or chicken, vegetable salad with a light dressing, unsweetened green tea or water.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: two boiled cold eggs, one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

• Lunch: chicken broth, chilled vegetable salad, green tea.

• Snack: ice water and ice cream.

• Dinner: one hundred grams of cold beef, cut into transparent slices, with vegetable salad under a light dressing from a spoonful of olive oil and herbs. Ice water without gas.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: a portion of ice cream or frozen berries (fruit).

• Lunch: one hundred grams of rice with slices of chicken and vegetable salad, non-carbonated cold water.

• Snack: one hundred grams of skim milk cocktail or a glass of cold freshly squeezed fruit juice with an ice cube.

• Dinner: a plate of low-fat cold cottage cheese, cold fruit salad, light unsweetened yogurt.


• Breakfast: a glass of pure chilled water without gas.

• Lunch: unsweetened light yogurt, a cup of frozen berries, unsweetened green tea.

• Lunch: vegetable soup (for example, from finely chopped cucumbers with garlic and cold kefir), one hundred grams of boiled meat.

• Snack: a portion of light ice cream or fruit sorbet.

• Dinner: cold fish with vegetable salad, a glass of cold water.

Prepare fruit years or sorbet is not at all difficult. For example, for several servings of sweet and healthy ice, you can take a glass of strawberries, a couple of fresh or canned peaches, some sugar or a sugar substitute, a spoonful of starch and a glass of water. First, dissolve the starch in a spoon-other water, then heat and boil the remaining water with sugar and starch. Pure and mix berries and fruits with liquid, stir, pour and mold and put into the freezer for several hours.

For sorbet, for example, cherry, you need to take three hundred grams of cherry, fresh or frozen, the same kefir or yogurt and some sugar. Mix everything in a blender and freeze in molds.

Important points of nutrition on a cold diet

The cold diet is balanced and not considered hungry. However, plant fiber sometimes causes increased appetite, which must be strictly controlled. Otherwise, the "icy suffering" will be in vain. There is good news: cold dishes reduce appetite. Therefore, if the first days carefully control the size of servings and not eat more than three hundred grams of food at a time, then you will not have to control the appetite at all.

It is recommended to eat no more than one hundred grams of meat. The excess of this norm leads to an excessive protein load on the body. The volume of garnish from cereals is no more than one hundred grams. Frequent intake of small portions of food normalizes the volume of the stomach, possibly stretched by irrepressible appetite, and will increase the metabolic processes in the body.

Two days later, this diet will become familiar, will not cause any discomfort. In addition, allowed sweet desserts will make it easier to transfer restrictions.

But dairy products need to be treated more carefully. They are able to retain water in the body, which means that you should not eat much of them: the weight will rise. On the other hand, dairy products are a source of good wholesome protein, that is, contribute to weight loss.

Contraindications for cold diet

Cold diet is very effective. It allows you to lose weight quickly and fairly easily, but due to the permitted light sweets does not cause psychological discomfort. However, there is a fly in the ointment.

High risk of getting sick by eating chilled foods. Cold food can wake up dormant chronic diseases: tonsillitis, sinusitis, as well as provoke sore throat, bronchitis. Diabetes, gastritis, ulcers are the basis for a complete ban on the use of this diet. Of course, it is also prohibited for lactating or pregnant women.

Cold Dates

For a healthy body, a cold diet is not contraindicated. However, long adherence to its principles can undermine health. therefore It is not recommended to use the scheme for more than ten to fourteen days. You can return to the diet after four months, when the body cavity recovers.

The ideal time for a cold diet is summer. There is less danger of getting sick, and there are more fresh home-grown fruits and vegetables during the season. But the winter version is valid. Fresh berries and fruits are quite capable of replacing frozen ones. So you can not only lose weight, but at the same time get rid of avitaminosis!

Unusual diet makes the cold diet is very popular among working women. You do not need to cook anything special, so you do not have to spend time to feed yourself to your beloved one. Spurs enthusiasm and the fact that, according to some information, the ice ration helped to bring the figure in perfect condition to many Hollywood beauties.


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