Eastern Pilaf - original step-by-step recipe with photos


Hundreds of different variations of plov cooking indicate that this oriental dish has become extremely popular not only in its homeland, but also in several other countries. You can taste the pilaf even in Europe, though not always it will be served to you exactly as you would like, because each of us prepares it in our own way!

The classic recipe of pilaf involves the use of lamb as a type of meat, but for Slavic countries it is more acceptable to add pork or beef to the dish. But pilaf from chicken or rabbit is no less tasty and fragrant - you just need to add vegetable oil.

Traditionally, meat with rice and vegetables is cooked in a cauldron - a metal container, but in the absence of such dishes you can easily use dishes with a non-stick bottom, because mistakenly cooked pilaf can burn.

To create 4 servings of this delicious and juicy dish you will need:

- 300 g pork;

- 150 grams of rice;

- 1 carrot;

- 1 garlic head;

- 1 onion;

- 0.5 tsp. turmeric;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 30 ml of vegetable oil;

- 3-4 bay leaves;

- greens to taste.

If you choose pork meat for pilaf, then get a piece with greasy veins - rice will absorb fat and pilaf will become more juicy. If you have pulp available, then additionally purchase just a piece of bacon to melt it before roasting the meat.

Peel the meat from the strands and fibers by washing it in water and cutting it into portions. The more slices there are, the longer they will be stewed in broth.

Peel the carrots with a peeler and rinse, and then cut large.

Do the same with the bulb.

In a cauldron or saucepan, heat the vegetable oil or fry the pieces of fat. Next, lay out the meats and fry for about 10-15 minutes, until all the pieces of meat are reddened.

Expect that the meat is reduced in size by 40% during heat treatment.

As soon as this happens, add sliced ​​vegetables into the container and pass all together for another 5 minutes - until the vegetables are soft. It is not necessary to fry them - they will languish along with the meat.

Then pour boiling water into the container, add salt, turmeric and other seasonings to taste, along with bay leaves. This pilaf is cooked with dried berries of barberry - if you have them, then boldly throw them into the broth. The berries will give the swim a light acidity, which will emphasize the richness of the meat dish. Stew meat on medium heat for about 40 minutes, adding boiling water from time to time when the broth begins to boil a little. The time of yearning depends on the type of meat: pork, beef and lamb stew about 40-50 minutes, chicken and rabbit meat - 30-40 minutes, and broiler chickens and turkey - 20-30 minutes.

As soon as the meat is soft, pour the washed rice into the middle of the container. Cut the roots from the garlic head, grabbing a little and the cloves themselves, so that the garlic head from the bottom appears to be open - all its sharpness goes into rice when steaming. Make sure that the broth was 2-2.5 times more than the sprinkled rice, so that it does not turn out to be undercooked. Cook pilaf for another 20-25 minutes on the slowest fire, without mixing or filling. The rice itself will absorb the broth and swell.

As soon as the time comes out - turn off the heat and let the pilaf walk. At this point, you can chop the greens to taste and sprinkle pilaf on top of it.

Serve hot and do not forget to equip the tasting with a glass of delicious wine - enjoy your meal!

As you can see, this meat dish is simple to prepare and also very economical for your pocket:

- 300 g of pork - 70 rubles;

- 150 grams of rice - 15 rubles .;

- 1 carrot - 3 rub .;

- 1 bow - 3 rub .;

- 1 head of garlic - 5 rubles .;

- 30 ml of vegetable oil - 5 rubles;

- Spices - 10 rubles.

Total: 4 servings of pilaf cost 110 rubles, and 1 portion goes to 28 rubles. Great lunch or dinner for the price!


Watch the video: BARLEY Stir fry. Healthy Complex Carb rich. Kravings (July 2024).