Do we need to cut a child a year: get rid of prejudices, learn to care for children's hair


Admit it, you have already asked yourself more than once questions: is it necessary to cut a child a year, or it is absolutely impossible to do it, and if you can - where, how and what? In the people there are many opinions on this issue, sometimes directly opposite. Alas, most of them belong to the category of conjectures and delusions. Let us once and for all dispel doubts, get rid of myths and begin to properly care for children's hair.

Cut - you can, if necessary

The opinion that the child must be cut a year, is implanted mainly by the older generation - grandparents. It is based on ancient superstitions that have nothing to do with reality.

So, in the old days, the length of hair was traditionally tied to longevity, and the density of the hair - from wealth. That is why children were cut as early as possible - in order to rid them of the thin and weak down covering the head of newborns. It was believed that as soon as you cut the hair down, strong adult hair would immediately grow.

Many people today seriously believe that a haircut strengthens the hair, stimulates their growth - but this is not so. The frequency of clipping hairstyle in no way affects its beauty - on the contrary, in the process of cutting there is a risk of damaging the delicate hair follicles, which determine the beauty of the hair. It is in the miniature roots stored genetic information about what should be the hair of a person. You cannot change this hereditary code with any scissors.

In what cases do you need to cut the baby? If the baby was born bald and by the year had just started to grow hair, you can do without a haircut - you shouldn't hurt the delicate childish psyche once again. But when the fringe climbs into the eyes, interfering with the vision, or the head sweats - you should take action.

Immediately make a reservation: under no circumstances should children cut their hair well - all the doctors together say this in chorus. Such a radical haircut is a serious stress for the baby. In addition, in the process of shaving you can damage the hair roots, and yes - and God forbid - bring infection. Therefore, do not succumb to anyone's persuasion - give up the very thought of shaving a child bald.

So, we came to the conclusion that the issue with a haircut should be resolved in each case individually. Hair clipping is not at all mandatory, but sometimes useful. And most importantly: if you decide to cut, you need to do it right.

Where and how to cut a child a year

What could be better for a child than mom's gentle hands? Think about it, having decided to take a one-year-old baby to the hairdresser. Even in a specialized children's salon, many tests await him. For example, an unusual situation can frighten or, on the contrary, excite - in both cases the family trip will be doomed to failure.

Once in the hands of a hairdresser (even to the most attractive and charming), a small child will surely experience stress. Are you ready to subject him to such punishment?

You can, of course, invite the master home. But, nevertheless, the best solution will be to pull yourself together and, armed with a machine and a comb, to mow the baby yourself. Let the first time turn out not quite exactly - be sure, with time you will be able to master even model haircuts. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

How to cut a baby: 5 main rules

Of course, you understand that in the business of cutting a one-year-old child, accuracy and attentiveness are important. In no case can harm the delicate baby skin, which hides the hair follicles. In addition, by injuring the skin, you can hurt your baby and permanently adjust it against the haircut. Therefore, in the work should use only safe tools.

So, the first rule - we use a special children's typewriter. Why it is impossible to cut children with adult devices? Yes, because they are not intended for small "clients" at all: their blades do not cut at all, but pinch and pull delicate childish hair. In addition, adult cars usually make a terrible sound, frightening children.

That's why you should spend a little time and choose the right baby model. Suitable, for example, machine BabyTreem, specially designed for children's hair.

And here is the rule two - cut the child with a machine equipped with ceramic knives. Pottery is much safer than iron, and it is almost impossible to blunt such blades.

Third. For the first time, choose a time when the baby has eaten tightly and is in a great mood. Let his haircut be associated with pleasant entertainment, play, but not with severe torture.

Fourth. Before each procedure, you should definitely put a visor on your baby’s forehead. You can make it yourself from improvised means or buy it in a store. The visor will protect from getting hair in the eyes - it would seem a trifle, but very important.

Finally, the fifth. Cut, tightly applying the nozzle to the head of the child, but do not push. Work slowly, but methodically. First, remove the hair from the neck, moving upwards, and then in the same way from the temples and from the crown.

Oh, and do not forget to thoroughly wipe the knives of the machine every time at the end of the haircut - so they will last longer.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about mowing your baby yourself. Everyone can learn this. And if you are afraid to start yourself, ask for help dad.

Caring for the future

Now you know why children are being cut, that in no case can one shave a child a year high, but for cutting they should use a machine with ceramic blades. And do not give the baby to the hairdresser - where it is more correct to take matters into your own hands. And who knows, maybe you will discover a new talent?

Take care of the child's hair from an early age, and it will delight you with a beautiful hairstyle for many, many years!
