Samurai Education - How Japanese Moms Raise Their Children


Japan is a mysterious country of the East, whose colorful culture has long attracted Westerners, and in recent decades has been at the peak of its popularity.

We easily decorate the interiors of our rooms in the traditional Japanese style, we try to learn the secrets of the beauty and sexual attractiveness of geishas and prepare exotic sushi for our beloved, while our children enthusiastically watch anime and read manga. But one of the most extraordinary and important for the Japanese themselves sides of Japanese culture often goes unnoticed by us. This is a traditional Japanese upbringing.

God slave friend

The attitude of Japanese moms and dads to their children is primarily based on the deep traditions of their ancestors, which the Japanese raise to the rank of unquestionable authority. The specificity of the Japanese education is that the attitude towards the child varies depending on his age.

Up to 5 years, the child in the family is assigned almost the main role. He is a small "god" to whom everything is permitted, and whose whims must be fulfilled. Up to 5 years, children are not punished for any pranks. They all get away with it easily. Japanese moms do not tend to raise their voices on a child, let alone subject him to physical punishment. Simply, the Japanese believe that the demand from a small child does not make sense, but when he becomes a little older, you can already seriously engage in the development of him as a law-abiding person.

From the age of 5, the adorable deity in the face of the child turns into a “slave” whose obedience is paramount. And now, from the age of 15, he becomes a full-fledged adult, clearly knowing what is possible and what is not, and how to build your life and relationships with others. Parents already communicate with an adult child as with the best friend. It is in such an extraordinary approach that the main paradox of the Japanese upbringing method lies, in which an adult grows out of a spoiled child who knows well what discipline and responsibility are.

Happy family - happy baby

In a traditional Japanese family, as a rule, not more than 2 children. The older child gets more responsibilities, but also a lot of rights. The Japanese mother dedicates the entire first year since the birth of the baby exclusively to him, and all the bruises and problems with the child are her responsibility. In Japan, it is not customary to send children to kindergartens from an early age.

The first stage of development should take place at home. That is why the main support for the family falls on the father’s shoulders, while the mother, if he works, is no more than 3-4 hours a day. A Japanese woman devotes all her free time to small children, and her husband will certainly devote the whole weekend to her children.

Little geisha and samurai

In modern Japanese upbringing, all the same roots lie, when it was necessary to grow a real samurai warrior from a little boy, and from a girl — an easy-going homemaker. Times have changed, but the Japanese are still trying to grow strong and responsible men who can become a reliable support for their family, and real women who are able to keep the fire of home.

In particular, this difference in education becomes noticeable already at school, when the boys are obliged to attend many additional circles after the main classes, and girls at this time can simply enjoy games with their girlfriends. The boy should be ready to overcome any difficulties, but girls from childhood are taught to take care of a man (brother, father, lover) and be ready to sacrifice much for him.

Kindergarten - University

Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries. This could not but be reflected in the upbringing of children. From an early age, parents seek to develop the child’s thinking, as well as to reveal his creative inclinations and potential talents. Moreover, the emphasis is on this even before the child reaches 3 years of age. Small children learn new knowledge better, and the task of parents is to provide them with all the conditions for this.

Kindergartens in Japan are often located at universities, and the opportunity to study in one institution from 3 to 15 years is considered elite. The Japanese are ready to pay any money for the education of their children, because a quality education in their understanding is the key to the success of their children in the future. Pass in such elite kindergartens is not easy. Children will certainly be tested, but enrollment completely solves the problem of their development and quality education.

Collective above individuality

Since up to 3 years children in Japan are most often brought up at home, the main task of educators in kindergartens is to teach them to be part of a team, which is especially valuable for Japanese society. That is why the main attention in the development of children in kindergartens in Japan is given to group activities: singing in the choir, collective sports games, joint creative activities, etc.

At the same time, it is not typical for the Japanese to single out in their children's groups either their pets or the most capable students. The spirit of rivalry is not sought to be developed here, since the main task is to teach the child to live in the interests of the collective. In order to foster endurance and mutual aid skills in children in kindergartens, collective hikes are organized every month. In order for children to better find a common language with others, an annual change of teacher and the entire children's team is practiced in Japanese kindergartens and schools.

One of the most important tasks of Japanese educators is to teach children to appreciate work and not stand out from the team. This allows you to grow hardworking workers, distinguished by politeness and humility. To some, this will seem unnatural, but for Japanese society this is the norm, and perhaps this kind of upbringing allows the inhabitants of this country to experience the most terrible cataclysms and catastrophes, remaining one of the most psychologically stable nations.

The relationship between parents and children in Japan has a number of specific features in which you can find both pluses and minuses. But still, you should pay attention to this particular method of education - perhaps you will find something very valuable, useful and relevant for you and your child.


Watch the video: SHORT FILM. Home Discipline (July 2024).