Sand baskets with protein cream and berries - taste and beauty!


Gentle, juicy and bright dessert in the form of baskets with cream and berries - this is the perfect solution for a sweet table!

If you are planning to surprise your guests with a sweet dish, or your child is approaching a birthday, then such a treat will have to be, by the way, for the intended celebration.

Some of us will surely remember our childhood years when such cakes were sold in cafeterias and canteens. It was there that children rushed after school to feast on another portion of cream dessert.

But the most interesting thing is that creating such baskets by yourself is easier than ever, especially in the summer, when nature generously pampers us with bright and fragrant berries and fruits. Let's try with you to pamper not only your kids, but also your loved ones with a perfectly prepared dessert.

You will need:

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 1 tbsp. wheat flour;

- 80 g butter;

- 200 g of granulated sugar;

- 2 pinches of salt;

- fresh berries for decoration;

- pinch of green dye.

Since this dessert has a sand base, then start cooking it with its creation. You should not worry about the fact that shortbread dough does not always work - you need to know a little secret of its preparation.

In a bowl, break a chicken egg and beat it with half the mass of granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. It is advisable to beat well so that foam is formed, and the sugar crystals had time to dissolve.

Melt the butter in the microwave - that's the whole secret! You do not have to grind it with flour, then add an egg, etc. However, before adding it to the egg mass, add 0.5 tbsp there beforehand. wheat flour and knead. This is done so that in contact with hot melted butter, the egg mixture does not coagulate. Now you can pour in the oil and stir in the remaining half of the flour. If the dough sticks to your hands a little - add some more flour.

Sand dough, place in refrigerator for 5-10 minutes to cool.

After this time has elapsed, remove the dough and, pinching off small portions from it, roll them into a ball, then flatten them and place in a cake pan, grabbing the sides.

To the bottom of the dough in the molds is not swollen when baking - put beans or other legumes in molds with dough, for example - chickpeas. Bake sand baskets at 200 ° C in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, while watching the edges of the dough - they should be reddened.

Take out ready bases and pour out of them legumes. Let cool.

While the basics cool down - take a protein cream. Separate the white of the second egg from the yolk. You will not need the yolk, but whip the white protein, adding to it a food dye of any color and salt to the container. The recipe uses green food coloring.

As soon as the mass has increased three times - add the remaining 100 g of granulated sugar and continue to beat until the cream is homogeneous.

Put the prepared cream on the sandy bases, using a pastry syringe or teaspoon. Under the cream, you can add a little fruit or berry jam for piquancy.

Decorate the dessert to your taste, using fresh berries and mint leaves. Invite everyone to your sweet table with tea or coffee. Enjoy your meal!

Isn't it such a recipe very easy and simple? Convinced yourself that you can handle it no worse than a certified pastry chef? Now let's calculate how much our sweet tooth costs:

- 2 chicken eggs - 8 rub .;

- 1 tbsp. wheat flour - 5 rubles;

- 80 g butter - 15 rub.;

- 200 g of granulated sugar - 10 rubles;

- fresh berries for decoration - 15 rubles.

Total: 5-6 servings of a delicious dessert will come out at about 55 rubles. That is, one basket of cream and berries costs about 10-12 rubles. With these rates for birthday treats or birthday, you can celebrate at least every day!


Watch the video: Morning Routine 10 DIY Ideas, Makeup, Healthy Recipes (July 2024).