What is your mother in the sign of the zodiac?


With the help of horoscopes you can find out not only your future, but also realize what is happening with you at the moment. It will be useful for every woman, a real or future mother, to learn the peculiarities of her attitude towards children, to look at her behavior. This will help you improve relationships with children, and make your family happier and stronger.


Woman - Aries is always trying to become the best mom in the world. To do this, she will turn over tons of books, browse thousands of websites, do everything possible to make her child the best, smartest, and most perfect in the world! And the advice and guidance of specialists (doctors, teachers) for her is an empty sound, because she knows best how to treat and what her baby needs, because she is super - mother! Mothers - Aries start to think too early that their children are already old enough, therefore they place on them a lot of duties and hopes. Moms organize family life in a way that is convenient for them, practically ignoring the needs of their “already grown up” children. That is why Aries’s children have a “shortened” childhood, they soon become independent and responsible, and fly away from the parental nest.


The woman - Taurus cannot imagine his life without childish laughter in the house. After all, children are the flowers of life, they are more precious than all the treasures of the world, so she loves them endlessly and worships them. At the same time, she is fair and controls all children's problems. Mama-Taurus is the most tender, she constantly caresses and kisses her little ones. But, growing up, such hyper guardianship and love begins to "stifle" them. After all, these mothers intend to bind to themselves and control the life of the child even after marriage.


This mother primarily teaches children independence. She spends a lot of time and money on education and games, is proud of the achievements of children in school and the success in their little hobbies. This mom is a democrat, because she tries to be the best friend for her child. But if she wants excessive obedience, she risks ruining her trusting relationship with her child. The twins are easy enough in relationships with their children, but rather superficial. That is why they stop consulting with moms quite early. But, nevertheless, friendly relations between them persist throughout life.


Mom - cancer is very sensitive to any little things in relation to their children. Mom is ready to change the tears of her offspring to a smile in any way. She can tear to pieces the abuser of her child and at the same time be the most tender and anxious. She likes to collect such sentimental things like letters, drawings, photographs - everything that reminds of how her children grow up. Mama Cancer is too serious in raising and educating her children. Often the children of Cancers become very home and family. The emotionality of children develops under the influence of their mother's experiences, and this can bring them troubles in love affairs.

A lion

This mother is a real queen. She seeks to give her children only the very best, quality and expensive. The most important thing for a lioness is to see her child happy and confident. She enjoys playing and teaching her offspring, using various educational techniques. She gives too much time and effort to the outside, but she completely forgets about the inner world of the child, which is more important for emotional development.


Very restrained mom. From the side it may even seem that she is cold to her children. But it is not. Virgo always very carefully listens to her child, advises and when necessary, helps. This mom teaches children independence, to think with his head. She will support and help her child all her life. She expresses her feelings mainly by actions, not caresses and words. Virgos pay special attention to physical development, hygiene and proper nutrition of the child. "In a healthy body - a healthy spirit" - the real motto of the mother - the Virgin.


Scales, sometimes, get tired of household chores, noise and chaos, and become hot-tempered and irritable. However, these mothers are always fair and honest with their children. Babes of Libra are often true darlings, try once again not to upset and upset their mommy. Very often, the mother - Libra becomes her child, above all, a friend. This is especially true of her daughter. With age, they develop trusting relationships of girlfriends, which further has a very good effect in the heart and family affairs of the child. But if women - Libra began a passionate romance, then they can completely forget about their child.


Mothers of scorpions have a highly developed intuition, so she almost always knows when something goes wrong and tries to save her children from mistakes. This mother loves her children infinitely strongly and devotedly, giving them all their time, energy and resources. However, Scorpios are able to constantly create children's emotional stress and stick their nose in all the affairs of the child. They want to always and in all control their children, despite their age. At the same time, they limit the independence of children in their emotional life.


This is the most serious and organized mother, everything happens on her schedule: food, games, bathing, sleep. This mother is the real queen of games, holidays and various children's events. Her amazing sense of humor will never let any child get bored! Archers are caring, help their child in mental development. However, in the emotional life of her children are early left to themselves. As a result, their personal life develops "as lucky."


This mother is very strict and demanding. Do not accept the disorder and disobedience. Too serious attitude to the correct mode and order does not allow the child to feel free and at ease. However, behind this “iron mask” there is so much love and tenderness hidden! After all, her baby is the center of her universe, and she is ready to move mountains to fulfill his dream. Children of Capricorn quickly make progress in intellectual development. But they, like the children of Virgos, lack mother's tenderness and warmth. Therefore, children of these signs have rather slow emotional maturation.


Aquarius is freedom-loving and decisive, always ready for adventure. Therefore, the mothers of this zodiac sign give the child complete freedom of thought and action, so that he himself can set the limits for what is permitted. However, at the same time, Aquarius is the most powerful of all signs of air. And therefore, children with a weak individuality (mostly daughters) are tied to themselves for life. And the sons of mothers of Aquarius sometimes become real "mother's sons."


This mother is the most sensitive and responsive. She does everything possible and impossible for the happiness and well-being of her children. Mom - fish perceives children and themselves as one, and therefore devotes them to absolutely all areas of their lives, even to those that it is too early for them to know. This contributes to the premature formation of the emotional and sexual life of the child. Fish tend to overprotect their children, depriving them of the opportunity to fill their "bumps". Give them more freedom and believe in their power.


Watch the video: Zodiac Signs as Types of Mothers (June 2024).