Intriguing facts about men


“If a woman shows character, they say about her“ Harmful woman! ”. If a character shows a man, they say about him“ He’s a good guy! ”. Margaret Thatcher

What kind of men really are? Every woman, girl, getting acquainted with an attractive man, trying to see in him that highlight, which so attracts her.

Looking through all his advantages, we conclude that he is special, not like everyone else. Yes, indeed, men are very different in appearance and temperament, but instincts are what unites them all. Sexologists took to study the men, taking to attention the psychological findings of scientists. Here are some interesting facts, based on surveys about habits, habits and attitudes of men towards women:

• 52% of men call love at first sight - hormone chemistry;

• About the former relationship in the memory of the man there are memories that come down to their joint sexual experience;

• 60% of men fear virgins;

• 63% of men think about sex when they take a warm shower; 32% - during working hours; 15% - in the car; 9% - in the gym.

• The most terrible male fears are impotence, and in second place is baldness;

• Men who are lucky enough to attend childbirth, often have problems with erection, which can last for years;

• Online stores of women's underwear, men visit more often than women themselves;

• In his entire life, a man eats about 3 kg of a woman’s lipstick;

• It has been proven that men have a higher body temperature. So if the apartment is cold - sleep in the same bed with such a "heater";

• The quarrel phrase "Get away!" or "I don't want to see you!" perceived by men as a challenge. And the words "I want to be your wife!" and "Let's start a child" exactly the opposite - they scare him;

• When sporting events are shown, replays are often shown, and this is done for men, in the way men can remember very well what they have seen;

• Everyone knows that men do not like to go shopping, so men's clothing departments are always located closer to the exit;

• When a man holds his belt with his thumb, it means that he subconsciously wants to attract the attention of girls;

• Before the first date with the new passion, many men change the bed "just in case";

• Seminude woman excites men more than naked;

• In the morning, the man is in a hurry to get all the news first. If he is second, it will affect his mood for the whole day;

• Men love phones with lots of buttons. It helps them feel important;

• When men watch football, they think that if you focus strongly on the game, you can help your favorite team;

• The first to put on the heels of the Mongolian men. So they solved the problem of jumping feet from the stirrup when riding;

• The first "geisha" in the world until the mid-18th century were men!

• The most disliked for men is the phrase: "We need to talk!". If you start a conversation with her then the following words become meaningless;

• More than 62% of men will be happy if a girl takes the first initiative;

• Most of all men appreciate accessibility in a woman, but only if she is alone for him;

• 30% of men regularly lie to their women;
