Pike perch - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook filler pike.


Pike perch filler - general cooking principles

Are you puzzled over what to cook for the New Year? You can, of course, try to surprise the guests with something extraordinary and exotic, but good old Olivier and jellied fish will not replace anything. So let's not move away from the classics and arm ourselves with a knife and a cutting board. From the cleaned and chopped perch need to cook fish broth. Both fins, head, and tail will be used, so nothing needs to be thrown away. In the same broth, you can boil the fillet pieces, after which they are laid out in a special form. The finished strained broth is mixed with soaked gelatin and the fish is poured with this mixture. So it turns filler perch. Just do not forget to add boiled carrot circles, green leaves and lemon slices to the fish before pouring. Also as decoration you can use slices of boiled eggs, green peas and any other products that are suitable for taste. Pike perch kept in the cold for a day, after which the dish can be served at the table.

Pike perch filler - preparation of food and dishes

The first thing to do is prepare the dishes. We will need a large form, and even better if there are special molds (or one large) in the form of fish for aspic. You will also need a saucepan for boiling broth, a frying pan and a bowl for soaking gelatin.

The fish must be thawed, cleaned, cut off all fins, tail and head. Interiors to remove. Remove the fillet and leave for now, and cook broth out of the waste. Later in it you can boil and pieces of fish. While the broth is boiling, soak gelatin in cool water, chop the lemon, greens and other ingredients. Peel one onion and carrot and add whole to the broth for flavor.

Recipes filler perch:

Recipe 1: Pike perch

Prepare a filler pike perch with this classic recipe. This is how our mothers and grandmothers made this dish. The only thing that distinguishes this recipe is the use of quail eggs. Otherwise, everything is the same - fish, vegetables and a set of spices.

Ingredients Required:

  • Kilogram of pike perch;
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • Lemon;
  • Lavrushka;
  • Spoon of gelatin;
  • Red pepper;
  • Pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Parsley;
  • Ten quail eggs;
  • Horseradish;
  • Green peas;
  • Some cranberries.

Cooking method:

To begin, prepare the fish and vegetables: defrost the pike perch and rinse thoroughly, peel the onions and carrots. Fish clean, giblets and cut into pieces. Put the pieces of fish in a saucepan and fill with water, add the onions with carrots, laurel and pepper. Cook for about 15 minutes, do not forget to remove the foam. Fish is not digested, otherwise it will fall apart! Boiled fish gently shift to the dish. Pike perch remains (head, fins) are boiled in broth for another twenty minutes. Soak in the instructions gelatin. Strain the broth and mix with the swollen gelatin. We take the form for the jellied and pour in a little broth, remove the cold to freeze. Boiled carrots cut into circles or figures, boiled quail eggs cut in half, cut the lemon into semicircles. On the frozen broth lay out the pieces of fish, eggs, lemon slices, carrots, greens, peas and cranberries. Fill all the remaining broth. Broth should cover the fish by about 1 cm. Serve aspic with horseradish.

Recipe 2: Pike perch in a tomato sauce

Very simple, one might say, lightweight version of the fish in the flood. For cooking you will need a pound of pike perch, onions and tomato paste.

Ingredients Required:

  • Kilogram of pike perch;
  • Onion;
  • Tomato paste (as much as chopped onion);
  • Ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Fish thawed, clean, remove the insides. How should we wash. Cut the carcass into pieces and fry in a pan. We shift to a dish cool. Onions cut into half rings (not too thin, but not thick), fry until golden brown in the pan. Spread tomato paste onion (in volume as much as onion itself). Salt and pepper to taste. Tomim onion in tomato 15 minutes on low heat. We chill the fish from the bones and put it into shape. Put the tomato-onion mass on top of the fish and gently level with a spoon. We remove to freeze cold.

Recipe 3: Pike perch filler without gelatin

It turns out that filler pikeperch can be cooked without gelatin. To do this, you need to know a few tricks, which this recipe will tell. The fish turns out amazingly tasty, delicate and fragrant. For a festive celebration - what we need!

Ingredients Required:

  • Two kilograms of pike perch;
  • Three liters of water;
  • Two large carrots;
  • Two onions;
  • Parsley root and celery root;
  • Bay leaves;
  • Single egg protein;
  • Parsley;
  • Boiled carrots;
  • Hard boiled eggs;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Carnation - optional.

Cooking method:

Fish clean, we cut, remove the insides. The carcass is properly washed and cut into pieces. Separate the fillets and set aside. From the tail, head and fins boil the broth for an hour. Bulbs and raw carrots clean, roots are also processed. Cut vegetables with roots into large chunks and fry in a dry frying pan. We shift all this to the broth, laying fillets. Boil the broth until it is almost half boiled away. Shift the fillet with vegetables on the dish. Lit broth with protein, then filter through gauze. Slices of fish are shifted into a large shape, on top we lay out circles of boiled carrots, lemon wedges and slices of boiled eggs. Do not forget about the greens! Fill all with chilled broth and soak in the cold for at least a day.

Recipe 4: Pike perch filler with mayonnaise

Another recipe filler perch. This time - with mayonnaise, garlic, olives and greens. Very original and tasty!

Ingredients Required:

  • 800-1000 g perch;
  • White bread - grams 70-80;
  • Three spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • Garlic cloves;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Parsley root;
  • Greenery;
  • Olives;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Milk - two spoons;
  • Two spoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

To begin with, we will make two types of jelly - transparent and in mayonnaise. Gelatin is soaked according to the instructions in cool boiled water. Boil broth from fish, filter it and mix with swollen gelatin. Put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and immediately remove. A part of the cooled broth is cast and mixed with mayonnaise, the rest is left as it is. Bread is placed in a bowl of milk soaked. Onion cut into half rings and fry until golden brown. Boiled fish fillets are separated from the bones. Garlic finely chopped. Put the fillet, onion and soaked bread in a common bowl, mix everything with a blender or mince, then salt, pepper and add garlic. Mix the mass again. Now the most crucial moment: we take a plastic bag or a special parchment, oiled, put the mass there and twist it into a thick roll. Overtighten the "sausage" durable thread. Cook the roll in water with salt and parsley for 1.5 hours. Cool it right in this pan without removing. Pour into a piece of transparent jelly. Cut the cold roll into slices and spread over the jelly, then pour the transparent jelly again so that it covers the roll half. Then pour the jelly in mayonnaise so that the slices were slightly visible. Everything is cooled, cut into portions, decorated with slices of boiled carrots, greens and circles of olives. Pour colorless jelly over again and remove to cool.

Recipe 5: Pike perch aspic in a multicooker with vodka

Those who have a slow cooker are very lucky. In it, you can cook almost anything, including the perch. Try experimenting and you will see how easy and easy the fish is prepared.

Ingredients Required:

  • Zander;
  • Carrot;
  • Onion;
  • Pea pepper;
  • Parsley leaves;
  • Lemon;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • Salt;
  • Vodka - 2.5 spoons.

Cooking method:

We clean, clean and wash the fish. Remove the fillet from the bones. Pour into a slow cooker a half liter of water, lay the bones from the fish, salt and pepper, peeled onions and carrots. We set for 30 minutes the "Soup" mode. Gelatin is soaked in cold boiled water and leave to swell. Parsley wash. Lemon also carefully wash and cut into thin circles. Fish fillet is divided into pieces and spread on a grid for steaming. Open the slow cooker and cook another 20 minutes in the "Soup" mode. Fillet lattice remove. Add soaked gelatin to the broth, mix and heat another 10 minutes in the "heating" mode. Add vodka to the broth, mix and filter. Pike perch fillets are laid out in forms, we also lay out parsley and lemon slices. Fill all with broth, let cool and remove in the cold, covering the form with cling film.

Pike perch - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

  • if you want to get a clear broth, take pikeperch only freshly frozen;
  • pikeperch does not require long cooking, otherwise the pieces will fall apart, and the dish will turn out unattractive;
  • never use sea pikeperch for a jellied head, because when cooking the broth will get an unpleasant taste. For cooking broth suitable heads only freshwater fish.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Fish Recipes (July 2024).