Milk abuse can lead to early death.


According to Swedish scientists, the daily consumption of milk by adults can lead to various cardiovascular diseases and early death.

The task of the study was to establish the relationship of constituent lactose and galactose on the human body. For 20 years, experts observed an experimental group of volunteers, which included more than 100 thousand people who actively consumed milk.

It turned out that people who drank more than 3 glasses of milk during the day had much more heart and vessel problems, and also had an increased risk of premature death.

The reason for this effect of milk on the health of a high fat content, which as a result negates all the benefits of this product, consisting in the presence of calcium and vitamin D.

For milk lovers, doctors advise to use its low-fat version or other types of dairy products (yogurt, kefir, etc.). In this case, the risk of sudden death is reduced, and the health benefits of milk increase substantially.


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