Roza Syabitova admitted the terrible consequences of losing weight


The fact that the TV presenter and matchmaker Roza Syabitova constantly does plastic surgery for herself is not told only by the lazy one. However, surprisingly, Rosa categorically does not recommend women to lose weight, arguing that it is not only dangerous, but also very expensive. So, at present Syabitova is sitting on a salt-free diet and states that this is extremely difficult.

Syabitova believes that before embarking on dropping extra pounds, any woman should clearly understand for herself why she needs it. After all, losing weight, more than 10 kg carries a sagging skin. As a result, you will have to resort to plastic, because simulators do not help in this matter.

Rosa also admits that, getting rid of excess weight, you will have to buy a new wardrobe, which is also not a cheap pleasure. Recalling her story, Syabitova regretfully confesses that after a dramatic weight loss of 10 kilograms, her kidneys failed.
