Chicken soup - a recipe with photos and step by step description


Light chicken soup will be most welcome on one of the hot summer days. Chicken meat - the leader in the content of easily digestible protein, it is equally useful for both adults and children. The broth is especially good because it is transparent, nourishing and surprisingly appetizing. Chicken broth is considered one of the most nutritious and, at the same time, one of the most dietary foods. In addition, it is useful for health and the stomach, it is not for nothing that the chicken broth is prescribed by the doctor to maintain overall well-being and normalize digestion.

There are a great many recipes for cooking chicken soups and each of them boasts its own special taste and aroma. One of the most common is the recipe for chicken soup with pasta or noodles. Many housewives prefer to harvest homemade noodles and successfully use it for cooking chicken soup, but do not be upset, just buy simple noodles or noodles will do.

Absolutely any part of the chicken is suitable for making soup, be it the thigh, the chicken leg, or the more dietetic breast, the soup will have little effect on the taste of the soup. The main thing in the soup is the right broth, which, subject to a number of rules, must be clear, rich and extremely fragrant. The pledge of a clean, clear broth is a skin shot during the skin. Once it is formed, it is necessary to immediately reduce the fire on the stove, and with the help of a spoon to continuously remove the foam, until its new appearance ceases. Only after that you can slightly increase the heat and start bookmarking products. Also, a good remedy is a peeled onion added at the beginning of cooking the broth, after boiling the liquid it can be removed and thrown out.

Below is a recipe for cooking classic chicken soup with potatoes and noodles, which is accompanied by detailed step by step photos.

In the photo: ingredients for cooking chicken soup:

  • Chicken Breast - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Spaghetti or vermicelli - to taste
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Recipe for cooking chicken soup (with photo):

Chicken meat is washed under running water, remove the film, cut into small cubes. We spread on the bottom of the pan, pour cold running water and put on a small fire, until boiling. As the broth boils it is imperative to remove the formed foam, otherwise the broth will become cloudy.

While the meat is boiling, cut the potatoes into small slices. Add to the pot, as soon as the broth boils. Cook for about 20 minutes.

Next add vermicelli or spaghetti, previously broken into several parts. Mix well, boil another 10-15 minutes.

Prepare a fragrant fry for soup. To do this, finely chop the onions and three carrots on a medium grater, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, so that the soup is not too fat.

Salt the broth to taste and send it to the ready zazharku, mix. Turn down the heat and simmer chicken soup for about 5 minutes.

Ready-made soup can be served with a chopped egg, from which its taste will only win. Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: How to Make the Best Homemade Chicken Soup from Scratch . . Home Made Chicken Soup Recipe (June 2024).