The name of Nikolai Rastorguev was used by scammers


The frontman of the group "Lyube" Nikolai Rastorguev was the victim of fraudsters. As it turned out, over the past few months, the network has been running an advertising campaign led by Rastorguev selling CDs, which recorded information may supposedly help in the treatment of hypertension.

The singer found out about it completely by accident. A certain person who suffered from this advertisement wrote a letter with a complaint and sent it to the Russia 1 TV channel. It turned out that the channel's logo was used by fraudsters for a certain show, where Rastorguev complained to the presenter of “Live” Boris Korchevnikov about problems with increased pressure and insisted that only these discs helped to cope with it. Next was a link to the site where you could buy a miracle CD.

Nikolai assured that he had never participated in such a show and, of course, did not give his permission to participate in an advertising company. The incident angered the singer, and he expressed a desire to punish the intruders.

According to lawyers, to achieve justice in this matter is quite realistic. Firstly, legal liability is provided for the illegal use of photos of Rastorguev and Korchevnikov, as well as for undermining their business reputation. Secondly, misleading users can be punished with a sum of up to 5 million rubles, the same amount for using the TV channel’s trademark. The site owner can be fined 40 million rubles.


Watch the video: НИКОЛАЙ РАСТОРГУЕВ и Группа ЛЮБЭ - 2012NIKOLAI RASTORGUEV and GROUP LUBE - 2012 (June 2024).