Scientists have established the cause of the night hunger


Scientists have identified a whole group of people who have a strong hunger wakes up exclusively at night. Many of them claim that they are not even able to fall asleep without having a bite to eat and satisfy their sense of hunger.

According to experts, the reason for this deviation is a genetic failure, the nature of which is not fully understood. Doctors say that the presence of a similar trend in a number of people turns into a real mania, in which at night a real feast is arranged, of course, fraught with the appearance of extra pounds.

According to reports, such a deviation occurs in 2% of the world's population. Researchers notice that there is a close relationship between the genes of sleep and hunger, so the shortcomings in the work of one of them entail a disruption in the work of the entire human body.

Mutation of the gene responsible for hunger is responsible for the human biological clock.

Currently, scientists are studying the issue of bringing genes into a stable state.


Watch the video: Intermittent Fasting & Hunger - What the Science says (July 2024).