The secret of happiness is revealed


Throughout the history of mankind, the question of what such happiness has never been resolved. However, attempts to find an answer to it are carried out continuously. So, the American scientists tried to unravel the mystery and found out that a person feels the most complete happiness when he gives help to someone. The cliché that giving, we become happier, turned out to be true. That is why, according to scientists, altruism makes a person happier. Perhaps, therefore, according to available data, volunteering is able to increase life expectancy.

True, there is a small caveat: before starting any charity work, it is necessary to clearly define the goal, the achievement of which brings true satisfaction. Experts offer people who dream to feel happiness, not delaying in a closet to try to cheer up or just make another person smile. Thus, scientists believe, you can not only give pleasant moments to others, but also get yourself a small portion of happiness.


Watch the video: How to Be Happy - Secrets to Happiness (July 2024).