The most dishonest and deceitful signs of the zodiac. Overview of all 12 from greater to lesser


Thinking of positive human qualities, you are unlikely to include dishonesty on this list. Alas, sometimes we all resort to lies - such is the nature of man! Sometimes we lie to others in order to make the right impression, gain someone’s trust, and also advance in life. Either we resort to the so-called "holy lies" to reassure and encourage people, or so as not to offend or offend them. Let's look at the rating of the zodiac signs - from the most advanced liars to completely honest personalities.


Gemini is the superliar of the entire zodiac. They will lie to friends, colleagues, relatives and even themselves. The reason for the tendency to lie of this sign is its duplicity. Twins are used to showing people both their faces - the one that everyone likes (insincere), and their true face. However, the Twins themselves often get confused about where the truth is and where the lie is.


Libra always strives to please everyone. They do everything possible to please, carefully listen to their interlocutor and try to become an indispensable companion. In the worst cases, Libra will shamelessly trick, as they are sure that this is the perfect way to control the situation. They will say what you want to hear in order to attract you to your side.


They will easily lie to spare other people's feelings. It seems to Pisces that this is the right decision in a situation where the truth can morally and emotionally hurt someone and unsettle them. However, the use of this fishy holy lie is very doubtful. Soon, people around begin to understand that Pisces is constantly bewildering, which means it becomes difficult to distinguish truth from lies.


Scorpio is a typical hypocrite. He insists that everyone be honest with him and not hide anything from him, but he himself is constantly hiding something. You will not be able to establish the degree of honesty of this sign by communicating with it, because it is likely that it tells you a lie to please you or, conversely, to cheer you up.


He strives to be an excellent companion for his friends, because he prefers to say only what others want to hear. Aquarius will easily lie when he does not want to aggravate relations and tries to avoid disagreements. That is why this sign is trying to soften the bitter truth as much as possible, or even to silence it.


People often lie in order to spare the feelings of others, Taurus is lying to spare their own feelings. He does not need a reason for this! Taurus is just so convenient and profitable. When this sign lies shamelessly, he wants to look more confident and successful, as well as make the most favorable impression on the right people.


He is honest when he needs it. If Capricorn treats you well, then most likely he won’t lie. But it is not exactly! He can be a very manipulative person. This sign loves his loved ones, but he also loves to control everything, and for this he has to embellish the facts and exaggerate or downplay the events.


In terms of honesty, Virgo is one of the most controversial signs about which one can say "50/50". Either she will tell you too much and too honestly that you will feel uneasy from her frankness, or she will be completely closed, even with the closest and closest relatives. Virgo is not a fan of lies, but she knows how to find creative ways to hide the truth.


According to Cancer, when you love and appreciate a person, you should be sincere and open. Any lie destroys friendship or relationships - that is why Cancer prefers the truth. Perhaps this is not at all what you expect to hear from him, but it is useful to you. If Cancer does not want to voice the truth, then he would better keep silent and pretend that he knows nothing.

A lion

Leo longs to be an ideal friend, to whom people will reach out for any occasion and question. And the only way to become such a friend is to be honest and frank with your environment, of course, as much as possible. You can be sure that you will not hear lies from Leo, because he almost never resorted to it.


Aries is one of the most honest signs, which does not hide anything from anyone. It may sound too straightforward and even tactless, but Aries will prefer to tell you the truth (no matter how unpleasant and shocking it can be). Sometimes people themselves would like this sign to be less frank with them.


Sagittarius is crystal honest, and you are unlikely to ever catch him in a lie. This is a great friend who will not shy away from the topic of conversation or hush up something. Sagittarius is an open book. He is convinced that this world is mired in lies so much that he himself should become a source of honesty. However, people do not always appreciate his harsh sincerity, from which sometimes it can be somewhat jarring.


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