Treason in a married marriage


Wedding is a mysterious ceremony, which in the 21st century is considered an optional ceremony. It is a true tradition that the couple continue to maintain. This is due to the fact that at the time of the wedding, the couple give a dinner of fidelity not only to each other, but also to God. However, situations arise when the couple still cheat on their soul mates.

Treason after the wedding

Many believe that it is the wedding that can save a couple from cheating. However, the ancient rite is not able to influence people in any way due to certain factors. A wedding can only remind the wife and husband that their union is sacred, and betrayal after the wedding should be completely excluded. At the same time, people must well understand that fidelity is as important a factor as observing Christian rules.

Treason is a violation of marital fidelity, which for some reason people go to. Previously, such a betrayal was considered unacceptable, since the husband and wife had to be together throughout their lives and maintain loyalty to each other.

At the moment, betrayal of partners has become a frequent occurrence, which in most cases leads to divorce. A marriage can only be saved if the unfaithful spouse repents, and the partner finds the strength to forgive the betrayal. Also a good reason for the preservation of marriage are joint small children.

Most people adhere to the position that the basis of adultery in marriage is sexual need. But as practice has shown, partners can look on the side for the perfect other. For example, mutual understanding, which is not with a loved one, or the absence of domestic problems.

The position of the Orthodox Church

Physical adultery is a violation of God's commandment, for which the wrong partner will be punished. The Orthodox Church does not recognize divorce, however, marital infidelity is a good reason for divorce. According to the Gospel, cheating is the only reason you can leave your partner.

Marital infidelity is a great sin, which is indicated in the commandments immediately after the commission of the murder. Priests adhere to the position that you cannot betray your spouse, but infidelity can be forgiven by the injured party.

However, the family will no longer have the same trust, comfort and love, as a result of which conjugal happiness ceases to exist.

The consequences of infidelity in a married marriage will be felt by children. They, seeing what happened to their parents, can adopt this model of behavior and repeat their mistakes in the future. Also, the traitor in the future will no longer be able to marry either his current partner or another person.

What to do if a betrayal has occurred?

People always find different reasons and excuses for treason, but for the church there can only be two. Infidelity can result from a person’s immorality and depravity, or from a mistake that the spouse regrets.

Both cases are a sin, however, such behavior can be forgiven the partner. The main thing is that both spouses want this. First you need to talk and find out what became the main reason for adultery. If the wife and husband decided to keep the union, they do not want to further remind each other of their deeds.

A partner who betrayed his own person should:

  1. Confess. Without this man, conscience will torment him, and he will not be able to live in peace with his soulmate. Also, if you do not confess in a timely manner, the traitor will begin to lie, which is another sin.
  2. To repent. He must do this before himself, the injured party, and God.
  3. Exclude the cause of treason from your life. This will allow a person not to repeat the mistake, as a result of which he will not cause repeated pain.
  4. Ask for forgiveness and partner decision. This must be done sincerely so that the victim can correctly think through and ponder everything. In this case, the traitor must prepare for the fact that the partner will not accept it and the marriage will be terminated.

Consequences of betrayal

They are completely different, as they directly depend on the behavior and feelings of the spouses. However, people faced with treason will feel as if they are being killed.

In this case, a mortal wound will never heal to the end. Similar feelings apply to a person who is not faithful, since sin never passes without a trace.

Can sin be atoned for?

Adultery is one of the seven sins and a violation of God's seventh commandment. Anyone can go astray and commit treason. According to the priests, there are no unforgiven sins, only unrepentant ones.

It is impossible to atone for the perfect deed on your own, therefore it is necessary to turn to the Orthodox Church for help. It is in the temple that one can ask mercy from God. Only sincerely repenting and confessing with the priest, the traitor will receive God's forgiveness and can continue to live with a calm soul. In order to facilitate his fate, the wrong partner should resort to the following measures:

  • fasting for several days;
  • in the mornings and evenings to read prayers;
  • to confess to the priest in the deed, and also to tell about other sins;
  • take communion.

A person should be responsible for this process. The best time for confession is the evening before Communion, so that during the morning service no factors can distract the wrong partner from sincere prayer.

Treason is a real sin that brings great pain to an afflicted partner. Because of infidelity, many families break up, and confidence in other people is also lost. The couple who got married should exclude betrayal, as this is contrary to the rules and guidelines of true Christians. In case of infidelity, a couple can save their family only if the injured party finds the strength to forgive themselves, and the traitor sincerely repents of his deed.


Watch the video: Woman cheated, humiliated by groom in their own wedding (July 2024).