Love horoscope: what men hate in women


With the help of a love horoscope, you can not only find out which women men prefer, how they fall in love and build a life, but also even what character traits in a woman they do not tolerate the most.


Aries simply can not stand when they begin to control them every step and enter into a tight framework. But because the first thing they hate in women is constant calls, useless chatter and, of course, tight control over all his actions.


Taurus are able to appreciate the female appearance, so they most often hate those who do not know how to care for themselves. They believe that sloppy and groomed women do not pay enough attention to themselves, and therefore there will always be chaos and disorder in the house. And Taurus men will never be with a woman who is completely unable to cook.


Gemini is one of the most talkative and curious zodiac signs. And they will not tolerate next to a woman who not only prefers to be silent, but also does not know how to properly express her own thoughts and maintain a conversation at the right time.


The Cancer man will immediately be rejected by an ill-mannered person with vulgar and lustful eyeliners. Despite the fact that this zodiac sign loves sex, he will not tolerate explicit sexual hints seen with the naked eye in the behavior of his companion.

a lion

Complexity and shyness - these two features are hated by male Lions in women. Moreover, they will not be with a woman if she does not know how or does not like to compliment. Leo, as you know, is simply vital that he was constantly praised even for the most banal little things.


The mess in the house, as well as the reluctance to clean up, cook and create a family nest - all this can easily push away the Virgo man. By the way, they do not like disorder in personal relationships. If a woman tries to turn the life of such a man upside down, she will definitely not be good enough.


Libra man will never be with a weak-willed and weak-willed woman. And not because he violently hates such traits in a woman. The point here is completely different. Libra is not used to taking responsibility on their shoulders; they do not like to answer for themselves, much less for someone. Next to themselves, they want to see the one that, thanks to its strong character, will solve all its problems.


Tears, tantrums, overt jealousy and easy accessibility - if at least one of the listed qualities is inherent in the companion of a Scorpio man, he will never be with her. Scorpios love calm people who can compromise and are not jealous of every occasion.


Sagittarius men, of course, are hard to understand. They do not like the so-called "empty" women, whose knowledge is limited to the primer. But at the same time, they categorically do not tolerate overly educated persons who, in addition to everything else, constantly give instructions and "indulge" with moralizing.


If a Capricorn man suspects that his companion likes to gossip, or if he understands that she can chat without ceasing, he will immediately part with her. Capricorn men simply do not like such women who “poke” their nose everywhere unnecessarily. In addition, their vulgar appearance can also turn them away, because, as we know, this sign is quite conservative in its views.


It would seem that what else a man needs if there is a woman nearby, ready to patronize, protect, delight and care. However, it is the Aquarian men who hate women who are overly caring. In addition, next to them they will not tolerate those who are trying to limit their freedom.


If a woman is “empty” inside, a Pisces man will never be so interested in this special woman, even if she looks like a model from the cover of the most fashion magazine. In a woman who likes such a man, first of all, there should be a highlight and a wide inner world.


Watch the video: Are Aries & Pisces Compatible? Zodiac Love Guide (July 2024).