Lose weight: most calories are burned at this time of day


Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that internal clocks affect metabolism. According to studies, the number of calories burned during rest varies with the time of day. Rest energy consumption was the lowest during the night and about 10% higher after 12 hours. Nutrient intake also varied throughout the day, so people with irregular daily routines run the risk of gaining weight.

How do internal clocks affect calories?

Many people have serious weight problems. Through exercise, diet, and dietary changes, patients often try to reduce obesity. But also the time when food is taken affects weight gain.

Researchers have now discovered that internal clocks play an important role in determining when more calories are burned.

Scientists from Harvard found in their recent studies that the body’s internal clock not only plays an important role in awakening. They also have a big impact on when the most calories are burned. Experts published the results of their research in the English-language journal Modern Biology.

When is the most calories burned?

A study by experts found that internal clocks affect how many calories a person burns. Researchers have found that people burn about 10% more calories at the end of the day and in the early evening compared to the early morning.

Scientists were surprised at the fact that people burned more calories at a certain time of the day than at any other time.

These new findings may help explain why night shift workers are at higher risk for obesity.

The changeable daily routine is usually not consistent with the biorhythms of people who lead a normal lifestyle.

Why is weight gaining?

It is possible that consuming even less energy can make you gain weight. This may explain why people working on night shifts often have weight problems. People usually gain weight when they consume more calories than they can burn, experts add.

To determine the effect of activity, sleep cycle and diet on metabolism, the researchers examined 7 people in a special laboratory. The subjects did not have any temporary information: there were no watches, windows, or telephone contacts with the outside world.

They were given time when they should sleep and get up. Every night, falling asleep was delayed for four hours. Thus, the internal clock could not tune and oscillate at its own pace. This allowed scientists to measure the rate of their metabolism at different biological times of the day.

When is sports recommended?

Physical activity at 17-00 is much more effective than at any other time of the day, if a person lies down at 22-00 and gets up at 6-00. Exercise in the early morning or late evening is not only useless, but sometimes harmful.

Excessive activity in the late evening disrupts the structure of sleep and increases the excitability of the central nervous system. According to studies, the average time to fall asleep significantly increases from 10 minutes to 17.

Recent studies have shown that disturbed sleep patterns, lack of sleep, or a rash of 5 times increase the risk of hypertension. It is also noted that in patients with lack of sleep, the risk of dying from a stroke is 3 times higher. Therefore, playing sports at night is strongly discouraged.

The most favorable time to relax from physical exertion is after 19-00. After 6 pm, it is not recommended to engage in any exercises.

The above values ​​are recommended to be adjusted if the time of falling asleep or rising significantly changed. Adhering to these temporary rules, you can achieve better athletic performance or lose weight.

It is important, however, to understand that physical activity is only part of a weight loss program. It is also recommended to adjust the diet - to reduce carbohydrate intake and increase protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. A nutritionist will help to draw up the right diet and achieve the necessary results.


Watch the video: How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss? (July 2024).