What active ingredients should be looked for in pigmentation creams


To choose the best cream for age spots, first of all, you need to consider the active ingredients in the cream and how they can affect the skin.

Active ingredients that deal with pigmentation effectively include retinol and hydroquinone.

Funds with alpha hydroxy acids, azelaic and kojic acidare also considered effective. Many anti-aging creams contain a combination of active ingredients that can not only increase the effectiveness of the product itself, but also increase the likelihood of skin irritation.
Hydroquinone It is considered the most popular component in anti-pigmentation products. It takes about a month and a half to get the first visible results when using hydroquinone.

The negative effects of using hydroquinone cream include redness and skin irritation.

Retinol - Another common therapeutic component used to treat age spots. Retinol derived from vitamin A has certain anti-aging properties.

Retinol penetrates the skin and enhances collagen production, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and improves skin texture.

Unfortunately, it is known that in the first few weeks of use, it causes dryness and peeling.

Alpha hydroxy acids can be represented by glycolic and lactic acids. They work by exfoliating the skin, reducing the excessive accumulation of melanin, which causes age spots. AHAs also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and acne scars. Like many other ingredients, acids can irritate the skin.

Azelaic acid doctors prescribe rosacea and acne to treat it, but it is also a moderately effective remedy for hyperpigmentation. It is a natural compound found in barley, rye and wheat. Azelaic acid is often combined with glycolic acid to increase the effectiveness of both ingredients.

Kojic acid It also brightens the skin effectively. It is considered a by-product of the rice fermentation process. Like azelaic acid, kojic acid is often combined with other components to increase effectiveness.

The most common formulas combine glycolic and kojic acid with hydroquinone and corticosteroids.

People using koyeva creams may experience contact dermatitis. Symptoms of dermatitis are a red rash that develops at the site of application of the cream, urticaria, itching and blisters.

The listed active ingredients are effective in neutralizing age spots.


Watch the video: Best Ways to Reduce Hyperpigmentation & Dark Spots: Ingredients, Products & Natural Remedies (June 2024).