What is the most common reason to see a doctor on New Year's holidays? What prevention methods will save on New Year's Eve?


Chronic diseases make up the bulk of requests for medical care on New Year's Eve. With age, as you know, the prevalence of chronic diseases increases. ¼ Russians with chronic conditions account for almost 2/3 of the total health expenditures.

Research is mainly focused on a specific group of conditions with high morbidity and mortality. However, which groups of patients most often seek medical care on New Year's Eve?

Reason # 1: skin diseases

The most common reasons for seeking medical care in Russia for the New Year are not chronic conditions.

Skin diseases, osteoarthritis, upper respiratory tract disorders (excluding asthma) and headache are the most common causes.

Almost half of the population of all ages has a diagnosis of "skin diseases" on New Year's Eve.

Skin diseases are usually not the main factors of disability or death, but they can affect the use and cost of medical services. Many types of acne require continued monitoring and therapy.

The main prevention methods are to wash your hands regularly, use gloves when working with surfactants, and avoid injuries.

Reason # 2: injuries and diseases of the joints

Osteoarthritis and joint injuries were also common among the Russian population after New Year's Eve.

In most cases (82%), joint pain is the reason for seeking the help of a doctor.

Modern data show that most often financial resources are needed to diagnose, treat and prevent joint pain.

Pain occurs for several reasons. Careless use of sharp objects or excessive alcohol intoxication are frequent harbingers of injury. Fractures or damage to the joints can cause short-term pain. In order to prevent patients who are unable to control their behavior while intoxicated, it is recommended to abandon alcohol.

Reason # 3: back problems

Back problems is the third most common reason for seeking medical help. Back problems are widespread in Russia.

Scientists noted that patients often seek medical advice because of pain in the spinal column.

Long and unusual physical activity (cooking, "general" cleaning, going to events) can cause back pain.

Patients with degenerative or degenerative diseases of the back need to plan physical activity in advance to avoid problems.

Reason # 4: metabolic disorders

Metabolic disorders are the fourth most common reason for seeking medical advice. Hyperlipidemia contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, and also requires complex treatment.

Excess fatty acids (hyperlipidemia) is primarily due to overeating. On New Year's Eve, people refuse to diet and sometimes take harmful foods.

Eating foods and preventing overeating can help prevent potential consequences.

Patients with a predisposition or existing metabolic diseases need to make a list of products before shopping. A simple strategy will help you avoid overeating and save money.

Reason # 5: respiratory diseases

Upper respiratory tract disease (excluding asthma) is the fifth most popular reason for seeking medical attention among the Russian population. Like “skin problems,” respiratory problems are not considered the leading causes of death. However, they are common and affect all age groups.

Allergic rhinitis accounts for more than half of the diagnoses in this category.

It is estimated that only allergic rhinitis affects up to 40 million Russians.

Symptoms are present for more than 4 months of each year in more than half of patients, but more often appear on holidays.

Rhinitis patients often have multiple concomitant conditions, including eczema, asthma, chronic sinusitis, and nasal polyps.

The reason is contact with allergens (fragrances in the air, for example). To prevent the condition, you need to avoid allergens: aromatic sprays, suppositories or essential oils.

Prevention of chronic diseases will help not only improve healthcare costs, but also the health of patients. Self-medication is strictly not recommended: you must consult a doctor.
